Wisdom bank
A BETTER WORLD OF PEOPLE MAKING DIFFERENCES IN THEIR BEST WAY. There is a genius in everyone waiting to be ignited for maximum effectiveness. This genius most time ends as potentials because most are never applied nor developed.
Wisdom bank is an organization launch out to reach the largest number in every field of endeavor and to bring out the best in this individual as they are naturally gifted from creation.
Our medium of Communication includes Seminars, Talk Shows, Events, Books, Radio programmes, Television Broadcast, Audio & Video records, internet and lots more; Offering Trainings and teachings on:
Leadership skills
Time management
Decision making
Team management
Relation issues
Communication skills
Public speaking
Student’s capacity development
Staff/ Employees efficiency development
Financial aptitude
Employers/Entrepreneurs skill development
Career skill
Creativity boost/motivation
Artistic/Technological development.
Life stock/ cash crop farming
Real estate tips
Information and communication technology
Our teams are made up of members’ veteran in each of these areas.
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