Runa Eggen - din reiselivsressurs - your consultant within Travel & Tourism
Your consultant within Travel & Tourism - - Project Management, PR Trips, Copy Writer, in-depht knowledge about the business relation Norway-Germany Runa Eggen – din reiselivsressurs – Ihre Dienstlesterin für Travel & Toursim – your consultant within Travel & Tourism
I started my company on 1st August 2012, offering services within travel and tourism, in Norway and abroad. My work field the last 15 years has been tourism for Innovation Norway in Hamburg and for the travel business in Trysil, Norway's largest skiing destination.
I offer my services to travel businesses in need of an extra resource for a longer or shorter period of time. My experience and knowledge within the business combined with my values make me well prepared to contribute.
I am structured, natural, dedicated and conscientious - and always with a big smile.
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