Event planners & designers with a decade of experience in international event planning, we specialise in weddings, celebrations and galas, bringing impeccable service to your doorstep wherever you are. Based in Slovenia and Italy. Available worldwide.
International wedding & event planning service. Wherever in the world you are, we bring the best service and most memorable events to your doorstep.
Whether it is a private or high-profile event, a wedding, a charity gala or a private party, you will always find an impeccable and personalised service of the highest standard.
Contact us for an inquiry. We will make sure that the planning of your event will be a pleasant, stress-free experience and guarantee the best results every time.
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Opening Hours
- ponedeljek
- 09:00 - 18:00
- torek
- 09:00 - 18:00
- sreda
- 09:00 - 18:00
- četrtek
- 09:00 - 18:00
- petek
- 09:00 - 18:00
- sobota
- 09:00 - 13:00
facebook.comTimeline Photos
Enjoy your New Year's Eve dinner and have a Happy 2017! 🍾🍾🍾 #ltevents #eventplanning #tabledecoration #newyear #newyear2017 #eventplanner #events
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Throwback to our #Venetian themed #charitygala 🎭🎭. #nostalgiaveneziana #venice #event #galaevent #ltevents #venetianmask
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Venue goals... Kursaal Merano #venue #goals #chandelier #eventplanner #beautiful #Italy #travellingplanners #weddings #location
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Vabljeni na naš razstavni prostor na Ljubljanskem gradu! #mojaporoka #porocnisejem #weddingfair
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Naše storitve bomo predstavili na POROČNEM SEJMU, ki bo potekal to soboto in nedeljo na Ljubljanskem gradu! Vabljeni!
DIY Winter Wonderland: Table Centerpieces (+ fake snow!) |
Cool ideas for DIY table centrepieces for winter weddings and other events/ Super ideje za namizno dekoracijo na zimski poroki ali drugem dogodku! ;)
Winter Fairytale | LT TREND
WINTER FAIRYTALE✳⛄🎄✳ Snowflakes and log fires, warm smells of gingerbread candles and magical fairy lights, long evenings... Read some ideas for a Winter Wedding ➡ --- VAJINA ZIMSKA PRAVLJICA✳⛄🎄✳ Snežinke, kamin, dišeča sveča z vonjem po ingverjevih piškotih, čarobne božične lučke, dolgi večeri … Predstavljamo nekaj idej za zimsko poroko: ➡
Fall Weddings | LTdance
FALL WEDDINGS 🍁🍂🎃 Be it a magic pumpkin cake, autumn colours on your dress or a general theme of your wedding, Fall is there to inspire you. Here are some ideas for a Fall Wedding: ➡ --- JESENSKE POROKE 🍁🍂🎃 Jesen je odličen čas za navdih za vajin poročni dan: čarobna torta, jesenske barve poročne obleke ali pa rdeča nit poroke. Predstavljamo nekaj idej za jesensko poroko: ➡
Photos from LT EVENTS's post
Čudovit dvorec Zemono sredi Vipavske doline, na gričku med vinogradi, je upravičeno priljubljena točka za poročni obred ...
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Naš kontakt najdete tudi v aktualni številki revije Moja poroka... na voljo za organizacijo porok po vsej Sloveniji in Italiji :)
Photos from LT EVENTS's post
Cake pops and cupcakes: these two cute and popular desserts are a darling addition to every baby shower! We can help you plan your own or a friend's babyshower! ☺
LT EVENTS's cover photo