Igor Zabel Association is working with Igor Zabel’s - curator and art historian from Slovenia - heritage, supporting art and cultural theory as well as contemporary curatorial practices in the Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe and beyond. Igor Zabel was an internationally renowned Slovenian curator and art historian (1958-2005). The Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory was founded in 2008 by Zabel family members and ERSTE Foundation with the objective to work with Igor Zabel’s heritage, highlight and evaluate the importance and ongoing influence of his work, especially the work he performed in the field of visual arts, as well as to support art and cultural theory and contemporary curatorial practices in the Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe and beyond.
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facebook.comIzšel je zbornik arhitektura ≠ umetnost, ki smo ga izdali v sodelovanju z društvom Praznine. Naročila na: Sodelujoči avtorji: Jane Rendell, Marjetica Potrč, Apolonija Šušteršič, Elke Krasny, Emil Jurcan, Petra Čeferin, Rado Riha, Izidor Barši, Jože Barši, Tomo Stanič, Miloš Kosec, Sonja Leboš, Josef Dabernig, Jasmina Cibic, Mateja Kurir, Nejc Lebar
If you are in Berlin, don't miss MISS READ: Berlin Art Book Festival 2017, and check out our books at the Archive Books stand. FREE ENTRY! 14.–16. 7., Haus der Kulturen der Welt. More on our publications: More on the book festival:
Visiting documenta 14 and discovering the book from IZA Editions by Beti Žerovc: When Attitudes Become the Norm - a historical and critical analysis of the curatorial figure - in the documenta's bookstore. You can buy a book also via:
Tomorrow in Berlin: Extending the Dialogue book presentation with Antonia Majaca, Ekaterina Degot, Christiane Erharter, Chiara Figone, Ursa Jurman! For more about the event and the book click and peek bellow! Contributors to the book: Edit András, Fouad Asfour, Keti Chukhrov, Karel Císař, Ekaterina Degot, Maja Fowkes and Reuben Fowkes, Alenka Gregorič, Daniel Grúň, Sabine Hänsgen, Tímea Junghaus, Klara Kemp-Welch, Miklavž Komelj, Lev Kreft and Aldo Milohnić, Kirill Medvedev, Piotr Piotrowski, Jelena Vesić, Raluca Voinea, WHW
Warmly invited to the Extending the Dialogue book presentation with Ekaterina Degot, Antonia Majaća, Christiane Erharter, and Urška Jurman. Saturday, 24. 6., 7pm, Archive Kabinett, Berlin. You can order a book:
Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory
If in Berlin next week, join us at the Extending the Dialogue book presentation with: Ekaterina Degot, Antonia Majaća, Christiane Erharter, Urška Jurman; Saturday, 24. 6., at the Archive Kabinett.
Timeline Photos
Greetings from the small film crew - that can even fit in a small elevator - working on the Igor Zabel documentary :) (photo by: Vid Zabel)
Lecture When Attitudes Become the NORM by Beti Žerovc
Beti Žerovc is presenting her book from the IZA Editions in Tallinn soon: When Attitudes Become the Norm: The Contemporary Curator and Institutional Art. You can order the book via Archive Books:
Intervju s kiparjem Jožetom Baršijem: Novo branje starih pravil
Intervju z Jožetom Baršijem, tudi o tem, kaj ga je pripeljalo do sedanjega umetniškega raziskovanja in pozornega branja besedil.
Kaja Kraner: Še o vzhodni umetnosti, recenzija Extending the Dialogue, zbornika tekstov prejemnikov in žirantov nagrade Igorja Zabela za kulturo in teorijo.
Kriza likovne kritike?
Sodelovali smo v razgovoru o stanju likovne kritike pri nas.
Slovenian Pavilion -- Igor Zabel -- Critico d'Arte e Curatore
Igor Zabel, curator of the 2005 Slovene Pavilion at the Venice Biennale with the exhibition by Vadim Fishkin, Another Speedy Day