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Russian Caviar

Krylova street 69, Astrakhan', Russia
Food & Beverage Company




Photos from Russian Caviar's post

Absolutely ordinary food may sparkle with the new taste sensations if You add a bit of caviar to it. Pasta al dente or exclusive sushi will turn into unforgetable compliment from the chef of restaurant or sushi bar.

Photos from Russian Caviar's post

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And now a very simple question! What color should the black caviar be?!

Timeline Photos

Caviar is not food – this is a philosophy and prestige. Caviar is domination! Buying caviar You automatically enter high society. -How can I trust this?! - will ask a middle class heroe... Easy! Come to the most beautiful woman you find around and invite her for a dinner with black caviar!!! Yeah, yeah! Just tell her – Madam, will You please join me for the dinner with black caviar tonight?! Reaction follows…

Russian Caviar

14 years ago when I started sturgeon -breeding enterprise, this unique fish was almost endangered in the Caspian basin. Nowadays we have biggest enterprise in Astrakhan region of Russian Federation and every year we let 100 000 sturgeon youngsters into open water. Sturgeon live and will live due to our aquaculture activity. And by the way - Our caviar is perfect in taste and decent in price :)

Main Page - Сайт sokoloffcaviar!

Caviar is something that will allow You to live longer - longer, happier and without any degradation. This secret know only few. I want to reveal magic of caviar to everyone. The price is high! But you pay not for 250 gr. of unknow substance or even for very prestigious delicacy. You pay for entering into Society of extremely rich and wise people, members of royal families, participants of cultural revolutions and scientific progress! But only perfect caviar possess Magic! Please see where the perfect caviar is sold at a decent price:

Space Jump with Russian Caviar

Dear friend! I want to entertain you!!! Please see first in history :) art-house advertising of Russian caviar. Here is link on Youtube: Advertising -

Russian Caviar

This is the container which we use while airline delivery of our product to Clients all around the world. It helps to keep temperature regime -2 -4 C for 3 days.

Russian Caviar

Russian Caviar

All information about our prices can be found on my site:

Russian Caviar


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