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ITF Enhancing Human Security

Zabrv 12, Ig, Slovenia
Nonprofit Organization



A humanitarian, non-profit organisation devoted to enhancing human security and eliminating the threat from landmines/ERW. ITF Enhancing Human Security (ITF) is a humanitarian, non-profit organization established by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in March 1998. Formerly known as the International Trust Fund for Demining and Mine Victims Assistance, ITF’s initial purpose was to assist Bosnia and Herzegovina in the implementation of its peace agreement and to provide assistance and support in the country’s post-conflict reconstruction. Since its inception, ITF has made significant contributions in bringing about regional stability, post-conflict reconstruction and development of the war-torn Southeast Europe. On the basis of this success and the need of conflict affected communities, ITF has expanded its operations to a number of developing countries in the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa, South Caucasus, and Latin America.

Hand in hand with an expanding geographical presence, ITF has also recognised the need to address a broader array of challenges that put at risk post-conflict societies affected by landmines/explosive remnants of war and other impacts of armed violence. ITF’s programmes cover the entire spectrum of humanitarian mine action: landmine/explosive remnants of war (ERW) clearance including cluster munitions, mine risk education, victim assistance, physical security and stockpile management, weapons, ammunition surplus destruction and beyond.



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It is never boring at ITF Headquarters. Today, we had a fierce brainstorming session on the development of one of our future projects.

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MUNSC Salient - Youth Conference on Global Matters

We are very proud to support younger generations. We believe in the importance of youth engagement and the impact of young professionals. Thus, we are very happy to partner up with MUNSC Salient - Youth Conference on Global Matters, and give them a hand in preparing one of the workshops at the event, on the topic of 'Hidden Faces of War'. We can't wait!

MUNSC Salient - Youth Conference on Global Matters

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Munitions have a variety of effects, including environmental impact. To better understand them and to be able to reduce the risks when managing munition disposal, we are at the “Environmental Aspects of Munitions and Greener Approaches to Design” lectures in Bucharest, Romania, organised by NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO).

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Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention

Algeria formally declares that it is clear of all mine fields! Congratulations Algeria!

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ITF is advancing with its activities in Colombia! As one of the most ERW contaminated countries, it is of outmost importance to strengthen local demining capacities and strengthen the presence of DAICMA (No Más Minas Antipersonal) in the territories that have the highest degree of mine contamination. ITF, supported by the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining - GICHD, is now starting a project to help DAICMA establish a team of Quality Managers responsible for monitoring the quality management processes of Mine Action activities. Read more:

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We are expanding our activities in Albania! ITF is constantly trying to find new ways to help wherever we can. We are very happy that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) of the Republic of Albania entrusted us with a new task of stockpile destruction. Mr Igli Hasani, General Director at the Albanian MoD, and Ambassador Damjan Bergant, ITF Director, signed a memorandum of understanding on conventional weapons destruction.

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Any guesses what we are up to this time? First glimpse coming in a week or two.

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Today we had the pleasure of hosting H. E. Ambassador Ms Esen Altuğ, Turkish Embassy in Ljubljana. We used this opportunity to present the report on the implementation of landmine/UXO survivors scholarships in Bosnia and Herzegovina that was supported by the Republic of Turkey. The project enabled scholarships for 23 landmine/UXO victims in the academic year 2015/16 and thus contributed towards their path of reintegration into society.

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Photos from ITF Enhancing Human Security's post

ITF's Cluster Munitions Clearance Project in Sjenica, Serbia, is officially closed and the area is being returned to the local community! The project, which was funded by the U.S. Department of State, first and foremost contributes towards enhanced safety of the civilian population, but also enables cattle grazing and the agricultural development of the area. It cleared 177,120 square meters of land and found and destroyed 77 pieces of BLU97A/B and UXO. In 2016, approximately 3 million square meters of land were still estimated to be contaminated with cluster munitions remnants in Serbia. There is still a long way to go, but every square meter counts and this is proof that we can all make a difference. **** Projekt ITF čiščenja območij v Sjenici (Srbija), onesnaženih s kasetnim strelivom, je uradno zaključen. Projekt, ki so ga financirale Združene države Amerike, je pripomogel h krepitvi varnosti civilnega prebivalstva ter omogočil gojenje živine in razvoj kmetijstva v okolici.

Photos from ITF Enhancing Human Security's post

Photos from ITF Enhancing Human Security's post

Unexploded ordnance and explosive remnants of war have severe and long-term consequnces affecting the local population. In order to address these effects, ITF activities in Albania include the socio-economic reintegration for UXO/ERW victims through vocational training. The project, which is being implemented by Alb-Aid and funded by U.S. Department of State, enables survivors and their family members to attend numerous different courses in order to increase their employment and business opportunities. Seven students already completed the course, acquired professional skills and entered the job market, with ten currently enrolled in classes, and another eight beginning in June.

Photos from ITF Enhancing Human Security's post

Photos from ITF Enhancing Human Security's post

Despite successfully achieving a mine-free status in 2009, Albania continues to be faced with areas contaminated with unexploded ordnance and explosive remnants of war, the so-called hotspots. With the support of the U.S. Department of State and in cooperation with Norwegian People's Aid Albania - Humanitarian Disarmament Programme, we are successfully continuing with the final phase of hotspots clearance, which will enable survey, clearance and release of the remaining two hotspots. ITF representatives visited Jube Sukth NPA project site and also met with the representatives of Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Albania in Tirana to discuss future cooperation in the field of ammunition stockpile reduction.

Photos from ITF Enhancing Human Security's post

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ITF was active in Montenegro in the period of 2002 – 2012, supporting its Mine Action and Conventional Weapons Destruction program. Since 2016, ITF and Montenegro Mine Action Centre (MMAC) have carried out a number of meetings and field visits through which it was determined that Montenegro is still struggling with various mine/cluster/UXO challenges both on land and under water. For that purpose, Ambassador Damjan Bergant, ITF Director, met Mr Mirsad Mulić, Director General of Directorate for Emergency Management, Mr Milovan Joksimović, Head of UXO Section and MMAC, and Ms Danica Lašič, First Counsellor, Embassy of Republic of Slovenia in Podgorica, to discuss the current challenges, future cooperation and possible ITF support activities in Montenegro.

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