Potopisni večeri, fotografske razstave, dobra glasba, več kot 20 vrst piva in okusna kava na sončni terasi.
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Opening Hours
- ponedeljek
- 08:00 - 00:00
- torek
- 08:00 - 00:00
- sreda
- 08:00 - 00:00
- četrtek
- 08:00 - 00:00
- petek
- 08:00 - 00:00
- sobota
- 08:00 - 00:00
facebook.comLet's pretend it's weekend already ✌️😜🍺
We are different! We'd love to share our coffee with you 🤗☕☀️
Kaj bi si raje privoščil danes: Aperol Spritz ali Hugo? #summervibes
Yup, pretty busy Tuesday 😎✌️☕
You know the location, but you haven't met our "Havana Club hostess" yet! Come, join us on our summer terrace and get your favourite cocktail. Let's make this summer unforgettable! ;) #bestsummerever - Special discounted prices on selected drinks - Snacks - DJ
... Še prej pa na kavico k nam. Prideš? ☕👏💖 #mmm #coffee
- You know what rimes with Friday? - Gin tonic! 😎✌️🍋🍸
Petek + kava + čokolada na svetovni dan čokolade = popolnost. 😋 Se strinjaš? ✌️ Če te vročina lovi po centru, se oglasi na osvežilno kavico, pripravljeno s spenjenim mlekom in kockami ledu. 😍 ☕
Na naši polici se najde tudi nekaj za ljubitelje in poznavalce dobrih viskijev 👌😋 #činčin
Sobotna izbira: Ghost Ship! ✌️po novem tudi točeno 👌🍺🍻
Where East meets West! Meet your new friends on our summer terrace in the city center. Get your favourite cocktail from the Absolut Vodka crew and enjoy the greatest r'n'b hits! Summer school students only :: We have prepared special prices on selected drinks and some tasty bites for those who will be hungry! Get ready, see you soon!
V senčki, na hladnem ✌️