Kamnik-Savinja Alps
The mountain chain of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps draws your gaze with its high, 2,000 metre peaks and its lovely green valleys. In the valleys beneath mighty mountain peaks, cheerful and friendly people invite you into
their homes.
Kamnik, a lively medieval town, constantly gazes out upon mountain peaks that are snow- capped even in summer and whose northern slopes feed the River Savinja. Their expansive chain of peaks surrounds the picturesque valleys between Jezersko, Preddvor, Luče and Solčava.
The wealth of unspoilt nature and cultural heritage will draw you to be a guest among the friendly but resolute locals. They honour tradition and are tuning in to nature-friendly development, which preserves the heritage in an effort to raise the quality of life in this wonderful mountain retreat.
>>V dolinah pod mogočnimi vrhovi gora vas v svoje domove vabijo vedri in prijazni ljudje.
Kamnik, živahno srednjeveško mestece se ves čas spogleduje s tudi poleti zasneženimi gorskimi vrhovi, ki na drugi strani z vodami napajajo reko Savinjo. V razvejani verigi objemajo slikovite doline med Jezerskim, Preddvorom, Lučami in Solčavo.
Bogastvo ohranjene naravne in kulturne dediščine vas vabi v goste k prijaznim, a odločnim domačinom. Ti spoštujejo tradicijo in se spogledujejo sonaravnim razvojem, ki ohranja dediščino v prizadevanju za kakovost življenja v tem čudovitem gorskem vrtičku.<<