BJJ Caminho Team Kragujevac
Termini za treniranje: utorak i cetvrtak popodnevni(osnovne tehnike)19:00-20.30h (takmičari)20:30h-22:00h. subota i nedelja 18:00h-20:00h Brazilian jiu-jitsu (/dʒuːˈdʒɪtsuː/; Portuguese: [ˈʒiw ˈʒitsu], [ˈʒu ˈʒitsu], [dʒiˈu dʒiˈtsu]) (BJJ) is a martial art, combat sport, and a self defense system that focuses on grappling and especially ground fighting. Brazilian jiu-jitsu was formed from early 20th century Kodokan Judo ground fighting (Ne-Waza) fundamentals that were taught to, Luiz França and Carlos Gracie by master Mitsuyo Maeda. Brazilian jiu-jitsu eventually came to be its own art through the experimentations, practices, and adaptation from the Judo knowledge of Carlos and Hélio Gracie, who then passed their knowledge on to their extended family.
BJJ promotes the concept that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend against a bigger, stronger assailant by using proper technique, leverage, and most notably, taking the fight to the ground, and then applying joint-locks and chokeholds to defeat the other person. BJJ training can be used for sport grappling tournaments (gi and no-gi) and mixed martial arts (MMA) competition or self-defense.[4] Sparring (commonly referred to as "rolling") and live drilling play a major role in training, and a premium is placed on performance, especially in competition, in relation to progress and ascension through its ranking system.
Since its inception in 1882, its parent art of Judo was separated from older systems of Japanese ju-jitsu by an important difference that was passed on to Brazilian jiu-jitsu: it is not solely a martial art: it is also a sport; a method for promoting physical fitness and building character in young people; and, ultimately, a way (Do) of life.[5][6]
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Dodjite i trenirajte brazilsku jiu-jitsu sa nama - BESPLATNO od 12.marta prvih 3 treninga!!!!!! DOBRO DOSLI! ...
Dumbass Martial Arts
Cisto da se razumemo...... ;-)
"Jedna od velikih,mozda i najvecih gresaka u pogledu treniranja i takmicenja u jiu-jitsi je pokusavanje biti "najbolji na svetu", biti uvek "prvi"...pose dve, tri, cetiri godine treniranja ne postanete "najbolji na svetu", razocarate se i onda odustanete od jiu-jitse uopste i onda je vise nemate uz sebe kao orudje, kao nesto sto ce biti uz vas za ceo zivot. To je veliko kockanje. Ako zelite da budete "najbolji" i u tome ne uspete mozete se razocarati i izgubiti "life style" koji jiu-jitsa nosi u sebi a to je stvaranje "lifelong" vecnog borca u sebi!" Ryron Gracie
Photos from BJJ Caminho Team Kragujevac's post
Seminar u Beogradu sa Augustom Frotom i Davi Ramosom
Roger Gracie
way of a warrior.....
Timeline Photos
celebration night.....
Timeline Photos
jiu-jitsu brotherhood on the mats.......oosss
Photos from BJJ Caminho Team Kragujevac's post
SERBIAN OPEN danas u Beogradu...poslali smo cetiri borca koji su nam doneli pet medalja! Cestitam momci, svaka vam cast!!! OOOSSS
Rio Grappling Club Serbia
decu na treninge!!!