Our Passion is focused on Reorienting and Renewing the Mind's Of the Youths in this Generaton into becoming a Blessing to Humanity and Eternity. A Place Were Dreams Are Birthed And Fulfilled Through God.
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facebook.comLast I talked about self imposed limitations people have placed on themselves and the way forward, here's the flip side with societal influence on people's mind and what it has made out of most people in every society. The society has become such an expert in making people an intelligence mediocre by imposing standards and rules that automatically dictates how and what they should become of themselves to the point that they give up on themselves and let loose of their true identities, passions and Dreams. They've thought people to behave and conform instead of Releasing, pouring and contributing that part of them to improving the society, in order words just shotup and bahave,this sound contradictory, but it shows how selfish the society can be ,as long as they're making their returns from exploiting it citizens , life according to them is good. They've thought people to think inside of the box only. They've thought people to be grounded at all times never to brake the rules they've set to limit our abilities, talents and skills. They've thought people what they can and can't do with their lives. They've told people how high they can fly and how far they can dream and envision their lives. The society has also trained people to become experts in doing what they're told and not what's right. The reason is because no society wants people in it to be wise and knowledgeable so they won't have to challenge her or ask questions whatsoever, instead they want to have them as subjugates, slaves and sarvants which they can be dictated for and have their mind brainwashed with their own perspective about life to the extent that when they're done with them they'd feel worthless. This are mere dorms of the society set by fellow men with ulterior motives and not God's principles for who they were meant to be!!! I dare you to brake free from this entanglements and start living your true self, your true identity and your true purpose. Atimes I hear people make statement like..."Sorry it's never done that way here, you better do as you're told or you quit". Well for me there's nothing wrong with people of such mind-set because I believe people are entitled to their opinions but the challenge here is if only they knew better probably they would understand that nobody has to live their lives to the standards of the society or to conform to the Successes as defined by the society. Societal success and perceptions about life are all geared toward making you arive too soon and too small compared to what you could and should have accomplish following God's principles and purpose for your life. The good news is that life is about choices, you can decide to live your life through the society or wake up to the realities of your Potentials, Passion and Dreams and become who you are at the depth of your heart regardless of what anybody thinks. Often times we think we know ourselves enough but the truth is that what we know about ourselves are based on past experiences and achievements but we're completely unaware of what we are capable of doing and achieving, only you knew the real and what you are capable of doing, fear of failing, self doubt and low self-esteem won't be your companion. This is why I believe being who you are at the core of yourself is the pivot to which you could know yourself the best. There's so much about you that you don't know yet ,all you've known about you are the once you've allowed yourself to know, stretch out yourself so more and you'd be surprised how high you're capable of soaring, fine time and create time for yourself just for the purpose of knowing who you truly are and not the identity and the label society has placed on you. Could it be that many people enjoy others company because they don't like their own company? In my opinion I would say most likely. People can only enjoy your company when you love and value your own company. Solitude should be part of our to do list daily because that's when you can reconcile all parts of your lives together in a sync...It's a time were you can improve and work on yourself for the best. How can this be achieved, Start becoming Who you are from Where you are with What you have because that glorious destiny you've been envisioning can only become a reality by an action step in a forward direction inspired by Conviction, fueled by Passion which is ignited by a Vision derived from a clear sense of Purpose. Always remember that we all 're responsible for the temporal positions we're now and the difference between were we are now and were we should be depends on how much we believe in ourselves and our dreams because there's absolutely nothing that can stop an hungry lion from seeing an elephant as lunch, height and weight long as there's passion, an obstacle can only but become a stepping stone towards your achieving greatness. Determination, Planning and Action guarantees success and fulfillment of dreams. ============================================================= Thanks for joining us here @ Reorient Youth Foundation "Royfound" Please invite friends to like and share our page for more life changing experiences here. OR: Visit our Blog at: Through God we are becoming more of a blessing to Humanity and Dreams are Fulfilled here.We'v got allot for you to think about and make that RIGHT DECISION concerning your Life and Destiny.
