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Egiptologia - Uniwersytet Warszawski

Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, Warsaw, Poland



Nieoficjalna strona Sekcji Egiptologii, Wydział Orientalistyczny UW

The unofficial page of Egyptology Section, Faculty of Oriental Studies UW


Photos from Egiptologia - Uniwersytet Warszawski's post

Only two days left until the conference Sign and Symbol in Egypt and Mesoamerica! It is from 30.06 - 02.07, in the New Philology building across BUW - Dobra Street 55, Room 3.017 - Here is the new program:

Photos from Egiptologia - Uniwersytet Warszawski's post

Photos from Egiptologia - Uniwersytet Warszawski's post

Our team last Sunday took part in University Jubilee – our University is 200 years old! Because of this unique anniversary we showed and shared Egyptology with an amazing audience – kids, parents and grandparents, absolvents and future generations! :) We made pyramids, wrote on papyri, played senet and answered a bunch of questions.

Photos from Egiptologia - Uniwersytet Warszawski's post

Photos from Egiptologia - Uniwersytet Warszawski's post

The program for 'Sign and Symbol' in a better quality:

Photos from Egiptologia - Uniwersytet Warszawski's post

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We are proud to present the conference program of 'Sign and Symbol in Egypt and Mesoamerica', co-organized by our Department! Come, come! - jj.t m Htp!

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Photos from Egiptologia - Uniwersytet Warszawski's post

And last but not least from the XVII Current Research in Egyptology Conference from Cracow - our amazing BA student Kamila Braulińska who is not only a great speaker but also the best photographer!

Photos from Egiptologia - Uniwersytet Warszawski's post

Photos from Egiptologia - Uniwersytet Warszawski's post

Last week two of our MA students took part in the XVII Current Research in Egyptology Conference in Cracow - as volunteers, speakers and poster presenters

Photos from Egiptologia - Uniwersytet Warszawski's post

Photos from Egiptologia - Uniwersytet Warszawski's post

Kreatywny zespół z pierwszego roku podczas Orientaliów 2016. Kolejna okazja by wykonać swojego własnego skarabeusza i wiele innych już na początku czerwca podczas festiwalu z okazji 200-lecia Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego:) zapraszamy!/ Our creative first year studens during the Faculty of the Oriental Studies festival 2016

Photos from Egiptologia - Uniwersytet Warszawski's post

Photos from Egiptologia - Uniwersytet Warszawski's post

Orientalia 2016 - we're painting a lot and creating scarabs:)

Photos from Egiptologia - Uniwersytet Warszawski's post

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Welcome in our tale:) we are on the Orientalia - the Faculty of Oriental Studies Festival. If you can, come and see our tent and meet our amazing first year team!

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Między Wschodem a Zachodem, między Północą a Południem

Zapraszamy na konferencję „Między Wschodem a Zachodem, między Północą a Południem” 30-31 maja 2016/ There is an interesting conference “Between East and West, between North and South” 30-31 May 2016

Między Wschodem a Zachodem, między Północą a Południem

An event to be on:

Click here to support Antiquities guards Dayr al-Barsha by Marleen De Meyer

Dear Friends of Egyptology! We would like to raise attention to this very sad and serious matter which happened in Egypt recently: quote from the website: "On Saturday 20 February, in the middle of the night, the antiquities guards of Dayr al-Barsha (Middle Egypt) were confronted with a gang of tomb robbers who were looting one of the tombs at the site. In an ensuing exchange of fire, one of the guards, Ashrawy, was killed, while two others were injured. Ashrawy has been with us as a guard since the start of the KU Leuven mission to Dayr al-Barsha. He was a very loyal and gentle man. Yesterday we were informed that the second guard, Mustafa Ali, who was badly injured, also passed away. " You can help the families of these brave man here:


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