Auxiliar gatos de rua.
Help for the stray cats.
Hilfe fur strassenkatzen.
Strictly by appointment only
See our livecam at Iremos viver exclusivamente de donativos, e com eles teremos de alimentar e
e cuidar de diversas colónias de gatos, algumas já estabelecidas outras que irão
ser delimitadas em breve.
A esterilização, controlo de doenças e adopção serão os nossos objectivos!
Tell your friends
facebook.comUrgente!! Estamos a precisar de ração intestinal e renal da royal canin ..os nossos velhotes precisam destas comidas específicas.obrigada.(são 8 gatos neste momento ) .obrigada!
Vamos fazer gosto nesta página e nomear a Carvoeiro Cat Charity para podermos receber a oferta de ração.Conto convosco!!!
There almost 300 cats each one very special and with its own story who are cared for at our shelter here at CCC. Each day we use 40 kg of food (includes normal and specialist food for the shelter and the intensive care unit) along with 70 kg of cat litter. Add to this we use cleaning materials garbage bags and 20 cans of food for cats with IVF and Felv. Our volunteers at the shelter are very aware just how much food and supplies we need and the importantance that daily supplies are available. CCC deals with many difficult and unsusal circumstances so no two days are ever the same. We need to build up the level of supplies so that we can ensure we have enough items to care for the cats. It's been a difficult year and we have been able to maintain our suppliees from the money taken at our new Charity shop, food raising campaigns in supermarkets, membership shares and donations from those who help us and support our cause and work. Please your friends, family and work colleagues about our cats, the work we d and how anyone can become a partner and supporter of C.C.C to help us continue to protect and help cats at risk and give them hope for the future.