Bike Park Kranjska Gora
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"Bike Park Kranjska Gora" official Facebook Page Bike Park Kranjska Gora leži v osrčju Zgornjesavske doline, v objemu prelepe narave in okoliških Julijskih Alp. Gre za prvi in najstarejši slovenski Bike Park, ki že od leta 2004 nudi zabavo kolesarjem vseh vrst. Bike Park je primeren tako za družine in začetnike, kakor tudi za izkušene in profesionalne gorske kolesarje. Štirisedežnica Vitranc 1 vas dvigne za 350 m višinske razlike, od koder se lahko kolesarji spustijo po progah vseh težavnostih stopenj. Proge se med seboj prepletajo in zato ponujajo številne kombinacije linij na različnih vrstah podlage. Naš cilj je: vsakemu gorskemu kolesarju zagotoviti odličen dan na kolesu. Naša ponudba obsega tudi izposojo koles in zaščitne opreme, servis kolesa, vodeno vožnjo po Bike Parku ter vodene izlete in shuttle ture po prelepih okoliških hribih. Z organizacijo tekmovanj, bike kampov in ostalih dogodkov želimo popestriti dogajanje in zagotoviti učenje in zabavo za vse ljubitelje gorskega kolesarstva.
Bike Park Kranjska Gora is situated in the heart of the Upper Sava Valley, embraced by beautiful nature and the surrounding Julian Alps. Bike Park is suitable for families and beginners as well as experienced and professional mountain bike riders. Vitranc 1 chairlift takes you to 350m altitude, from where riders descend on trails of all levels of difficulty. The trails are intertwined and therefore offer many combinations on various types of grounding. Our goal is to ensure a great day on the bike for every mountain bike rider. Our offer also includes bike rentals and protection gear, bike service, guided tours within the Bike Park as well as guided and shuttle tours to beautiful surrounding hills. By organizing competitions, bike camps and other events we would like to spice up the action and provide learning and entertainment for all lovers of mountain biking.
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facebook.comTe zanima delo v Bike Park Kranjska Gora? Zaposlitev nudimo od 25.3. do 6.11.
The bike park is closed (until end of April 2018) but Kranjska Gora is very much alive. Happy holidays and ride on!
Kolesa za sezono 2018 se že sestavljajo. The rental fleet for 2018 is here. Specialized, of course. By Extreme Vital.
Včeraj zadnji dan v sezoni, danes zjutraj sneg. Yesterday last day of the season, today first snow. Good timing.
Ne pozabite!!! Bike park bo do konca sezone spet odprt vsak dan. V terminu 27.10.17 - 05.11.17 delamo od 09:00 do 15:00 ure. Vabljeni v park zadnjič v sezoni 2017. :) Do not forget!!! Bike Park is going to be open every day, between 09:00-15:00, from 27.10.2017-05.11.17. Welcome to ride before the season ends on 5th of November.
Do konca sezone bo park odprt vsak petek, soboto in nedeljo med 9.00 in 16.00 uro. Trenutno ne ponujamo koles za najem ker smo jih razprodali. Until the end of the season the park is open on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays between 09.00-16.00 We do not offer bikes for rent as the 2017 fleet was sold out.
Challenge accepted. :)
Throwback Thursday. #TBT No sheep or rider was hurt during the making of this video.
Stay in the woods guys. :) #ouch
Closed. Again. Rain. :( Tudi danes, žal zaprto. :(
Heavy rain, we're closed today. :( Danes zaprto, dež. :(