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facebook.comWish you sucessful 2018! Enjoy it every day! Smile! 😉
A bit more education... Se malce znanja na posluh...
Overnight shift in full swing...milling, printing, sintering....
Tudi uradno v klubu... Also officially in the club...
Narava, 31-letna zenska! Nature, 31 year old female!
Ena peka, brez barvanja ter glazure, modificirani aproksimalni kontakti in rocno poliranje! One bake, no shades, no stains, no glaze, just modified contact points and hand polish!
Poskus pecenja z eno peko, fasetirana e.max prevleka! Try of a one bake technique, layered e.max crown!
Želel bi se zahvaliti dr. Kiro Papakoca za izredno organizacijo ter gostoljubje. Odlična atmosfera in ekipa. Prvi Virtual Smile Makeover tečaj v Makedoniji. Kmalu nadaljujemo! :) I want to thank dr. Kiro Papakoca for excellent organisation and hospitality. Perfect atmosphere and team. First Virtual Smile Makeover course in Macedonia! Soon to be continued! :)
Dve leti star primer, slikan takoj po cementiranju. En slep poskus, brez možnosti korekcij. Searching over past photos I came across this one. Case done two years ago, right after cementation. One blind try, no chance of correction.
Nekaj kar lahko ustvari samo narava. Enostavno a kompleksno. Stanje v ustih mlade pacientke! I ran into these damaged beauties. High school female patient. Can't beat nature's simplicomplexity!
DSD in Stip, Macedonia