Top Local Places

Kavarna Florjan

Kolodvorska 3, Domzale, Slovenia



Kavarna, kjer Vam nudimo kave, ostale pijače, tortice, sladolede in sendviče ter toaste.  V Kavarni Florjan v Domžalah Vas ob vročih dnevih posrežemo z ledeno mrzlo pijačo, ob mrzlih dnevih pa Vas razvajamo z mnogimi okusi vroče čokolade in kuhanim vinom. Nudimo Vam sladolede in tortice mnogih okusov ter sendviče in domače toaste. Ob jutranjih urah si lahko privoščite najboljšo kavico in rogljiček, zvečer pa povabite prijatelje na kaj bolj močnega.

Opening Hours

06:00 - 23:00
06:00 - 23:00
06:00 - 23:00
06:00 - 23:00
06:00 - 23:00
07:00 - 23:00


15.8. imamo odprto od 7 do 23 ure. Vabljeni☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️pričakali Vas bodo sveži rogljički in dišeča, najboljša kava.

15.8. imamo odprto od 7 do 23 ure. Vabljeni☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️pričakali Vas bodo sveži rogljički in dišeča, najboljša kava.

V torek, 25.6. je Kavarna Florjan odprta od 7-23 ure. Veselimo se vašega obiska.

V torek, 25.6. je Kavarna Florjan odprta od 7-23 ure. 
Veselimo se vašega obiska.

Photos from Kavarna Florjan's post


Photos from Kavarna Florjan's post

Photos from Kavarna Florjan's post

Vroče je, zato mora biti tudi ponudba temu primerna.... Hladne, osvežilne in zdrave pijače. Pri nas se lahko poleg ostale ponudbe osvežite z *FLORJANOVIM LEDENIM INGVERJEVIM ČAJEM *MELISINO LIMONADO *BEZGOVO LIMONADO *ROŽMARINOVO LIMONADO Lepo vabljeni🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍈🍈🍈🍈🍈

Photos from Kavarna Florjan's post

27.4. v soboto imamo odprto po običajnem delovnem času. Lepo vabljeni na kavico☕️tortico🍰rogljiček🥐naše domače sendviče🥙pivo🍺ali vino🍷.

27.4. v soboto imamo odprto po običajnem delovnem času. Lepo vabljeni na kavico☕️tortico🍰rogljiček🥐naše domače sendviče🥙pivo🍺ali vino🍷.

Na Velikonočni ponedeljek bomo imeli odprto od 7-23 ure. Vsi lepo vabljeni🐥

Na Velikonočni ponedeljek bomo imeli odprto od 7-23 ure. Vsi lepo vabljeni🐥

Kot vsako leto, Vas bodo tudi letos v Kavarni Florjan pričakala Velikonočna jajčka. Kolektiv Kavarne Florjan Vam želi vesele Velikonočne praznike, veliko dobre potičke in pirhov.

Kot vsako leto, Vas bodo tudi letos v Kavarni Florjan pričakala Velikonočna jajčka. 
Kolektiv Kavarne Florjan Vam želi vesele Velikonočne praznike, veliko dobre potičke in pirhov.

Srčki, srčki, srčki❤️❤️❤️ skutine in čokoladne tortice so pripravljene za Vas❤️❤️❤️

Srčki, srčki, srčki❤️❤️❤️ skutine in čokoladne tortice so pripravljene za Vas❤️❤️❤️

Photos from Kavarna Florjan's post

Valentin je v Kavarno Florjan prinesel nekaj čisto novega, toplega in sladkega. Predstavljamo Vam Valentinino vročo čokolado - odlična kokosova vroča čokolada s smetano in jagodno sladkorno peno, za zraven pa še topel jagodni preliv. Ker pa Valentina ne mara biti sama, ima tudi svojega spremljevalca Valentina - kokosova vroča čokolada z malibujem in sladkorno peno.