Have you thought of moving into your own personal greatness? Going against the tides is the only option. You've got to tell yourself that in spite of what life has thrown on you , am still in charge. You've got to tell yourself I'm in control here, I decide the course of my life and I say when it's over. Am not going to let this get me down or destroy me instead am going to ride on the wings of the storms like the Eagles. It isn't your circumstances or situations that will determine whether you'd be successful or not but your mind-set toward the circumstances that will guarantee your SUCCESS. A lot of people give up too soon in life, in their careers, businesses and above all in their destinies simply because the lost the battle in their mind. Friends lemme remind you about something you'd already know... Your mind is a battle - field and everything in existence today originated from the mind both the good and the bad once. It depends on how you want the battle to end...It's always between you and your mind. Everything that's visible to our sight today was sometime an image in someone's mind that took a battle before it made it into existence. Imagine if they had given up on themselves due to the circumstances that might have surrounded them as the case may be. Good news is that they decided to win the battle in their mind rather than giving into defeat. Let me also remind you of one of my favorite verses in the bible..."As a man thinks in his heart, so is he". This is so true because We're the sum total of our thoughts, not more not less. Factually, what fills our thoughts are simply what we read, listen to and watch...This sums up to our thoughts. So now you know how to influence your thoughts so as to influence your life positively. This goes futher to affirm that most atimes the person we often accuse as the enemy isn't the devil but the person we see when looking at the mirror. We're our own enemy, as a matter of truth there's no enemy without except the enemy within. We're so afraid of what we can't that what we can actually do ends up being muffled and suffocated. As had as it may sound, most of the limitation we've noticed in our lives aren't placed on us by the government or the society but rather by ourselves. We often allow the fears of the unknown to consume us of the exciting passion for discovering the unknown itself. ..what a tragedy. I rather not say I hate it when people say I can't do this or that due to the limitations and fears they have placed on themselves but instead I believe that either ways they're right in saying "I can do it" or "I can't do it". The difference between them is simply their mindset, one sees an opportunity to make history the other sees how history has recorded that it has never been i said earlier its your mindset. It's sad when I hear people spend so much time and energy worrying about their fear of the future while in the present. My question would be...If you invest that much time and energy worrying today about tomorrow, what then would you be doing when that tomorrow finally becomes the present. Don't get me wrong there's a big difference between worries and planning, and that will be that one will have detrimental effect of your health and the other will guarantee a stress free transition from were you are to were you should be. Truth is, insecure people worry...firm and decisive people make plans and stick to their priorities. You can attest to the fact that ninety percent of what we're often afraid of was in the end "False Evidence Appearing Real"(FEAR). That's why I believe that the best way to predict the future is to invent it with a plan which must have originated from the battle field of your mind. Never give up on yourself or your dreams because as long as there's breath in you, the journey toward greatness isn't over yet. I guess my final words for now will be...for us all to change the world around us as we anticipate, we need to change our innermost personality, our true self by changing our MINDS. We can only be transformed by the the renewal of our minds, then shall we know what's perfect and acceptable will of God for our lives. Trust me your are more than what you assume yourself to be, determined to free yourself from worrying about tomorrow, let tomorrow think for itself , make plans and prioritize your time. Embrace each day as a gift and make the most of it. Dare to aspire for the best, think the unthinkable, imagine the unimaginable and dream with limitless possibilities because as a man thinks in his heart so he will eventually become. ============================================================= Thanks for joining us here @ Reorient Youth Foundation "Royfound" Please invite friends to like and share our page for more life changing experiences here. OR: Visit our Blog at: Through God we are becoming more of a blessing to Humanity and Dreams are Fulfilled here.We'v got allot for you to think about and make that RIGHT DECISION concerning your Life and Destiny.
GOD'S PRINCIPLES FOR SUCCESSFUL FULFILMENT OF YOUR DREAMS IN LIFE. The saddest man on earth and of course the poorest man on earth is a person without a dream. Poverty in my opinion is a state of the MIND. Therefore if you don't have a dream in life, then you are really poor mentally. To be poor in this context has nothing to do with the lack of money but instead the lack of IDEAS & DREAMS. It doesn't matter how much money you don't have ,but as long as you've got hope on a dream there's always a posibility of gaining the success you're dreaming about. Bear in mind that dreams comes out of PURPOSE and there's no individual born on earth without a predistined purpose for their lives by God. And yet the most frustrated people in the world today are those with a dream but hasn't experience the reality of that dream. It's true that everyone has a dream, had a dream or carrying one in their heart right now. So am convinced that every human being on earth was born with the ability to dream dreams and also the capacity to fulfilling them. The few principles we shall be discussing today will ultimately shift your mentality in the positive direction into making that dream a reality. Recalling as a young baby, a toddler and as a child we constantly were dreaming wild big dreams which I believe it was from God. Recently I had a chat with my niece and I was amazed by what she told me was her dreams, though her reasons was quite hilarious but the passion she communicated that was so genuine and affective. She said she wants to become a Space Scientists, for many of us if we could recall our childhood days we dreamt of becoming a Doctor, an Engineer, A Police officer, A Scientist, A Pilot , most of all The President of the World...Funny right😀. The point is that everybody dreamt dreams when they were young and still dreaming but their dreams is as far as it was when the were young. And the reason why people's dreams don't come to pass is because they haven't learn how to exercise the principles that are designed in God's creation to fulfill those dreams. Understand that a PRINCIPLE is different from FACTS A Principle is a law that's established to create the environment to successfully produce the performance of the promise inside the principle. To say this another way, a Principle is a fixed law established to guarantee the performance of a product. This means that every manufacturer builts into his or her product a principle by which they must function, and if you