EEMM Ljubljana, Slovenia
Our main focus is providing
a top-notch quality at development and execution of hostess projects and promotions for our clients You can see us all over Slovenia and also abroad. Our pool of hostesses and hosts is more than 200 people and are managed regionally. We also can provide with individuals who speak Italian, German, English, Croatian and Spanish. Don't hesitate to contact us and we will make sure that your product will be presented professionally.
We love what we do. That’s why we approach each project with great enthusiasm and full dedication.
Our main focus is providing a top-notch quality at development and execution of hostess projects and promotions for our clients. With that in mind we’re always on the lookout
for new inspiring stories, relevant strategies and innovative ways of communication with the consumer.
We position ourselves as a small agency with a big character. We always think big. Always flying the extra mile. With our outstanding experience we can build long term relationships with our clients. Relationships build on trust and success. It’s what makes us really great.
Tell your friends
facebook.comPonosni, da smo ponovno del super projekta. Hvala za zaupanje, Hofer Slovenija :) Še je čas, da se prijavite! #NaturAktiv #zdravzajtrk #dostavimokamorkoli
Danes in vse do sobote na Gospodarskem razstavišču :) #GASTexpo Photo: Matic Kremžar Photography
Mi ze komaj cakamo! :)
še 3x gremo spat :) EEMM presents Erick Morillo
Samo še 250 vstopnic in smo sold out!:)
Prve vstopnice po ceni 20,00€ so razprodane ... žur pa je naslednji teden ... pohitite, da ne ostanete brez svoje karte ;) #JustSaying #EEMM #Cirkus #ErickMorillo
Priporočamo, da čimprej kupite svojo early bird vstopnico, saj jih je le še za malo večjo družbo :) EEMM presents Erick Morillo // Cirkus // 26.1.2018 Eventim: Olaii:
Ogreval bo Angel Anx. Early bird vstopnice, že v prodaji!;) #EEMM #EEMMSlovenia #Cirkus #AngelANX #ErickMorillo #Odštevamo #SamŠe15xGremoSpat Vstopnice: - -
Se vidmo 26.1.2018, v klubu Cirkus;) #EEMM #KlubCirkus #ErickMorillo