A community of idea generators, creators and makers: ABC Hub! If you wish to kickstart your business, be surrounded with like-minded individuals and spend time in a beautifully decorated place, this is it! ABC HUB is a temple of creative energy and idea growth. Learn, socialize, and even have fun—suddenly work becomes enjoyable and surprisingly addictive!
A community of idea generators, creators and makers: ABC Hub! If you wish to kickstart your business, be surrounded with like-minded individuals and spend time in a beautifully decorated place, this is it!
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facebook.comSMARTNINJA INFO SREČANJE #8 💻 Na SmartNinja info srečanju lahko dobiš vpogled v to, kaj SmartNinja je, kaj počnejo, kakšne tečaje ponujajo in kaj se na teh tečajih lahko naučiš. 👉Vsak izmed udeležencev bo prejel tudi popust na kateri koli SmartNinja tečaj 💸 Pridruži se jim v torek, 19.9.2017 v prostorih ABC Hub 🐱👤
Teden se je komaj dodobro začel, na koledarju pa imaš že nešteto sestankov 🕒💪 Še dobro da imamo v ABC Hub sejne sobe ter FLEX prostor s kavči, kjer lahko veselo sestankujemo s skodelico najljubše kave iz kuhinje ☕
Team 7 - Rockers at UniCredit Hackathon CEE!
"THE LAZY BEARS" Team 9 at UniCredit Hackathon CEE!
We're reopening the hackathon season with Acceleration Business City and UniCredit Bank soon! ⚡ Two days of hard core coding, business innovating, and general fun await! The best teams will be rewarded with cash prizes from a total prize pool of € 10,000 and a chance to pitch in front of UniCredit CEE Management 🏦 Still waiting? Apply now ⏩
Let your actions speak for you. 🐜
This morning, we're hosting a conference on #blockchain tech! 💡 . . . . . . . #ethereum #bitcoin #tech #technology #conference #meetup #panel #banking #fintech #future #newtech #coworking #innovation #ecosystem #startups #govtech
Pretekli konec tedna je Zavod Ypsilon zaključil s ciklom aktivnosti v okviru te sezone Y.Business izobraževanj! Piko na i je s seminarjem o obvladovanju situacij s tehnikami socialnega aikida 🥋 napravil Gregor Zavrsnik. Oglejte si utrinke z delavnice, se vidimo zopet jeseni! 🍹
You'll have all summer to go to the beach, so why not use this weekend for learning? 🏖️ Boost your coding skills in JUST TWO DAYS at SmartNinja's coding weekend, June 24th and 25th 2017. Apply today and get a 55% discount on the tuition fee! 💸
Začni spoznavati osnove programiranja še pred poletjem! 🌴 Naslednja izvedba tečaja Uvod v SQL in baze podatkov SmartNinja se prične že ta ponedeljek. Mesta so omejena, zato pohiti s prijavo! 🏃💨
Zavod Ypsilon danes vabi na zadnji Success Story v tej sezoni Y.Business - ne zamudite! 👉 Tokratni gost je Michael Goldberg, izkušen vlagatelj in profesor, ki poučuje podjetništvo in finance v zgodnji razvojni stopnji podjetij.