follow those principles the promise of the manufacturer will definitly be experienced. Therefore every form of success is really based on obedience to Principles. In order words being successful isn't luck. Being an effective person in your life isn't that you're lucky or furtunate but rather an interplay between adequate performance and obedience to Principles. Take for example, every seed has in it the ability and capacity of becoming a tree as long as the Principles that will guarantee the process is obeyed. This entails that you need to locate the right environment for the seed, dig the soil and bury it and water the seed. I bet you would not need to pray and fast for the seed to germinate and grow, it will happen spontaneously because the principles built into the seed will take over the seed and transform it into a tree with fruits. Therefore obedience to principles makes success automatic in nature. Principles are established to make life simple. And when principles are unknown, experimentation is inevitable. Truth is that God wants us to function according to his principles and precepts in order to guarantee our success. Fulfillment in life according to God's agender for our lives has nothing to do with accumulation of all the material things we pursue daily in life but instead it has to do with becoming exactly what he created us to be. So I can therefore say that there are so many successful failures in our society today, succeeding in the wrong DIRECTION outside God's plan for their lives. Though they may apply principles which will lead to their success doesn't mean they have fulfilled their purpose. So accomplishing that which you were born to accomplish is the true success which brings fulfillment in the sight God. People are failing in life not because of evil but because they have not discovered God's principles for life. God's principles are embedded in his Word which is our manual for life. Principles are truth that are permanent but facts are simply the present state of things which often varies. What am implying is that when reading the Bible do not look for facts and stories that coincide with your situation but instead meditate on God's principles in his Word and act upon them in order to guarantee your success in life. So once again obedience to God Principles guarantees a predictable outcome and inevitable success. This brings us to God's principles that will guarantee your SUCCESS and FULFILLMENT in Life. ●The principles of PURPOSE: To be successful you must have a personal Purpose. Purpose is the original intent in the mind of God for creating you. Purpose is the reason why you are necessary to exist and live in order to fulfill it. Purpose is problem that necessitate the creation of a solution. Purpose is the finished destiny awaiting to be accomplished. Purpose is something that God wants to be done that can be accomplished by you only, and when you can see it, that becomes a Vision. In order words Vision comes from a PURPOSE. Purpose is that factor that will make you disbelief people's opinion of yourself and believe only what God say's about your life. Purpose gives birth to dreams and Vision. Purpose automatically reveals POTENTIALS. ●The principles of POTENTIALS: This is who you are but no one has seen it yet. This is the hidden strength that's left unused. This is unrealized abilities, talents and skills that's yet to be maximized. This is reserved energy yet to be released. This is what you can do but you've not done it yet. This is where you could be but you've not been there yet. This are things you could accomplish but you've not accomplished it yet. Potentials are necessary to fulfill your dreams. ●The principles of PASSION: This is desire that's stronger than death. This is an invinsible energy that's created by a purpose and meaning for life. This is an invinsible energy that's observable and transferable filled with enthusiasm. This is an invinsible energy that evolves into conviction. This is a commitment that's beyound contention. This is a kind of spirit that says to Life...'am going to live you till I finish you'. This is a mindset that never takes No for an answer. This is an urge that can't be stopped by the threat of death. Passion is mandatory for dreams to be kept alive. ●The principles of PLANNING: It's the management of the distance between your conception and destination in life. It's giving time meaning motivated by a clear sense of purpose. It's the documentation of how time will be used based on your vision. It's the predetermined schedule of time investment. It's best way to regulate life. It's the appropriation of resources. It's taking control of the future while in the present. It guarantees success and fulfillment. The best way to predict the future is to invent and document a plan. ●The principles of PEOPLE: This has to do with people that will help you get to your dreams. This has to do with people that believes in your vision as much as you do yourself. This has to do with people that will nourish your dreams and not abort them. This has to do with people that's going your direction in life. This has to do with people that are also pregnant with a dream for their lives. This has to do with people that will talk you into your dreams and how much you can fulfil it. This has to do with people that will teach you, train you, help you, expose you and motivate into fulfilling your dreams. ●The principles of PERSISTENCE: This is a consistent insistence that you have going after your dreams. This is refusing to stop despite the odds. This means standing against every opposition and obstacles on your way to fulfillment. This means interpreting a 'No' for answer as 'Wait'. This simply means you are permitted to quit only after fulfillment. Persistence is that resilience that doesn't give in or give up on dreams. ●The principles of PRAYER: Prayer means to commune with the source of the Dreams. Prayer means common union with the one that gave you the Vision and Purpose for sustenance and provisions. Prayer simply means consulting with the boss for any necessary adjustments needed. Prayer revives your reserve when you are tired and drained by the ordeals of life. Prayer refills your passion for persistence toward fulfillment. Prayer keeps a Vision on check to guard against misdirection. To be successful in life, then prayer is inevitable. The aforementioned and discussed principles are the bases to which a successful life can be built on. History itself has it that every successful and Fulfilled person both in the Bible and in the circular world today did observed this principles in their lives that guaranteed their success and fulfillment, therefore you can't be an exemption if you follow through this principles with a keen sense of obligation. Let yesterday be the last day you spent on something that's not getting you closer and closer to the fulfillment of your dreams. And if you've not gotten your Visions and Dreams on course yet, now is the time to make that decision and commit yourself to it fulfillment. ============================================================= Thanks for joining us here @ Reorient Youth Foundation "Royfound" Please invite friends to like and share our page for more life changing experiences here. OR: Visit our Blog at: Through God we are becoming more of a blessing to Humanity and Dreams are Fulfilled here.We'v got allot for you to think about and make that RIGHT DECISION concerning your Life and Destiny.
