Interact je mednarodna organizacija, delujoča po vsem svetu, ki povezuje mlade od 12. do 18. leta starosti. Sledimo skupnim rotarijskim idejam in ciljem. Interact is a service club for youth
ages 12-18. Clubs benefit from
sponsorship by individual Rotary
clubs, which provide support
and guidance.
Interact has a membership of over 250,000 youth
in more than 17,000 clubs worldwide. It’s one of
Rotary’s fastest growing programs.
Interact clubs are self-governing and selfsupporting
and can be either school or
community based.
Interact’s name is a combination of the words
international and action. With clubs in over 120
countries and geographical areas, Interact is truly
an international phenomenon.
Interact’s global youth network is dedicated to
community and international service. Every
Interact club project, great or small, has a lasting
impact on society worldwide.
The purpose of Interact is to provide opportunity for young people to work together in a world fellowship dedicated to service
and international understanding.
The goals of Interact are:
1. To recognize and develop constructive leadership and personal integrity.
2. To encourage and practice thoughtfulness of and helpfulness to others.
3. To create an awareness of the importance of home and family.
4. To build respect for the rights of others, based on recognition of the worth of each individual.
5. To emphasize acceptance of individual responsibility as the basis of personal success, community improvement,
and group achievement.
6. To develop life skills including self development, time management, and personal finances.
7. To recognize the dignity and value of all useful occupations as opportunities to serve society.
8. To provide opportunities for gaining increased knowledge and understanding of community, national, and world affairs.
9. To open avenues of personal and group action leading to the advancement of international understanding and goodwill
toward all peoples.
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Današnja predavanja na IAC konferenci
IAC Maribor na poti na konferenco na Bledu.💛
Piškoti in vilinsko dvorišče. Vabljeni!
Vabljeni na vilinsko dvorišče, Interact je mogoče morda spekel piškote, ki jih lahko najdejo najbolj pridni ... =)
Vabljeni na današnji dobrodelni miklavžev koncert - zbrani prispevki bodo namenjeni materinskemu domu Maribor, s katerim IAC Maribor sodeluje že nekaj let. Tam bomo tudi mi. =)
IAC Maribor na dobrodelnem kulinaričnem večeru Rotaract kluba Maribor.
Še več utrinkov z današnjega kulinaričnega ustvarjanja na Rotarijskem piskru.
Rotarijski pisker na katerem je ekipa Interacta skuhala odlično vegansko obaro in mesni golaž! Čestitam!
Interact Slovenia D1912