Hotel Kanin se nahaja v bližini centra Bovca. V hotelu so notranji bazen in wellness center z whirlpoolom, suito za dve osebi, savnami: finska, turška, infra rdeča in bio. Bogata ponudba je tudi v masažnem in lepotnem salonu. Hotel Kanin*** se nahaja 100 m od bovškega glavnega trga. Zgrajen je bil leta 1973 in Janez Lajovic arhitekt M.A. je zanj prejel nagrado za najboljšo arhitekturo tega leta. Društvo arhitektov Slovenije pa je hotel uvrstilo med 50 zgradb arhitekturne dediščine 20. stoletja.
V jeseni 2008 so bile vse sobe obnovljene in zraven bazena je bil dograjen nov center dobrega počutja.
V wellness centru so finska, turška, infra in bio savna, whirlpool, masažni in lepotni salon ter suita za dve osebi z jacuzzijem in finsko savno.
Sobe v hotelu so dvoposteljne ali troposteljne, družinske in apartma za dve osebi. Nekatere sobe imajo balkon in brezžični internet.
V hotelu sta tudi dve seminarski dvorani, našim najmlajšim gostom pa sta namenjeni igralnica in terasa z igrali.
V recepcijski avli in holih je na voljo brezžični internet.
V hotelu je shramba za shranjevanje športne opreme: kolesa, smuči, kajaki, … in sušilnica za sušenje kajakaške ali motoristične opreme.
V času smučarske sezone na smučišču Kanin od hotela do kabinske žičnice Kanin vozi ski-bus.
Za hotelske goste lahko organiziramo različne dogodke, piknike, športne aktivnosti, ekskurzije, oglede muzejev in drugih znamenitosti.
Hotel Kanin is located near Bovec main square in a quiet location surrounded by a large garden. The hotel was built in the year 1973 and the architect Janez Lajovic got the prize for the best architecture of the year for it. The Slovenian Architects' Association also ranked hotel Kanin among 50 buildings of architectural heritage of the 20th century.
In the autumn of 2008 all the rooms were renovated and next to the indoor swimming-pool was built a wellness centre.
In the hotel there are double, triple rooms, family rooms and one suite. Some of the rooms have balcony. Some rooms have Wi-Fi connection.
In public areas of the hotel is free Wi-Fi connection.
In the hotel there are two conference rooms, and for our youngest guests there are a playroom and a terrace with children's swings.
For our guests we can also organize different events, picnics, sports activities, excursions, and visits of museums and of natural sights.
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