Reorient Youth Foundation "ROYFOUND"
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THE DISCIPLINE OF VISION Nothing discipline once life like Vision. Discipline are self imposed standards for the sake of higher goals. The key to fulfilling vision is self descipline, just as Solomon said 'Were there's no Vision the people perishes'. This simply means that where there's no Vision people throw off restraint. Where there's no Revelation of the future , people throw off self descipline. So the key to living a meaningful life is finding a Vision that imposses descipline on you. We can then say that Vision is the source of descipline and the root of leadership. A descipline person do attract people to themselves because people admire descipline in others. Self descipline create respect and trust. A man or woman with a clear vision for their lives, live a very narrow life because Vision simplifies their life. Also because Vision controls choices you make. Vision defines what to do in life which automatically guards you from what not to do. Vision delivers to you your final address called Destination or Destiny. With the destination in mind, the journey is simplified and choices are determined accordingly. Have this in thought that you weren't born to do everything, but to do few things. This statement will only make sense to you if you've found out your Vision for life, then you'd realize that the rest of the things ain't necessary though important. This will create focus and desciplines your life into fulfillment. Vision is the ability to see beyond the present and create what exist but cannot be seen. You only become a leader when you discover what you're supposed to master. Everything you do in life is suppose to be motivated by your Vision. This is why poverty is not a PROBLEM but a RESULT of lack of motivation which should have come from a Vision. The said statement is true because vision helps you identify yourself before people in the world. Meaning that if you want to be successful in life, you don't have to seek success but instead seek to become a person of VALUE in the area of your descipline and people will be attracted to your VALUE and pay dearly to benefit from them. In other words, make yourself valuable and people will pay you for being a valuable individual. Keep this in mind that, sight as a function of the eyes is the ability to see things as they are physically, but Vision as a function of the mind is the ability to see things as they could be in reality. Choose to see mostly with the eyes of your vision. True vision is discovering something to die for: not just living for. True Visions will be tested for authenticity by situations of life. True vision comes from God and it's not self seeking. True vision always benefits others, it always serves and impact others positively. Vision desciplines your life in the following ways: It chooses your Future. It chooses your friends. It chooses your use of time. It chooses your priorities. It chooses your hobbies. It chooses your habits. It chooses your behaviors. It chooses your character. It chooses your personality. It chooses your career. It chooses your profession. It chooses your investments. It chooses your diets. It chooses you to-do list. It chooses your life's plan. It dictates your values. It chooses your likes and dislikes. It regulates how and where your life goes henceforth. The following are the impact of Vision on Leadership: Vision clarifies Purpose. Vision gives direction in life. Vision empowers you beyond your physical assets. Vision creates and attracts resources. Wise people make decisions that protects their vision. Here's how powerful Vision is: It's the next best thing to Time travel. It's seeing the future before it comes into existence. It fuels your passion toward it fulfillment and guards you from accepting the present as the destination. Vision means that you expect more of your world than you're seeing currently. Vision means taking a bold step of faith. Vision means venturing out with risk taking courage. Vision means daring to hope for something beyond yourself. Vision is so powerful that it makes your believe in a brand new better world than the one we're in. Vision is unlimited sight. Vision is simply seeing beyond what your eyes can behold. A strong vision inspires passion, this passion transforms and control your life. Vision is the source of descipline. Without vision sight is hopeless especially in challenging times. Great leaders live in the present but focus intensely on the future. In summary, a Vision should have the following components: ● A vision should be clear ●A vision should be simplified. ●A vision should be documented. ●A vision should communicated in order to attract sponsors. ●A vision should be evaluated. ● A vision should be visualized. ●A vision should be imaginable. ●A vision should be focused on positive changes. ●A vision demand sacrifice. ●A vision should be expressed with optimism that is worth believing in. ●A vision should be personal and always has one believer at first which is the visionary. ●A vision should be relentlessly revised constantly. ●A vision should be realized in phases. ●A vision should be difficult and seemingly Impossible to achieve, it may be out of reach but not out of sight. ●A vision may tarry, wait for it because it will definitly become a reality if you faint not. I implore you to rise up to your Vision today, get it on course and believe it while waiting it fulfillment God will perfect his words concerning your Life. And if probably you've not gotten your Vision outline as the case may be, kindly review this nuggets carefully in order to help you capture your God given Purpose and Vision for life. You may also review previous posts, it dealt alot with this subject. Continue to stay passionate about your PURPOSE even as your Visions becomes a reality. God bless. ============================================================= Thanks for joining us here @ Reorient Youth Foundation "Royfound" Please invite friends to like and share our page for more life changing experiences here. OR: Visit our Blog at: Through God we are becoming more of a blessing to Humanity and Dreams are Fulfilled here.We'v got allot for you to think about and make that RIGHT DECISION concerning your Life and Destiny.
