Promovemos o conceito de criptomoeda; desenvolvemos soluções empresariais e de produtos comerciais baseados na tecnologia Bitcoin.
Promoting the Crypto Currency concept, development of business solutions based on the Bitcoin technology and developing related commercial products
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Hoje, no Museu do Dinheiro, foi impressionante ouvir o administrador do BdP e 2 Secretários de estado falar de Blockchain. --> Mais vale tarde do que nunca!
Joaquim Lambiza on Twitter
Bitcoin Exchange, Trading BTC USD, BTC EUR - CEX.IO
Some people keep asking us to name some Bitcoin Exchange platforms where they could trade Bitcoins safely. FYI we have been using regularly CEX, Bitstamp and Kraken. Here is a referral Link for CEX you could try: Good Luck.
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On the way to the Moon!
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This was a Fantastic year for us, for the Bitcoin and for the Blockchain technology. It is just too easy to predict that 2017 will be nothing less than phenomenal. Not only will we roll-out our own global payment and remittance solution, bringing almost free financial transactions to the globe, we will also widen our partnership base and hope to include as many of you as possible in our success. I wish you all a Phenomenal New Year. Joaquim Lambiza
Bitcoin Já's cover photo
abypay - Blockchain Multicurrency App
While you were busy, the world of payments and money transfer has just been revolutionized! See for yourself at the Lisbon WebSummit, Fintech Money Zone, Stand 708 and look at our teaser at
abypay - Blockchain Multicurrency App
While you were busy, the world of payments and money transfer has just been revolutionized! See for yourself at the Lisbon WebSummit, Fintech Money Zone, Stand 708 and look at our teaser at
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Wouldn’t it be great if Lena, studying in New York, could withdraw from an ATM her much deserved allowance that mom has just sent from Budapest, a few seconds ago? On November the 7th - forget everything you know about money transfer!
Bitcoin Já
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Wouldn’t it be super if Karl, traveling in Australia, could ask his sister in Munich to pay for his dinner, because he left his wallet (again!) at the hotel? On November the 7th - we’re going to rock your world!