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Hemel-Pure Nature Cosmetics

Kosovska 15, Belgrade, Serbia



Our products represent an authentic treasury of the highest quality components extracted from the nature. All products of Hemel Company are based on bee products and herbs without added preservatives, emulsifiers, additives, artificial colors, flavors and fragrances ... They represent a real treasure chest of quality components from nature: honey, beeswax,
propolis, royal jelly and the extracts of herbs, essential oils, vegetable oils, vitamins and minerals isolated from nature ...
They are produced by a unique technology of Hemel that enables maximum utilization of the active ingredients of herbs and bee products, with particular symbiotic effect. What makes us different from companies creating synthetic substitutes for natural ingredients in aboratories is the following:
Hemel products are made exclusively from natural, healing gifts of meadows, forests and beehives.
„Nature has a solution for everything; we just need to put trust in it.”



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