Top Local Places

Matjaževa domačija

Paha 4, Otocec, Slovenia
Travel Service



150 let stara hiša, obnovljena v originalnem stilu z naravnimi materiali, s 100 in več let staro opremo, očara vse, ki cenijo dediščino in se želijo za nekaj časa preseliti v življenje naših prababic in pradedkov. 150 let stara hiša, obnovljena v originalnem stilu z naravnimi materiali (kamen, les, slama), s 100 in več let staro opremo, zidanim štedilnikom in krušno pečjo, savno, etno kletjo, očara vse, ki cenijo dediščino in se želijo za nekaj časa preseliti v življenje naših prababic in pradedkov. Za dobrodošlico vam bomo postregli z hlebcem domačega kruha, s cvičkom in domačo salamo.

Z domačije se razprostira lep pogled na grad Otočec in dolino reke Krke (4 km). Do zdravilišča Šmarješke Toplice je 3 km, do Starega gradu 2 km, do Novega mesta 10 km, do Ljubljane ali Zagreba pa 70 kilometrov. Možnost najema koles in pohodništva po vinski gorici.


Sprejem skupine na 150 let stari domačiji. Povabilo v klet na kozarček cvička, nato pa ogled 20-minutne multimedijske prezentacije v 200 let starem lesenem podu, kjer boste najprej spoznali zgodovino vina in vinske trte, nato pa sestavo cvička in pridelavo cvička od zgodnje pomladi do Martinovega. Nato sledi degustacija sestavin cvička (dolenjsko belo, modra frankinja in žametna črnina) in na koncu cvička ob ajdovem kruhu z orehi in siru. Celoten program prilagodimo skupini in traja od 1 do 2 uri.
Zgodba o cvičku je predstavljena v slovenskem, nemškem, angleškem, italijanskem, flamskem in ruskem jeziku.

Welcome in "Matjaževa domačija", 150 years old country house, which was restored and refurnished with more than 100 years old furniture, original kitchen range and baker's oven and "upgraded" with modern sauna and ethnic cellar. Perfect place for nostalgic memories of grandparents' way of life. Our welcome will include a whole loaf of home made bread, salami sausage and a local wine cviček.

Clear skies afford great views of Otočec castle, Krka river valley , Gorjanci hills and all the way to Zagreb suburbia. We are very close to the thermal resort Šmarješke Toplice (3 km), city Novo mesto is 10 km and Ljubljana are Zagreb are both 70 km away.

You can uncover the beauties of the area by walking through many well signed trails and we're also offering you bicycles for rent.

Story of Cviček
The programme for tourist groups (20-50 pax):

Visitors are welcomed by the whole family, wearing the national dress of Dolenjska, and are served »tarragon potica«. The family introduce themselves and the group is then divided in two: the first half of the group go on a guided tour of the cottage and the rest of the group are invited to the wine cellar for the tasting of »cviček«. Later on, the two groups swap.

In the second part of the tour, the whole group gather on a barn for a 20-minute multivision presentation, »The Cviček Story«. During this seven-act presentation, the visitors get to know the history of vine and wine, the wine patrons, wine containers, the wine-growing regions of Slovenia, the ingredients of cviček and its production from early spring till late autumn. The presentation is followed by the tasting of the ingredients of cviček and the cviček, grown by »Cviček King« (or by one of the Cviček Consortium members), accompagnied by a snack of buckwheat bread with walnuts and home-made cheese. The programme takes for about one and a half hour. Additional snacks are also available.



BLIZU Matjaževa domačija