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HOW TO DEVELOP YOUR PERSONAL VISION The following Eight words will guarantees it SUCCESS PURPOSE PASSION POTENTIALS PLANNING PEOPLE PERSISTENCE PRINCIPLES PRAYERS Let's focus today on PLANNING You must stop sit down and plan if you are going to fulfill your vision. Success is the orderly ongoing advancement toward your goal. Success is ariving at the place you'v plan and determined to arive. God desires your success more than you desires it yourself. God commands us to establish the goal that will lead us to our vision. Failure to plan like they say is planning to fail but people sometimes make plans but do not follow through with the plan either because of laziness or procrastination. But the key is that you must plan your work and work your plan. Planning is faith and faith is planning. This is true because faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. This means that the evidence of things not seen by anybody had to come from a plan. Therefore faith is giving the unseen a substance by writing it down or by drawing them. In this manner you have transferred that substance from the unseen to a seen reality; this is planning. The ability to document the future is faith. To capture that which does not exist and put it down is planning. God is a God of faith and faith is believing on God's promises. Faith demands a plan. Most Christian drift along without a plan and expect miracle to fall from Heaven like manner. Here's something interesting about God that you didn't know:God has a plan for you but He doesn't plan for you. So planning is therefore the highest expression of faith in God because we plan for things we believe in. It's through planning the we can capture God's will for our lives. Planning gives definition to faith. Planning pulls God's promises from eternity into time. Planning documents vision. Without a plan life has no definition. Without a plan life has no meaning. Without a vision the people perishes the Bible says. A plan is a captured vision and without a plan there's no self control and goals management. Therefore understand that faith is expressed in planning and planning is faith. This is why the Bible makes it clear that faith without work is death. So planning without work equals failure. God himself is evident of faith, planning and success so studying God's principles of faith, planning and works will ultimately results in the fulfillment of your purpose and Visions for living. Also note that many are the plans in the heart of a man but it's the Lord's purpose that will prevail. Plans are changeable but purpose is not, meaning that plans are like variables but purpose is always constant. Note that , not fulfilling your plans doesn't mean that you are out of God's will. That you failed in your previous plans doesn't mean that it was God but it simply requires a change of plans. It's important that you sit down with your plans and break it down in details so as to eliminate any possible errors, this of course has to be with leadership and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Failure is simply another way to do it better, and a much better opportunity to start again. Don't quit until you win because you only loose when you quit. Here's a quick review of how a perfect plan should proceed: Identify God's purpose for your life. Document an overview plan. Sit down with the overview plan and break it down into little details. Estimate time and duration to each detailed plan. Get the necessary information and knowledge required to ease the fulfillment of the plan. Present that plan to God for approval and provisions. Don't be afraid of the cost because it's the Lord's to explain it's fulfillment. Be ready to sacrifice all for the success of the plan. Be willing to die for what you are living for. Be willing to work the plan with all passion even to the point of sacrificing your life for it because true plans and purpose are not self seeking but to serve others. Planning rushes heaven into action because God can only multiply what we present before him. Plan are the desires of the heart and God said I will grant you all the desires of your heart (plans emanating from God's purpose for your life). This is true because the plans of the righteous are right. It's funny how many people pray, for example some say: Oh Lord help me...and the answer will be TO DO WHAT? Oh Lord direct my steps...and the answer will be TO WHERE? Oh Lord bless me...and the answer will be FOR WHAT? So it therefore means that if you do not have any plans, then God has nothing to HELP YOU WITH AND BLESS YOU because God does not waste resources where it's not needed and If you don't have a plan, then God can't direct you TO NO WERE because no were isn't a destination. This is how important it is to have a plan for your life and destiny because God can only lead, direct, approve, guide, bless, prosper and multiply a documented plan presented before him. Please take time to meditate on this nuggets carefully, it will broadens your knowledge about planning from the wisest King that has ever lived. King Solomon. ============================================================= Thanks for joining us here @ Reorient Youth Foundation "Royfound" Please invite friends to like and share our page for more life changing experiences here. OR: Visit our Blog at: Through God we are becoming more of a blessing to Humanity and Dreams are Fulfilled here.We'v got allot for you to think about and make that RIGHT DECISIONS concerning your Life and Destiny.
