YWAM Grimerud equips the new wave of missional young people, raising them up to live whole heartedly for God.
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facebook.comSaturate DTS prepping dinner for their work duty this week. Our base is so blessed by these guys! “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.“ - Colossians 3:23 #saturatedts #knowgod #serveothers #ywamgrimerud #workduty @ YWAM Grimerud
Da er påmeldingen for årets påskefestival på Grimerud i gang! TWEENS meld dere på her, og LEDERE se her også! Velkommen til Grimerud denne påsken!!!!
Injustice in the world is quite overwhelming. Can we answer our generation's biggest cry with hope?
Our Saturate DTS goes on trips around Norway during lecture phase to work with youth. One amazing trip this year was to Molde. It was a beautiful trip full of adventure. Want to experience God in a life-changing journey in Norway? Join us for our next Saturate DTS.
What were your top 3 reasons for doing a DTS here at YWAM Grimerud?
Vi hadde det helt fantastisk tid på AWAKE. Gud har fylt oss med håp og forventning for alt Han vil gjøre i 2018! Her er en lite "lookback" på året festivalen!
Are you passionate about the kingdom of God and about social media? Learn more about our upcoming three-month Communication Internship here:
Workers Gathering 2018.
Join us for our 2018 workers gathering via livestream:
We had the TX Vikings at AWAKE Nyttårsfestival last night! #awake1718 #kruss18
AWAKE Nyttårsfestival So much energy and fun. #awake1718 #kruss18
Our AWAKE Nyttårsfestival crew is already at it. Can't wait for the rest of the bunch to arrive. It's going to be an amazing weekend! #awake1718 #kruss18