Photos from Kavarna Florjan's post

Tudi 8.2. imamo odprto za Vas. Sveže pečeni rogljički in vonj po res odlični kavi, Vas bodo že ob 6-ih zjutraj vabili v Kavarno Florjan. Lepo vabljeni.

Tudi  8.2. imamo odprto za Vas. Sveže pečeni rogljički in vonj po res odlični kavi, Vas bodo že ob 6-ih zjutraj vabili v Kavarno Florjan. Lepo vabljeni.

Čas je za vitaminčke🙂, v Kavarni Florjan vam postrežemo z vitaminsko zdravo toplo pijačo- Domač Florjanov ingverjev čaj. Postrežemo ga lahko tudi hladnega. Vabljeni🍋🍊🍋🍊

Čas je za vitaminčke🙂, v Kavarni Florjan vam postrežemo z vitaminsko zdravo toplo pijačo-  
Domač Florjanov ingverjev čaj.
Postrežemo ga lahko tudi hladnega. Vabljeni🍋🍊🍋🍊

Orly kava- čudoviti okus pomarančnega likerja, zlit z opojno kavo in pika na i- stepena smetana. Za spremembo si privoščite nekaj drugačnega.

Orly kava- čudoviti okus pomarančnega likerja, zlit z opojno kavo in pika na i- stepena smetana. 
Za spremembo si privoščite nekaj drugačnega.


It’s coffee o’clock ☕️ with @petrahbunnie #timeforcoffee #coffee #coffeeoclock #ineedmycoffee #instagramiesslovenia #drinkingcoffee #cantlivewithoutcoffee #greatcompany #friends #friendsandcoffee #happy #sunnyday

It’s coffee o’clock ☕️ with @petrahbunnie 
#timeforcoffee #coffee #coffeeoclock #ineedmycoffee #instagramiesslovenia #drinkingcoffee #cantlivewithoutcoffee #greatcompany #friends #friendsandcoffee #happy #sunnyday

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Saturday evening, and I'm in evening coffee, and I'm happy, and then I go to sleep, so I will relaxed my 'old' mind's, hi, hi, tomorrow will be another weekend day, Sunday, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat  malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Saturday evening, and I'm in evening coffee, and I'm happy, and then I go to sleep, so I will relaxed my 'old' mind's, hi, hi, tomorrow will be another weekend day, Sunday, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Monday evening, tomorrow will be another weeks day, Tuesday, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat  malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Monday evening, tomorrow will be another weeks day, Tuesday, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Lahko noč, Good night, Ngủ ngon, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさい, Selamat malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, I'm on in my coffee evening, with my so beautiful, so lovely friend Arijana, in her so sweet doggie Eros, bi, hi, thats a really beautiful, amaizing Friday evenings, hi, hi, so very great and happy, and I wish you a pleasant night, lots satisfaction, and full of love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams, have a nice night ;-) *_- ☺ 😊 😄 ❤ 👍👌👏

Lahko noč, Good night, Ngủ ngon, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさい, Selamat malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, I'm on in my coffee evening, with my so beautiful, so lovely friend Arijana, in her so sweet doggie Eros, bi, hi, thats a really beautiful, amaizing Friday evenings, hi, hi, so very great and happy, and I wish you a pleasant night, lots satisfaction, and full of love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams, have a nice night ;-) *_- ☺ 😊 😄 ❤ 👍👌👏