Friends this little piece of writing has been in my heart for a while now reason's being that it's a delicate issue to talk about, but I suppose it was meant for a day such as today. It would be advisable to read it with an open mind intending to see SINGLENESS, RELATIONSHIPS, MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE in new perspective. So, shall we!!! The issue of relationships are the key problems in the society today. People and the society this days have so misunderstood phrases like Relationship, Dating , Singleness and being Unmarried to the point that many have lost their way as to the meaning of these words. As such people get under stress due to lack of understanding of what this enigmatic phrases really means and requires. I would hold off on Dating since it has much to do with, but will certainly be talked about in the subsequent discussions. So let's kick off talking about RELATIONSHIPS There are two kinds of relationship i would like us to emphasis with respect to their priorities. This includes: *INTRA-PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP...This has to do with yourself first.(i i.e SELF DISCOVERY ) *INTER-PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP...This of course is the usual relationship people often go after with another person with various reasons both noble and ignoble. Imperatively, Intra personal relationship is the first everyone should sort after even before thinking about engaging into an Inter - personal relationship reasons of which we will discuss in the course of this adventure. Until you get your intra personal relationship sorted out, you can't help but fail in your interpersonal relationship. To start with let's understand some of the advantages of being SINGLE:= It's more important to be single than to be married....'though statement right?' Just hang on cos you'd fine clarity as to why that statement is True. This is perhaps why divorce is rampant because the individuals that made up that marriage weren't SINGLE before getting into the union In reality, most people try to get married in order for them to avoid being single...'how sad it sounds' In order for us to strike an understanding of the word SINGLE, let's understand first it priority and purpose. ... GOD being the creature of all things created things in order of priority first and then the adjoining preferences afterwards. So God created a single individuals first (Adam and afterwards made Eve for Adam as helper)and said this is good, He didn't create a MARRIAGE or a COUPLE meaning that, for the said marriage to exist you need two SINGLE individuals to make that possible. Further down the creation process He said that ....'it's not good for this single individual to be alone' take note that ALONE is different from being SINGLE. That will be explained forther in our discussion. Therefore SINGLENESS is suppose to be the foundation for all relationships Failure to fix this foundation ultimately would resolve in Divided Vision (Divorce) in either the relationship or marriage as the case may be. Divorce in reality is the hypothetical death of relationship and it's worst than real death, it's the ripping of two souls that used to be ONE into TWO SEPARATE PARTS only that this time it can't survive as one soul anymore because of the imaginary bond that clued them initially. And the only person that can repair or reverse this situation is God...He said" I will heal the broken hearted" So you would agree with me that: Divorce is impossible without marriage, and Marriage is impossible without Single individuals, and Healthy single individuals are the prerequisites for an healthy marriage. Therefore any marriage is as good as the singles that are in it...not more not less. You bring to the marriage whatever you are as a single individual. So if you don't like the outcome you are seeing in your marriage or relationship then check the quality of singles in it. Now you see why is vehemently important to be single before and during marriage... This however means that what ever the single individuals are and their persona ...that's exactly what they will eventually pour into their marriage. Permit me to list a few that often would lead to a misunderstanding due to carelessness during singlehood, this may include: ● Bad breath. ●Dirty habits. ●Belching out loud seen as an irritable habit in some ethnicity. ●Pressing toothpaste either from the top, middle or bottom...Of course being habitual rather than disgusting in nature. ● Always forgetting to flush after using the restroom. ●Always forgetting to wash hands either after using the restroom or before eating. ●Smelly socks. ●When to draw boundaries on funny jokes. ●Sleeping with lights on or off....etc but to mention a few. If those behaviors of which some are inappropriate, aren't fix during your singlehood , your marriage will be nothing less than those lifestyles. So what am I saying in escence, THE BETTER YOUR INTRA-PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP IS IN YOUR SINGLEHOOD THE BEST YOUR INTER-PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WOULD BECOME WHEN YOU ARE MARRIED. Marriage doesn't improve your singleness or the lack of it but instead it exposes how single you were before getting married...because all by yourself, your persona is always safe and nobody gets to know them except the once you allow people to know. But immediately you get married or in an interpersonal relationship...Oops, it will definitly become known whether good or bad, it can't be hidden anymore. So the question now would be. ..IF YOU KNEW ALL THAT YOU KNOW ABOUT YOU NOW , "WOULD YOU MARY YOU"?????....Don't answer it....just think through it and see whether that Personality is worth giving to another person to live with for the rest of their lives in the union called marriage. This is how important it is to be SINGLE first before anything else. THE MYTH OF SINGLENESS *To be single does not equal being unmarried. *It's okay to be Single but not good to be Alone. *It's not a SINGLENESS PROBLEM that we have but BEING SINGLE PROBLEM. *Never confuse singleness with being Alone. *Relationships and marriages gets better the more single they become daily. *Singleness