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Titova čajnica PARTY

Cesta Svobode 26, Bled, Slovenia
Tea Room



Dream Revolution

e-mail: Vse se je začelo leta 1994 v fabulozni notranjosti odročne in kultne Titove čajnice, party prostora z najboljšim pogledom na eno najlepših jezer na svetu – Blejsko jezero. Spomladi tega leta je so-ustanovitelj organizacije Dream*Revolution Iztok Don Aberšek (Don Easy) odkril ta prostor in ga s sodelavci spremenil v tempelj zabave, kjer se je zbralo prvo pravo rave pleme v Sloveniji in plesalo (tudi po 20 ur non-stop) na poskočne ritme DJ Umeka in njegovih kolegov iz Slovenije in Hrvaške.

V 2014 se na veliko vračamo v novi postavi z novim partnerjem Tomažem Majdičem v ta sveti prostor. In to ob 20. Obletnici njegove "defloracije" in prvih legendarnih partijev na tej lokaciji. Pripravili bomo serijo norih partijev v tem templju zabave, tokrat v okviru DREAM*REVOLUTION! Ime seveda ni naključno. Naš gostitelj Tito je bil predvsem eden največjih revolucionarjev 20. stoletja in veliki zmagovalec 2. Sv. Vojne. Revolucija, ki jo imamo tokrat v mislih, pa bo bolj mehke narave. Naš cilj je ustvariti novo mednarodno party pleme s člani, ki bodo "sanjski revolucionarji": plesalci in sanjači ponoči, revolucionarji uma podnevi, v prvi vrsti prihajajočih globalnih sprememb v našem socialnem življenju.

It all started in 1994 in the fabulous environment of the secluded and posh Titova čajnica (Tito's Teahouse) a kind of party look-out post above one of the most beautiful lakes in the world - Lake Bled. It was then and there that the founder of Dream Revolution Iztok Don Abersek (Don Easy) discovered this great place and turned it into a party temple where the first rave tribe, the group of first electronic music enthusiasts in Slovenia and from the region started gathering, digging the new music, dancing for 20 or more hours straight...

In 2014 we are back with a swing! We will organise a series of awesome parties in that sacred party temple and other venues - through our new organisation: DREAM*REVOLUTION. The name is not co-incidental. Tito, the original inhabitant of the venue, was one of the greatest guerrilla revolutionary leaders of all times. During the harshest period of 20th century: WW2. Times are getting tough again, but so far, we hope there will be no more wars in the region. And the revolution we have in mind is a soft one. Our goal is to create a new international party tribe with members, that will be our dream revolutionaries: dancers and dreamers at night, soft revolutionaries at day time, that will be in the first rows of the up-coming global change in our social life.



Eating my Cream Cake at Tito's Tea room #traditional #cake at #bledlake

Eating my Cream Cake at Tito's Tea room
#traditional #cake at #bledlake

Viewing the Bled Lake and Island from Tito's Tea Party #PriscyTheExplorer #ifeelsLOVEnia #slovenia #vacation

Viewing the Bled Lake and Island from Tito's Tea Party
#PriscyTheExplorer #ifeelsLOVEnia #slovenia #vacation

Admiring the belvedere of Vila Bled... #travel #igtravel #travelgram #slovenia #bled #doingslovenia #gaycouple #gaylove #gaytravel #gayvacation #gaymen #cutegayboys #gravl #beardedtraveler #beardedtravel #beardedman #beardedlife #beardlove #bearded #scruff #mountain #nature #lake

Admiring the belvedere of Vila Bled... #travel #igtravel #travelgram #slovenia #bled #doingslovenia #gaycouple #gaylove #gaytravel #gayvacation  #gaymen #cutegayboys #gravl #beardedtraveler #beardedtravel #beardedman #beardedlife #beardlove #bearded #scruff #mountain #nature #lake

Visting Bled lake. Best place for coffee and view, Paviljon Belvedere. #bled #lake #hills #mountains #alps #view #views #island #church #cloudscapes #igslovenia #landscape_captures #landscape #insta #instagood #bestoftheday #spring #slovenia #ifeelsLOVEnia

Visting Bled lake. Best place for coffee and view, Paviljon Belvedere. #bled #lake #hills #mountains #alps #view #views #island #church #cloudscapes  #igslovenia #landscape_captures #landscape #insta #instagood #bestoftheday #spring #slovenia #ifeelsLOVEnia


BLIZU Titova čajnica PARTY

Cafe Belvedere

Bled, Slovenia