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Network for Restitution in Serbia - Mreža Za Restituciju U Srbiji

Stojana Protića 22, Belgrade, Serbia
Non-governmental organization (ngo)



Why do we need to make restitution of confiscated private property? Zašto treba izvršiti restituciju oduzete privatne imovine? The Network for Restitution in Serbia is an association of 34 local associations of citizens to return private property taken by revolutionary communist ideological laws. As part of the Network for Restitution associations are uniquely inform, organize joint action and communication with the state government and the adoption of laws requiring the return of seized property. It is impossible to build economic, political, social and on legal consequences of a stable state in the previous ideological destruction of society in Serbia.

Mreža za restituciju u Srbiji je asocijacija 34 lokalna udruženja građana za vraćanje privatne imovine oduzete revolucionarnim komunističkim ideološkim zakonima. U okviru Mreže za restituciju udruženja se jedinstveno informišu, organizuju zajedničke akcije i komunikaciju sa organima države i vlasti zahtevajući усвајање zakona za vraćanje oduzete privatne imovine. Nemoguće je izgraditi ekonomski, politički, socialno i pravno stabilnu državu na posledicama predhodne ideološke destrukcije nad društvom u Srbiji.



NEAR Network for Restitution in Serbia - Mreža Za Restituciju U Srbiji