is a state to be pursued but not to be avoided. * To be single should be the goal of every married person because singleness increases the value you bring to the relationship and the more worth you will eventually become to your spouse. * Singleness is what every individual needs before marriage rather than pursuing marriage then at the end of it all you do not have any Personality to present to whomever you finally meet as your spouse. *Sigleness is God's original foundation for relationship and marriage and should remain that way. THE PRINCIPLES,PURPOSE AND PRIORITY OF SINGLENESS *Singleness is the most important state of human development. *Singleness is the foundation of God's design for the human family. *God began the human family with one single human being, not a couple. * Single individuals are the basic component of a meaningful & healthy relationship and marriage. *Singleness is the first building block of human society, not marriage. *A male man was the first individual God created to sustain the human race. *God placed him at EDEN which is interpreted as: The spot and moment were the presence of God was an open door to Heaven. *The first thing a man needs is the Presence of God and not a partner because it's the only environment that enables him to get his purpose outlined so as to function properly. *The male man ought to have discovered his work (Purpose and Vision for life) from this ideal environment 'Eden' before thinking about engaging into the union called marriage. Taking a quote from the Bible in Gen.2:18...' It's not good for this single individual (Adam) to be alone therefor I will make him an helper' emphasis added. The word ALONE in the verse is interpreted in Hebrew to be a combination of two words ALL IN ONE. Let's look at the word ALONE (ALL IN ONE)with reference to the Bible verse, it means ○It's not good for man to be EXCLUSIVE...One of your kind. ○It's not good for man to be ISOLATED...Having non like him. ○It's not good for man to be in SOLITARY STATE So singleness is God's default program for the human family. INTERESTINGLY TO BE SINGLE THEREFORE MEANS TO BE: SEPARATE= : ●That's being set apart from others for self discovery through God. ●Being detached from others to improve yourself for the best. ●Being different from others based on your qualities, Potentials, Talents, and Abilities. UNIQUE=: ● That's being original and not a duplicate of someone else. ● Being distinctive with a brand which informs your identity. ● Being special attested by your self worth and value. WHOLE=: ●That's being complete: Understanding that you're fearfully and wonderfully made and you're not less of a person. ● Being Unified . ● Being one with yourself: Meaning that you have all it takes to be happy and become who you were meant to be. ● Above all to be one. It's the above listed qualities that make you valuable and being sort after as a SINGLE individual. It's also the list that gives you your SELF WORTH and SENSE OF PURPOSE . THE BLESSINGS OF SINGLENESS ★It's an awesome state to be pursued but not to be avoided. ★To be single should be the goal of every unmarried and married individuals. ★It affords you the privelage to know who you truly are regardless of relationships or in marriage. ★It enhances focus and the discovery of oneself. ★It encourages appropriate time management. ★It impact self descipline on oneself. ★It imposses a sense of responsibility and duty to anything and everything you do. ★It gives you the room to be comfortable with yourself in other to enjoy your future partner's company. ★It makes you appreciate other single individuals opinions . ★It make you to understand and value other people's similarities and differences. ★It's an adorable and a memorable experience ordained by God as a prerequisites for marriage and relationships. SINGLENESS WITH RESPECT TO RELATIONSHIP ●You are not ready to live with someone else until you can live with yourself. ●Your relationship can only be as good as your singleness. ●No human can meet your ego needs, soul needs and above all your Spiritual needs, you can only get them from being single. MARRIAGE AND ALONENESS ☆Marriage doesn't solve loneliness problem but exposes it. ☆It's possible to be unmarried and not alone. ☆Marriage wasn't instituted to solve problem of being alone but rather human being were created to solve the 'aloneness ' problem. ☆Marriage is the collision of two unknown histories in one matrimonial home half of which won't be discovered or discussed among themselves. ☆Marriage is also the creation of a third family separate from the bride and grooms family and not the merging of two families to become one, this will guard against intrusion. Until you are SEPARATE, UNIQUE AND are not ready for any relationship or marriage. So don't pursue marriage first but seek and long for singleness first amongst all. Fall in love with yourself first before you do so with others , it's the greatest thing you can ever give to someone else's you meet as a spouse. And if you're already married, then being SINGLE (that's being SEPARATE, UNIQUE AND WHOLE) should be your pursuit because it will definitly give your marriage that experience you've been longing for. Please don't get offended by my choice of words, they were necessary to pinpoint the facts and the Biblical Truths about SINGLENESS, MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. I sincerely hope that you would go through this reading several times as possible to get the intended message that accompanies this enigmatous subject. I confer my warm wishes to you even as you thrill yourself with the reading so you can make the most of your SINGLENESS OR SINGLEHOOD. GOD BLESS YU'LL. Happy Singlehood for the Singles. Happy Valentine to the folks concerned. Happy Sunday. ============================================================ Thanks for joining us here @ Reorient Youth Foundation "Royfound" Please invite friends to like and share our page for more life changing experiences here. OR: Visit our Blog at: Through God we are becoming more of a blessing to Humanity and Dreams are Fulfilled here.We'v got allot for you to think about and make that RIGHT DECISION concerning your Life and Destiny.