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Wednesday evening, and now, I'm in a cup of evening coffee, for relaxed my mind's, hi, hi, tomorrow will be another day, Thursday, and good night to you, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat  malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Wednesday  evening, and now, I'm in a cup of evening coffee,  for relaxed my mind's, hi, hi, tomorrow will be another day, Thursday, and good night to you, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Tuesday night, I'm in cup of evening coffee, and then I go to sleep, so I will relaxed my mind's, hi, hi, tomorrow will be Wednesday, nights my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat  malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Tuesday night,  I'm in cup of evening coffee, and then I go to sleep, so I will relaxed my mind's, hi, hi, tomorrow will be Wednesday, nights my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Wednesday evening, I am on my daily evening coffee, hi, hi, really beautifuI day, and then I go to sleep, so I will relaxed my mind's, hi, hi, tomorrow will be Thursday, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat  malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Wednesday evening, I am on my daily evening coffee, hi, hi, really beautifuI day, and then I go to sleep, so I will relaxed my mind's, hi, hi, tomorrow will be Thursday, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Tuesday night, I'm in cup of evening coffee, and then I go to sleep, so I will relaxed my mind's, hi, hi, tomorrow will be Wednesday, nights my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat  malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Tuesday night,  I'm in cup of evening coffee, and then I go to sleep, so I will relaxed my mind's, hi, hi, tomorrow will be Wednesday, nights my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Saturday evening, tomorrow will be another weekend and festive day, Sunday, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat  malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Saturday evening,  tomorrow will be another weekend and festive day, Sunday, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Happy today's birthday to you, my so beautiful, so positive, so sweet friend, Arijana, we had wonderful yesterday evening and celebration, with you and some your family members, really amazing evening, and I'm really proud to be a friend with you, and I'm happy for this, and I want three for a happy present day celebrations to you and I wish you a lot of happiness in life, health, success, happiness in love, understanding and positive energy in life, and be happy my so wonderful, so sweet, so lovely friend, take care, and be really happy, 😉😄😃❤☺ 😊❤👍👌👏

Happy today's birthday to you, my so beautiful, so positive, so sweet friend, Arijana, we had wonderful yesterday evening and celebration, with you and some your family members, really amazing evening, and I'm really proud to be a friend with you, and I'm happy for this, and I want three for a happy present day celebrations to you and I wish you a lot of happiness in life, health, success, happiness in love, understanding and positive energy in life, and be happy my so wonderful, so sweet, so lovely friend, take care, and be really happy, 😉😄😃❤☺ 😊❤👍👌👏

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Friday evening so pleased weekend, I was in evening coffee, and then I go to sleep, so I relaxed my mind's, hi, hi, tomorrow will be another day and weekend, Saturday's, good night, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat  malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Friday evening so pleased weekend, I was in evening coffee, and then I go to sleep, so I relaxed my mind's, hi, hi, tomorrow will be another day and weekend, Saturday's, good night, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Friday evening so pleased weekend, I was in evening coffee, and then I go to sleep, so I relaxed my mind's, hi, hi, tomorrow will be another day and weekend, Saturday's, good night, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat  malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Friday evening so pleased weekend, I was in evening coffee, and then I go to sleep, so I relaxed my mind's, hi, hi, tomorrow will be another day and weekend, Saturday's, good night, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Lahko noč, Good night, Ngủ ngon, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさい, Selamat malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, my afternoon walk, really beautiful Thursday, refreshed, beautiful evening, I was in my evening coffee, and I wish you my lovely friends a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams ☺😊😄❤👍👌👏

Lahko noč, Good night, Ngủ ngon, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさい, Selamat malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, my afternoon walk, really beautiful Thursday, refreshed, beautiful evening, I was in my evening coffee, and I wish you my lovely friends a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams ☺😊😄❤👍👌👏

A mi daš piškotka?

A mi daš piškotka?

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Wednesday evening, and I'm in a cup of evening coffee, and I'm so tired, so I go to sleep, so I relaxed my mind's, hi, hi, tomorrow will be another day, Thursday, good night, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏

Good night, Ngủ ngon, Lahko noč, ราตรีสวัสดิ์, 晚安, शुभरात्रि, おやすみなさ, Selamat  malam, Good wengi, Buenas noches, Magandang gabi, I hope you had a very pleasant Wednesday evening, and I'm in a cup of evening coffee, and I'm so tired, so I go to sleep, so I relaxed my mind's, hi, hi, tomorrow will be another day, Thursday, good night, my so beautiful, so lovely, so sweet friends, and I wish you a pleasant evening, lots satisfaction, and love, and the beautiful, sweet dreams to you ☺😊❤👍👌👏


BLIZU Kavarna Florjan