Camping Loka
Camping Loka is situated in place Ljubno ob Savinji and it is surrounded by Savinja Alps.
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facebook.comFishermen welcome to Upper Savinja Valley to catch some trophies 🐟😉👍
Welcome ✌️ to our beautiful small town Ljubno ob Savinji, were we have a lot of diferent places to stay ovenight or for a longer period - V A C A T I O N ! 😎😁 🏕#camping #glamping #hotel #touristFarm #apartments #hostel... Please share 👍 Vabljeni v majhno vasico z imenom Ljubno ob Savinji, kjer imamo veliko različnih možnosti prebivanja med dopustom 😎 😄 🏕#camping #glamping #hotel #touristFarm #apartments #hostel...
Another hiking day... 😎 at the end some ice cream 🍦 and victory drink 🍸 😉💪
Kamperji, hvala za super večer, ki smo ga včeraj skupaj preživeli ob ognju ob reki Savinji z malo domače slovenske muzike 😎😉🍻 Campers thanks for a great evening, which we have spent yesterday toghether beside of river Savinja, with a little of home slovenian music 😉
Pridružite se nam pri ohladitvi v reki Savinji! 😎 Join us for a refreshment in river Savinja 🏊♀️🏄♂️⛺
A good day 💪 with campers 😎😉 hiking to the hill "Primoz pri Ljubnem".
Today it was again a special “productive” day in Camping Loka 😎 Our young campers from Germany were a part of building a timber raft, the “old-fashioned” way. 💪💪💪 Special thanks to: The project leader, specialist for building timber rafts Mr. Martin Juvan and members of timber rafting group in Ljubno ob Savinji. Everybody welcome to see this “special” wooden raft – 500 Years old tradition of rafting. Ljubno ob Savinji (Slovenia) -> European Timber Rafting City
Join us for a mountain biking at Ljubno ob Savinji, the road takes us from Camping Loka and it goes under beautiful hills Travnik, Komen and Smrekovec. 😎🚵♂️💪👍
Welcome to Camping Loka in Ljubno ob Savinji 😎🏕 mountains, hiking, rafting, swimming, paragliding and plenty more.... See you!
... ☃🎄☃
#camping connecting #people from all over the world. #nature #familytime #funtime #vacation #slovenija #iloveslovenia

Mini #vacation . #camping in camp Loka. #funtime #familytime #nature

Heaven 😍😇
