This campsite is located in the tourist resort of Belvedere. Most of the camping area is in the shade of pine trees and the rest is on olive tree terraces. Located in the Natural Reserve of Strunjan, this two-star campsite has the surface of 2.5ha and the capacity of 500 guests.
Bathing is possible in the hotel swimming pool or in the sea. There is a natural sea beach (800m) which is linked to the camp site by a picturesque walking path. For the camping guests a shuttle bus service is organised free of charge.
Besides the sports facilities offering various possibilities of recreation and fun, there are also a small shop, souvenir and tobacco shop and the hotel restaurant. There is a possibility of hiking and organised coach and boat excursions.
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facebook.comJesen, najlepši čas....tudi za kampirat! Na Belvederju v kampu z najlepšim razgledom! Odprti bomo vse do 3.1.2018! Autumn, the most beautiful time.....also for camping! On Camping Belvedere with the most stunning view! We will be open till 3.1.2018! Autunno la stagione piu' bella.....anche per il campeggio! Al Belvedere con la vista meravigliosa! Saremmo aperti fino al 3.1.2018!
Igra mini golfa danes? Zakaj pa ne? :) ***************** Mini golf today? Why not? :)
To soboto vabljeni v našo restavracijo Kamin - vaše brbončice bodo uživale v posebnem kulinaričnem večeru z violinistko Mašo Golob ... SOBOTA, 26. AVGUST OB 20. URI ********************************************** This Saturday we invite you to our restaurant Kamin - your taste buds will enjoy in a special culinary evening with the violinist Maša Golob ... SATURDAY, 26th AUGUST AT 20:00
Oblike, ki jih ustvarja narava ... čudovite pečine, ki nam vsakodnevno podarijo najlepši razgled ****************** Forms created by nature ... beautiful cliffs that give us the most beautiful view every day
Ta teden je naš MINI CLUB uro kasneje ....Otroci, dobrodošli! ********************************** This week, our MINI CLUB is 1 hour later ... Children, welcome!
Naslednji mini bus za hotelske goste je ob 16ih .... ******** Next drive with mini bus for hotels guests is at 16 o’clock :)
Naš Wellness & Spa Belvedere je odprl svoja vrata - vabljeni k nam, da vas pocrkljamo! :) ********************************************************* Our Wellness & Spa Belvedere is now open - come and be pampered by our team!
Težka odločitev danes ... bazen ali plaža? Oh, te sladke skrbi v Camping Belvedere:) Hard decision today ... pool or the beach? Oh, sweet worries at Camping Belvedere:)
Poletje je tu ... in nove dogodivščine! Summer is here ... and so are new adventures!