Camp & open air hostel NaturPlac is special place for your unique hollidays in Slovenian nature. Camp NaturPlac is one of those special places where you will end your activity-packed day by gathering with your family or friends around a fire and build new bonds with other nature lovers. The camp is located near the Alpine river Savinja, not far from the amazing Logar valley. It will delight families with young children, people who love peace and quiet and those who like some adrenalin in their life as well. Great place for your unforgettable adventures in Slovenia!
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facebook.comZadnji dan počitnic je pri koncu, a v NaturPlacu smo za spust v september glasbeno razigrani! // Last day of School Holidays and relaxing music for upocoming September!
Poletne temperature kličejo k razigranosti in aktiven predah v objemu narave. Pohitite z rezervacijami - prihajajoči vikend bo sončen! // Summer temperatures call for playfulness and an active break in the embrace of nature. Hurry up with booking - upcoming weekend will be sunny!
NaturPlac vabi v svojo dobro družbo za prvi maj! Na ta praznični dan nas obišče tudi mojster Filip iz Zmajeve votline (7 BURGER), ki nas bo razvajal z najbolj priljubljenimi hamburgerji Savinjske doline. Ne zamudite tega okusnega dogodka in pohitite z rezervacijami na, da si zagotovite svoje mesto za lasten šotor ali najem kočure. Za vreme bo poskrbljeno! // NaturPlac invites you to celebrate first of may with us. On that day we will also have a special guest, Filip from Zmajeva votlina who makes the most delicious hamburgers in the region! Hurry up with reservations on to get your kočura hut or place for your tent.
Herzlichen Dank, liebe Gäste! TripAdvisor belohnt uns mit das Zertifikat für Exzellenz und mit Gastbewertungen 2016. NaturPlac freut sich schon jetzt auf die neuen Abenteuer ab April 2017!
Za vse ljubitelje narave in planin - čudovita poslanica ob mednarodnem dnevu planincev! // A beautiful message for all the lovers of nature and mountains: Spend your day where your soul is not bored and where your step is your best partner.
Thank you dear guests! TripAdvisor reward us with certificate of excellence and with guest review awards 2016. NaturPlac is already looking forward for the new adventures from april 2017!
Društvo regionalnih turističnih vodnikov Slovenije vabi na jutrišnja brezplačna vodenja v okviru praznovanja Mednarodnega dneva turističnih vodnikov 2017! // 21st February we celebrate International Tourist Guide Day 2017! You can choose between 54 free of charge guided tours in more than 20 Slovenian towns! Welcome!
Ljubno je v zraku! Naj tudi vas doseže veselo razpoloženje in športno navdušenje: FIS Svetovni pokal v smučarskih skokih za ženske - Ljubno FIS Ski Jumping World Cup Ladies! // Ljubno is flying again with high goals! Here is Ljubno FIS Ski Jumping World Cup Ladies. Let the cheerful mood and the slovenian sports enthusiasm into your heart!
NaturPlac se neizmerno veseli in čestita letošnjemu malemu nagrajencu Prešernovega sklada: Boštjanu Gombaču. Srčen glasbeni živahnež, multiinstrumentalist in skladatelj je nastopil namreč tudi na otvoritvi NaturPlac sezone 2014! // NaturPlac congrats to Boštjan Gombač! The great musician and multiinstrumentalist just won The Small Prešeren Award - the highest decoration in the field of artistic and in the past also the scientific creation in Slovenia. Btw. Boštjan is our dearest friend who also performed on NaturPlac season-opening event 2014!
"Le en dotik narave, in ves svet je bolj prijazen." (Shakespeare). Naj vam leto 2017 prinese veliko druženja z vsemogočno naravo in prijaznimi ljudmi! // "One touch of nature, makes the whole world kin."(Shakespeare)... We wish you a lot of friendly gathering with nature in 2017! @naturavantura @naturplac @camping @openairhostel @camp @backpacker @greenvacation
Camp Naturplac
Prvi jesenski dan je prinesel sonce in prekrasen razgled na NaturPlac! // The first day of astronomical autumn has brought sunshine and magnificent view on NaturPlac!
Luksuzne nastanitve v Zgornje Savinjski dolini
NaturPlac vedno v družbi najbolj luksuzne - narave in nekaterih prav tako privlačnih nastanitvenih ponudnikov Zgornje Savinjske doline! // NaturPlac in a great company of some innovative accommodation places from Upper Savinja valley today on slovenian national TV!