Friends, its a neccessity to accept the fact that: Wisdom is the secret of stardom. Wisdom sponsors freedom. Wisdom delivers to people their kingdom inheritance in God. You cannot be wise and not rise in life. Solomon, Joseph and Daniel were among those who rose and reigned by wisdom. Wisdom is knowing what to do and doing what you know. Wisdom is what you do out of the knowledge available at your disposal. Wisdom is the practice of principles, not just the possession of them. Wisdom is the application of knowledge acquired per time. The difference between men is their practices of daily acquired knowledges. Many know what to do (what is right and needful), but not many do what they know. Knowledge alone is not enough. It is a proof of wisdom but not wisdom itself. A fool is known by his ignorance and inaction (or wrong action). An intelligent man is known by his applications of knowledge in his day to day livelihood. A wise person, however, is known by his positive and profitable actions. To know what to do and not do anything after all , therefore, makes one an intelligent fool. Make sure you are not one of such. Wisdom demands that you be on the look outfor positive and profitable principles of life to apply them. Look into the Bible and also look at positive living examples. Practice these principles and you will stand among the wise. Dont forget that WISDOM IN FORM OF IDEAS RULE THE WORLD. You can rule your world,it starts by "knowing what to do"(Intelligence) and "Applying what you know"(Wisdom) profitably. It's the secret to prosperity and longevity of life and Destiny. ============================================= Thanks for joining us here @ Reorient Youth Foundation "Royfound" Please invite friends to like and share our page for more life changing experiences here. OR: Visit our Blog at: Through God we are becoming more of a blessing to Humanity and Dreams are Fulfilled here.We'v got allot for you to think about and make that RIGHT DECISION concerning your Life and Destiny.
THE POWER OF VISION & IT PRINCIPLES It's about what you still could Vividly see even with your eyes CLOSED. And the details is Best Known to YOU and YOU only. It's about those pleasant THOUGHTS and IDEAS that keep coming back. It's about what makes you Angry and you feel like being of help. It's the FORESIGHT with a deeper INSIGHT based on an HINDSIGHT. It's that mind projection into the Future inpired by God. It gives you Exceeding Joy and Happiness awaiting it Fulfillment. More so its has to do with WHY YOUR ALIVE. It's the platform to which your Voice will be heard among Nations and Generations being affected POSITIVELY through "IT" . It's that "IT" in you that makes you UNIQUE among your equals. Get to Realize yours, And start Utilizing it, If Maximized adequately with all sincerity it will afford you Fulfillment, Its your PURPOSE Its your DREAMS Its your VISIONS Its your PASSIONS... It your Life in a Summary,that PERSONALITY in you. Try all you can to leave it out. While doing so, Pay attention to this important part of YOUR PERSONALITY:...that is your "CREATIVITY"& your "POTENTIALS " Its your ORIGINALITY,so stick to it. Its has bearings to your ABILITY and CAPABILITIES, so exploit it. And enhances your CREDIBILITY,so perfect it. Your AVAILABILITY becomes a NECESSITY, so avail yourself for it. Because it will determine your PRODUCTIVITY ,passionately give it all you'v got. It will guard against your becoming a LIABILITY to HUMANITY and ETERNITY, So Make it a REALITY. God bless you. =========================================== Thanks for joining us here @ Reorient Youth Foundation "Royfound" Please invite friends to like and share our page for more life changing experiences here. OR: Visit our Blog at: Through God we are becoming more of a blessing to Humanity and Dreams are Fulfilled here.We'v got allot for you to think about and make that RIGHT DECISION concerning your Life and Destiny.
Friend's, ★It's absolutely WORTHLESS gaining SPEED in the wrong DIRECTION : ●GET YOUR BEARINGS RIGHT FIRST. ★It's absolutely WORTH WHILE getting your CHARACTER fixed before assuming a POSITION: ●IT MAKES THE POSITION QUITE EASY TO FUNCTION. ★It's seemingly NECESSARY to get your PRIORITIES OUTLINED: ●IT GUARDS AGAINST TIME MISMANAGEMENT. ★It's of a GREAT importance to be SELF DISCIPLINE in all facet of life: ●IT ENHANCES AND GIVES FULFILMENT TO THE ABOVE SAID POINTS. ★It's so edifying knowing WHERE you are headed for in LIFE: ●IT GUARDS AGAINST ANY FORM OF EXCUSE FOR FAILURE WHILE ON THE JOURNEY. ★It's ultimately glorious DISCOVERING YOUR PASSION and making it your PROFESSION: ●ITS THE KEY TO FULFILLING YOUR ASSIGNMENT ON EARTH. ♥INDEED KNOWING GOD FOR YOURSELF IS THE ONLY WAY ALL OF THIS THINGS COULD BECOME A REALITY.♥ ============================================== Thanks for joining us here @ Reorient Youth Foundation "Royfound" Please invite friends to like and share our page for more life changing experiences here. OR: Visit our Blog at: Through God we are becoming more of a blessing to Humanity and Dreams are Fulfilled here.We'v got allot for you to think about and make that RIGHT DECISION concerning your Life and Destiny.
