Heavenly Brothers
Serving God through giving Serving God, Serving human through giving
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facebook.comJohn 14:12 Verily verily, I say unto u, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father
School of Disciples students
Watch and pray, repent for d end is near
Dear reader, the human mind is yet to conceive a word for what happens to a man/woman who dies without Christ Jesus. Agony, pain, torment etc cannot describe it. The worst thing that can happen to you is to die without Christ. Please, pursue peace with all men, owe no man nothing but love, live peacefully with all men. If they want your trouser, give them your shirt too, if they want your skirt, give them your blouse too, meaning if they slap you on one check, turn the other for them. Lay hold of eternal life, work out your salvation with fear and trembling, have nothing in this world but CHRIST JESUS. Getting married, wealth, houses, having children, name it are all frivolities/Vanity upon vanity. Stop TOYING with sin (their is no small or big sin), (GALATIANS 5:19-21)stay on the Lord's side, find your purpose here on earth and work at it, fight the good fight, do away with anger, malice, and all vices.( 1JOHN 1:8-10) Remember He is Supreme(you cant question HIM) READ HEBREWS 4:13. Pls spread d gospel if Christ, for Christ is coming soon. Love u.