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Trata Apartments Kranjska Gora

Na Trati 2, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia


ad Domačija in apartmaji Trata se nahajata na zavidljivi lokaciji v očarljivi alpski vasi Gozd Martuljek  na obrobju Triglavskega narodnega parka (Kranjska Gora 3 km).

S svojim 4000 m2 velikim posestvom vam nudi veliko mero zasebnosti in miru. Pogled skozi okno vam bo vzel sapo - Špik in okoliški vršaci so tako blizu, da imate občutek, da bi se jih lahko kar dotaknili.

Tu boste na svoj račun prišli vsi – tako tisti, ki ste utrujeni in potrebujete le mir, svež gorski zrak, morda sproščujočo masažo in okusno hrano, kot tudi tisti, ki izkoristite vsako minuto za rekreacijo.

Kdor rad poizkusi lokalne specialitete in kvalitetno hrano, vas do odlične gostilne loči le 100 m. Kdor pa si rad pripravi obrok po svojem okusu, ima do najbližje trgovine le 5 minut hoje.

Le nekaj korakov od hiše, so v zimskem času urejene tekaške proge, otroci pa pridejo na svoj račun na bližnjem hribu, ki je idealen za sankanje in učenje smučanja.

In prav tu se priključite eni daljših (preko 200 km) in najlepše urejenih kolesarskih poti pri nas, po kateri se podate okoli Julijskih Alp. Krožna kolesarska potvodi iz Kranjske Gore prek Gozd Martuljka, Bleda, Bohinja, Tolmina, Kobarida, Bovca in Vršiča nazaj v Kranjsko Goro.

Po tej stezi pridete do 3 km oddaljene Kranjske gore v pičlih 10 minutah s kolesom oziroma v pol ure, če greste peš.

The Trata Holiday House & County House are located in an enviable location in the charming alpine village of Gozd Martuljek  on the outskirts of the Triglav National Park ( Kranjska Gora 3 km ).

With its 4000 m2 large, the Trata estate offers privacy and peace . Look out of the window and it will take your breath away - Spik and the surrounding peaks are so close that one feels that one could just touch it.

Here everyone gets something to indulge into – it will suit both those who are tired and only seek peace, fresh mountain air, and maybe a nice relaxing massage accompanied by delicious culinary creations, as well as those who will want an action packed holiday to remember.

For those who want to try the local specialities and gourmet food, a 100m walk will suffice to the next restaurant. However, those who have the need to prepare their own meals, a 5 minute walk will take you to the nearest shop.

In winter, only a few steps from the house are the ross-country trails and the children will be able to suppress their surplus of on the nearby hill, the perfect setting for their sledding and skiing lessons.

And starts the longest (over 200 miles) and one of the most beautiful and tidy bike path in Slovenia, taking you around the Julian Alps. The circular cycling route leads from Kranjska Gora through the Gozd Martuljka , Bled, Bohinj , Tolmin , Kobarid , Bovec and finally onto the pass back to Kranjska Gora.

By following this path for about 3 km you will be directly led to Kranjska Gora in just about 10 minutes, if you opt for the bicycle or a good half an hour if you choose to walk it.


Want to enjoy this beautiful view? @apartmentstrata #kranjskagora #spring #summer #mountains #hiking #apartment #lake #biking

Would you like to experience this amazing view? You are always welcome at @ResortTrata #kranjskagora #mountains #apartment #accommodation #winter
