Kempo Arnis Federation Šmartno/Litija
Kempo Arnis ™ is a concise, highly effective method of self defense that teaches practical application of Ryukyu kempo a
nd Modern arnis, while dispensing
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Kempo Arnis Federation
Kempo Arnis Federation
Kljub prazniku v sredo 8. februarja, treningi v Litiji potekajo normalno! Se vidimo!
Kempo Arnis Federation
Kempo Arnis Federation
Kempo Arnis Federation Litija's cover photo
Kempo Arnis Spring training camp 2017
Komaj čakamo!!!
Timeline Photos
We get it, we sweat in it! Awesome new Kempo Arnis rashguards.
Kempo Arnis Federation
Kempo Arnis Federation
Timeline Photos
Kempo greetings from Litija, getting ready for juniors Kempo Arnis Tournament!!!