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The Father's HOUSE

20 Shell Location Road, Off NTA Road, Mgbuoba., Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Church/religious organization



The five (5) purposes of the church are derived from these scriptures matt 22:37-40, 28:1-20, Acts 2:42-47. Namely: worship; Evangelism; Discipleship; Ministry and Fellowship.
1.   Worship: this we do by celebrating God’s presence.
2.   Evangelism: we pass across God’s word through evangelism.
3.   Discipleship: we educate God’s people through the word in order to become more like Jesus.
4.   Ministry: we demonstrate God’s love through service.
5.   Fellowship: (Membership) we fellowship with one another.
Our statements
1.   Our vision (what we intend to do) to raise men and women who will be role models in our community.
2.   Our mission ( How we intend to do it) “ to empower members to discover, develop and reach their maximum potentials in God “
3.   Our faith (what we believe)
a.   The holy bible is the inspired word of God. 2 Tim3:15-17, 2Peter1:21.
b.   There’s one God who eternally exists in three persons: The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Deut. 6:4, Matt 16:7, Luke 3:22.
c.   Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Matt. 1:18-25.
d.   Jesus is the way. John 14:6.
e.   All needs to be saved. Rom. 3:23
f.   Jesus Christ rose from the dead. 1 Cor15:4

g.   The dead shall rise again. 1 Thess 4:16-17, Rom. 8:23.
h.   Jesus Christ is coming again. Acts 1:11
i.   We believe in water baptism and the Lord’s super. Matt. 28:19, 26:26-29
j.   We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Mark 16:17-18, Acts 1:8
k.   We believe in fellowship with one another. Heb. 10:24-25
l.   We believe that tithing is commanded to all believers. Malachi 3:7-10
    Our core values
R- Righteousness: we are committed to be in alignment with scriptures before God and men. Job 2:3-9
E- Excellence: We aspire to the highest level of excellence in all areas. Daniel 1:8, 5:14-16, 6:3-4
F- Fellowship: We are committed to love one another.heb 10:24-25
I-   Integrity: We do what we say
    L- Leadership: We are committed to deliberately inspiring, empowering and influencing lives to achieve its highest potentials. 2Tim 4:2
A-   Attitude: We remain positive and upbeat and committed to find a way to improvise, adapt and overcome. 1Sam30:6


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