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facebook.comExtra-mural lesson for exam classes continues during the holidays from 10am-12pm, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday @ the school compound. Call 08102890921 or 08035715475 for more information.
Breaking: The parents and staff of S.A.I.S have in an emergency meeting held on Tuesday 27, 2018 decided that due to the unfortunate incident that disturbed the smooth ending of the term, the Cultural day celebration that was scheduled to take place to mark the end of term has been carried over to next term as joint celebration with the annual Graduation ceremony. The management wishes to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the term despite the setbacks and also wishes all happy holidays.
It is not how far but how well. These heartfelt expressions of how 'V.P' positively imparted on students, both old and current, teachers and even parents confirm how well our late principal lived and how greatly she will be missed. #No_one_can_fill_this_void
S.A.I.S regrets to announce the death of her longest ever serving principal, Madam Uvietaire Evelyn who passed away on the 20th of March 2018. Staff and students have been in mourning since then and the next day, 21st, March 2018, when exams were supposed to end, was declared Exam free. The family has been visited by the staff and students of the school and plans are on gear to lay the body to rest on Friday 23rd March, 2018 at her home town, Okpe-Olomu in Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State. We will surely miss her. We pray God will give us the fortitude to bear this great loss.
Get your J.A.M.B UTME registration done as fast as possible @ S.A.I.S Call: 08102890921 or 08035715475 Register early in order to get your thumbprint done effectively.....
1. A spider's web is not a home, but rather a trap for its food. They are as individual as snowflakes, with no two ever being the same. Some tropical spiders have built webs over eighteen feet across. 2. More people are afraid of spiders than death. Amazingly, few people are afraid of Champagne corks even though you are more likely to be killed by one than by a spider. 3. Your brain consumes 25 watts of power while you’re awake. This amount of energy is enough to illuminate a lightbulb. 4. It is impossible to lick your elbow. Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. 5. Possums have one of the shortest pregnancies at 16 days. The shortest human pregnancy to produce a healthy baby was 22 weeks, 6 days -- the baby was the length of a ballpoint pen. 6. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increases the bacteria in your ear by 700 times. 7. The most poisonous spider is the black widow. Its venom is more potent than a rattlesnake's. 8. 13% of Americans actually believe that some parts of the moon are made of cheese. 9.The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910. Proverb ~ "Wisdom does not come over night. "
Waec/Neco enrolment is on, hurry now while it lasts!
Who owns the egg? Two farmers engaged in a fierce dispute on an egg laid by the former's cock on the later's farmland...... Who among the two farmers is fit to claim possession of the egg?
Did you know? Have you ever tried to sort differing objects into separate categories? If so, you're well prepared to understand the origins of disparate. The word, which first appeared in English in the 16th century, derives from disparatus, the past participle of the Latin verb disparare, meaning "to separate." Disparare, in turn, comes from parare, a verb meaning "to prepare." Other descendants of parare in English include both separate and prepare, as well as repair, apparatus, and even vituperate ("to criticize harshly and usually publicly"). Disparate also functions as a noun. The noun, which is rare and usually used in the plural, means "one of two or more things so unequal or unlike that they cannot be compared with each other," as in "The yoking of disparates, the old and the new, continues to be a [poet Anne] Carson strategy" (Daisy Fried, The New York Times, 21 Apr. 2013).
2016/2017 academic session ends with a succesful and exciting graduation party............ See You next session by September....... Remember, Holiday Lessons hold in August.