EMO FRITE is a medium sized private owned company. We are producer of frits, enamels, glazes and bonds for grinding wheels. EMO FRITE is a medium sized private owned company. We are producer of frits, enamels, glazes and bonds for grinding wheels. The company is known for its product quality and business reliability. The structure of employees is based on a high level of qualified technological personnel. Since 1996 we operate in accordance with ISO 9001, which is confirmed by a certificate issued by an international institution BV in London.
Our advantages are: providing constant quality, fast response, short delivery times, a wide selection of products and ensuring of comprehensive after-sales activities.
Main activities of the company are:
- development of new products and adapting existing products for new customers,
- production and marketing of:
· frits and enamels for enamel industry,
· frits and glazes for ceramic industry,
· frits for grinding wheels,
· special frits and glasses and
- after-sales activities (support at start-up, consulting, service...).
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Opening Hours
- ponedeljek
- 07:00 - 15:00
- torek
- 07:00 - 15:00
- sreda
- 07:00 - 15:00
- četrtek
- 07:00 - 15:00
- petek
- 07:00 - 15:00
facebook.comWe kindly invite you to come and visit us at Ceramitec 2018! Our stand is in the HALL A6 - STAND 108! Please order your free voucher at #ceramitec2018 #frits #glazes #ceramicbonds #enamels #specialfrits #welcome #emofrite
Še iščemo.... Osebo, ki je komunikativna, prodorna in pripravljena na nove izzive za prosto delovno mesto komercialista! Prijave s CV pričakujemo do 16. februarja 2018 na mail Več si preberi na naši spletni strani:… #emofrite #zaposlitev #prostodelovnomesto #komercialist #mednarodnookolje #celje
Dragi poslovni partnerji, vljudno ste vabljeni, da nas obiščete na mednarodnem sejmu Ceramitec 2018 v Münchnu, Nemčija, ki bo od 10. do 13. aprila 2018! Več o sejmu si lahko preberete na: Dear Business partners, you are kindly invited to visit us at internacional fair Ceramitec 2018, which will take place in Munich, Germany, from 10th to 13th April 2018 Read more about the fair at: #ceramitec2018 #frits #enamel #emofrite #visitus
Si komunikativen, prodoren in pripravljen na nove izzive? Prijavi se na prosto delovno mesto komercialista! Prijave s CV pričakujemo do 16. februarja 2018 na mail Več si preberi na naši spletni strani: #emofrite #zaposlitev #prostodelovnomesto #komercialist #mednarodnookolje #celje
Wishing you and your family a joyful holiday season and a healthy, happy and successful New Year 2018! Vam in vašim najbližjim želimo vesele praznike in zdravo, srečno ter uspešno novo leto 2018! #newyear #christmas #emofrite #bestwishes
It is our pleasure to announce, that in our company EMO FRITE d.o.o., we have renewed and recieved the new standard of quality ISO 9001:2015, which was released by international institution Bureau Veritas Certification. With this standard we prove, that we are a successful company. We prove, that our work is based on successful procedure management and we prove that our processes are of high quality. To read mthe ore about other certificates that we have already acquired please visit our webpage: #emofrite #enamelproduction #quality #certificateofquality #ISO9001:2015 Z veseljem sporočamo, da smo v našem podjetju EMO FRITE d.o.o. obnovili in pridobili nov standard kakovosti ISO 9001:2015, ki ga je izdala mednarodna ustanova Bureau Veritas Certification. S standardom dokazujemo, da smo uspešno podjetje, katero delovanje temelji na uspešnem vodenju postopkov in procesov kakovosti. Več o naših pridobljenih certifikatih si lahko preberete tudi na naši spletni strani: #emofrite #proizvodnjaemajla #kakovost #certifikatkakovosti #ISO9001:2015
Keramične frite in glazure tvorijo stekleno zaščitno oblogo na površini črepinje. Služijo kot zaščita izdelka in mu dajejo lep videz. Naše izdelke lahko najdete najdete na različni uporabni in okrasni keramiki (skodelice, vaze, ploščice, krožniki itd.) #keramika #glazure #frite #emofrite Preberite več na: Ceramic frits and glazes create a glass coating for protection on the surface of the clay body. They are used as protection of the products and give them a nice look. You can find our products among others also on decorative and practical ceramic (cups, vases, tiles, plates etc.) #ceramic #glazes #frits #emofrite FInd more on:
Ecology is nowadays more and more important. This is something all in our company are aware of. For this reason we contantly aim for sustainable development and continuous improvements in all areas of our operations, which may significantly affect the environment. #emofrite #enamel #ecologicalawaraness #ecology Find more info at Ekologija je dandanes vse pomembnejša, česar se močno zavedamo tudi vsi v našem podjetju. Iz tega razloga se stalno trudimo za trajnosti razvoj in nenehno izboljševanje na vseh področjih delovanja, ki lahko pomembno vplivajo na okolje. #emofrite #emajl #ekološkaozaveščenost #ekologija Več informacij na
Our summer holidays (1.7 - 15. 7. 2017) due to regular service and maintenance are now over. Production is now renewed, serviced and ready for new orders! :) #enamelproducer #summerholidays #neworders #emofrite Naš poletni premor (1.7. -15.7. 2017) zaradi rednega letnega servisa in vzdrževanja je končan. Proizvodnja je sedaj obnovljena, servisirana in pripravljena za nova naročila! :) #proizvodnjaemajla #poletnepočitnice #novanaročila #emofrite
EMO FRITE is our company name and the name itself tells you we are spezialized in producing frits, which is fused or partially fused material used as basis for enamels, glazes and ceramic bonds for grinding wheels. #emofrite #frit #enamel #glazes #ceramicglaze EMO FRITE je ime našega podjetja. Že samo ime vam lahko pove, da smo specializirani na področju proizvodnje frit, ki je talina različnih materialov in se uporablja kot osnova za pripravo emajla, glazur in keramičnih veziv za umetne bruse. #emofrite #frita #emajl #glazura #keramičnaveziva
In general our company EMO FRITE produces frits, enamels, ceramic glazes and ceramic bonds for grinding wheels. To create these producst a lot of knowledge, experience and excellent teamwork in our managemnet and production is needed. It is true as Steve Jobs once said: "Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people". And our EMO FRITE team always works together not only for our, but also for your succes! #emofrite #frits #enamel #ceramicglazes #ceramicbonds #grindingwheels #teamwork #success