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The Iron Pillar

, Uzuakoli, Nigeria
Church/religious organization





THE PLACE OF DOMINION Do you know that according to Genesis 1:26, the reason God made man in His own image and likeness was for man to dominate his environment. This dominion is the height of the glory given to man by God. In case you didn't know, this means that man, in the image of God, has what it takes to always be ahead of his environment. No negative change or occurrence in his environment can endanger man. The totality of every force in his environment is under his control. The word fear due to any occurrence or change in his environment shouldn't come. In other words, just as God controls all the forces in existence, man, in the image of God, is empowered to control every force in this world. But in the image of God, man is pure and undefiled like God; he is truthful and righteous like God; he is loving and clothed with Godly humility like Jesus Christ; he is kind and forgiving like Jesus Christ; he is so submissive and obedient to God like Jesus Christ. Have you now known that we can regain that godly image and likeness if we so desire. God created a kingdom and made man, powered by His glory ( image) to be the king. In that kingdom, did God make powerful beings to exit - beings and beasts that could endanger man; devour him, reduce him to nothing and make a caricature of him once he is stripped of the image of God. To continue to dominate in this kingdom, man is given only one choice - go back to that image of God, which is Jesus Christ. Man failed as a result of not understanding the difference God made between him and other creatures, including the serpent, when he told him to subdue the earth and have dominion over every other creature. For God to tell man to have dominion over the serpent and other beasts, He expressly told man to not fail to keep them outside the palace because that is where they belonged. Secondly, He was telling man to not fail to be authoritative in dealing with them. Because man did not do as he was instructed, he was destroyed by the same beast that deserved no place in the palace, which thoughtlessly brought into the palace and treated like a king when he came to enquire about what God told them and what God did not tell them. The power of dominion was given to man through the image of God. The Beast ( Serpent ) was part of the creation that were placed under the dominion of man. The Beast tricked man out of God's image ( where man's power of dominion lied ), thereby liberating himself from man's dominion. The only part to restoring that power of dominion is embracing the only begotten son of God, Jesus Christ, who alone is the express image of God.

HOW SECURED ARE YOUR LIFE, HAPPINESS, JOY AND TREASURE? If your life, happiness, joy or treasure is in a place where your enemy can reach, then, you are in a serious problem, because when you become a problem to your enemy, he will go for your life. If he didn't go for your life, he would go for your happiness, your joy or the treasure you cherish in order to hurt you. How secured is your life? If your life does not put God first, then, it is not a treasure in His sight; and if your life is not a treasure in the sight of God, it is not protected. As such, your life is at the mercy of your enemy. That means you have no life at all. The same question goes for your happiness, joy and treasure. Does God have any share in your happiness, in your joy and in your treasure? If your answer is no, then you have no guarantee that you will be happy the next minute.. You have no guarantee to your joy and treasure the next minute, because they are all at the mercy of your enemy. You are in a dangerous ground!

The message of Easter is a message of superlative love. Easter reminds us of how the strong God, through his son proved that he has no interest in the pains, sufferings, agonies, defeat and death of the hopeless and helpless man. He thereby challenges everyone who is strong not to ignore the cry of those who are hopelessly and helplessly in pains, sufferings, defeat and condemnation.


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