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- 06:00 - 23:00
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- 06:00 - 23:00
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- 06:00 - 23:00
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- 06:00 - 23:00
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- 06:00 - 23:00
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- 10:00 - 23:00
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- 10:00 - 23:00
facebook.comBootcamp zapolnjen do zadnjega mesta! 💪💪
Kaj pa ste vi danes naredili za svojo telesno kondicijo? :)
NAŠ DIREKTOR ŠPORTA NA MALO DRUGAČEN NAČIN:) Nagradno vprašanje: Kako se imenuje naša ribiška trgovina v Domžalah in katera riba je na sliki?:) Med vsemi ki bodo pravilno odgovorili bomo izžrebali srečneža in mu podarili mesečno karto za fitnes&skupinske vadbe:)
Da ne pozabimo na predstavitveni video našega fitnes centra ;)
Spoštovani, Malo več kot mesec dni nas loči do novoletnih praznikov in pred tem boste tudi v vašem podjetju ali družini morda organizirali prednovoletno zabavo. V Športnem centru FIT FIT Domžale, vam ponujamo različne možnosti, od bowlinga, biljarda, dvorane s plesiščem, dj-a, karaok, cateringa… Naše vodilo je, da vam za zelo ugodno ceno ponudimo zabavo na visokem nivoju. Naenkrat lahko gostimo do 60 gostov. Za boljšo predstavo vas vabimo na ogled in vam z veseljem razkažemo prostore ter ponudimo več informacij. Lahko pokličete na telefon 031-830-012 – Tjaša ali pošljete povpraševanje na email: Skupaj lahko poiščemo optimalne rešitve, primerne za različne proračune. Zagotavljamo vam odlično zabavo!
Prav tako ne pozabimo na danasnji jumping...ob 18:30h..... priprave na smucanje so v polnem teku 💪❄🎿🏂
Prilagamo sliko torkovega fit bootcampa, da se ga slucajno kdo danes ne pozabi udeleziti 😅😅😅💪💪😎
Danes nadaljujemo z vadbami in treningi s polno paro!! PILATES,STEP,BODY PUMP IN CROSS TRAINING, imaš na voljo ;) Izberi svojo najljubšo vadbo in pridi migat! Se vidimo, dobro vzdušje na vadbi je zagotovljeno!
Ne pozabi danes popoldne na svojo dnevno rutinsko opravilo in sicer: 18.30- jumping 19.30- bootcamp 20.30- zumba Se vidimo NORO bo ;)
Nasa nova pridobitev v cross gym dvorani! To so odlicne olimpijske palice za farm walks. Olimpijske palice Farmer Handles povečujejo vzdržljivost, moč prijema, prav tako so odlično orodje za razvoj moči in kondicije. Preizkusi tudi ti :) Pa lep ponedeljek vsem :)
Danes je na urniku tudi energicni jumping... se vidimo ob 18:30h 💪💪💪🔝
Lepe in aktivne praznike, želimo vsem! :) Preživite jih v družbi svojih najdražjih! <3 Jutri pa že s polno paro nadaljujemo dalje z vadbami in treningi :) Se vidimo, lp fit fit team :)
FIGHT for what you think is best for you.💪 Resist the urge, to be the same as they are. 👊 Because you are PREFECT as you are 💗 💪 👊 💗 💪 #fitness #gym #motivation #workout #fit #fitspo #fitfam #training #healthy #lifestyle #fitnessmodel #bodybuilding #fitnessaddict #diet #strong #eatclean #muscle #cardio #instagood #getfit #exercise #train #determination #photooftheday #gymlife #cleaneating #abs #shredded #instahealth #ajdasagmeister
![FIGHT for what you think is best for you.💪
Resist the urge, to be the same as they are.
Because you are PREFECT as you are 💗
#fitness #gym #motivation #workout #fit #fitspo #fitfam #training #healthy #lifestyle #fitnessmodel #bodybuilding #fitnessaddict #diet #strong #eatclean #muscle #cardio #instagood #getfit #exercise #train #determination #photooftheday #gymlife #cleaneating #abs #shredded #instahealth #ajdasagmeister](
Dream big•Sparkle more•Shine bright 😊✨🌟💫 #sparkle #uggboots #twins👯 #lovehersomuch @lauratonig 💕😘
![Dream big•Sparkle more•Shine bright 😊✨🌟💫 #sparkle #uggboots #twins👯 #lovehersomuch @lauratonig 💕😘](
5 weeks and 3 days since coming back to the gym. Simply updating to keep myself hungry... Rising.. slowly but surely. First 4 weeks were carb cycling going from 50-100-150 up to 200-300-400 the last week. Now switched to ketogenic diet since the start of week 5. #lifting #gym #lifestyle #transformation #transformationtuesday #notreally #veins #abs #vascularity #strength #muscle #fat #ketogenic #keto #ketogenicdiet #carbcycling #hungry #vision #motivation #gymrat #fitness #instafit #fitfam #chickenlegs
![5 weeks and 3 days since coming back to the gym. Simply updating to keep myself hungry... Rising.. slowly but surely. First 4 weeks were carb cycling going from 50-100-150 up to 200-300-400 the last week. Now switched to ketogenic diet since the start of week 5.
#lifting #gym #lifestyle #transformation #transformationtuesday #notreally #veins #abs #vascularity #strength #muscle #fat #ketogenic #keto #ketogenicdiet #carbcycling #hungry #vision #motivation #gymrat #fitness #instafit #fitfam #chickenlegs](
#deadlift #gym #fitness
![#deadlift #gym #fitness](
116kg deadlift #powerlifting #gym #streetworkout #fitness #deadlift
![116kg deadlift
#powerlifting #gym #streetworkout #fitness #deadlift](
This was my last session a week ago, felt decent strong and I had no clue I'll get soo ill in the next few hours. I've been off the gym for a week now and I still won't be able to train few days, this is far longest rest period since I train and I miss gym so f bad, but I'll come back better than ever💪🏼💥💥💥 - @activlab_official #activlab #biceps #bodybuilding #shredded #grind #mensphysique #physique #muscle #flex #healthy #fit #abs #strong #lifestyle #ironaddict #gym #eatclean #motivation #picoftheday #aesthetics #fitnessmodel #selfie #activlabteam #trainhard #justdoit #getfit #gymlife #beastmode #fitfam
![This was my last session a week ago, felt decent strong and I had no clue I'll get soo ill in the next few hours. I've been off the gym for a week now and I still won't be able to train few days, this is far longest rest period since I train and I miss gym so f bad, but I'll come back better than ever💪🏼💥💥💥
@activlab_official #activlab #biceps #bodybuilding #shredded #grind #mensphysique #physique #muscle #flex #healthy #fit #abs #strong #lifestyle #ironaddict #gym #eatclean #motivation #picoftheday #aesthetics #fitnessmodel #selfie #activlabteam #trainhard #justdoit #getfit #gymlife #beastmode #fitfam](
One of the best gyms I've ever trained in💪#fitfit 🔥💥 #workoutmotivation#gym#fitness#guns#supplements#grinding#faceyourself#fitnessfreak#fitlife#fitlifestyle#dieting#instafitness#iphoto#gymrat#gymaddict#mylife#igfitness#neversatisfied#swolenation#workout#everyday#determination#eatclean#backattack
![One of the best gyms I've ever trained in💪#fitfit 🔥💥