St Andrew's
Preaching the gospel of truth and grace, and the Kingdom.
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Preparing the saints for the Bridegroom
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facebook.comIT'S gud to see women trying to combine both Mary (sitting at d feet of Jesus) and Marta; (domestic issues) ministry just to ensure Edification and Unity in the body of Christ. It's call HOME and ABROAD meeting 2016. Today was great and tomoro will be greater. Gudnit friends
159th CMS NIGER MISSION ANNIVERSARY - 1857-2016. A BRIEF CMS NIGER MISSION ANNIVERSARY STORY. Enjoy, and Appreciate our benefactors. Text: Isaiah 9:2-3. "The people walked in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. *You have enlarged the nation & increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest....(NIV). The 27th day July every year marks the CMS Niger Mission Anniversary. 2016 is the 129th. We usually use this period in our life as Christians to reflect on where we were, where we are, and where we are going, even as we continue to thank God for bringing us from darkness into his marvelous light. After many unsuccessful attempts by the white missionaries to bring the Good News of the gospel to the countries of West Africa, converted & Chritiniazed slaves were later drafted into the team that eventually succeeded in bringing the light of the gospel to our land. BISHOP SAMUEL AJAYI CROWTHER was the arrow head leader of this team. History has it that the first missionary incursion into the coast of West Africa was pioneered by the Portuguese in the 15th century, the principal initiator being the popular prince known as Henry the navigator. However, the endeavor did not record much success due to many unfavorable factors. The 2nd endeavor which was initiated in the 18th century was more of a success than the first & led to the planting of enduring Christianity in many countries of West Africa. Nigeria, & the Igbo race in particular, benefited immensely from this. Two great events of the time contributed immensely to the success of this 2nd endeavor: the evangelical Great Awakening of the 18th century, & the abolition of the slave trade. The CMS & the missionary work in this part of the world centers around Bishop Samuel AJAYI CROWTHER, the man whom God used to pioneer this work. But Who Is This Man - Bishop AJAYI CROWTHER? About 1806 - Born in Osoogun, in Ogun State 1821 - Captured into slavery 1822 - Rescued & taken to Sierra Leone 1823 - Mission School Boy 1825 - Baptized 1828 - 1st Student of Fourah Bay College 1843 - Ordained Clergyman 1846 - Re-United with his mother & sister 1857 - His Missionary Team landed in Onitsha (27.7) 1864 - Consecrated Bishop (29th June) 31.12.1891 - Died, an accomplished Man of God THE CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY (CMS) The CMS was founded in 1799 for the purpose of going to spread the gospel message overseas. But the move to Nigeria was made when Henry Venn was the CMS Secretary (1841-1872). The society for the extinction of slave trade & civilization of Africa was formed on 1st June 1840. This society brought together in Great Britain those who were interested in Africa & acted as a pressure group to the government. ADVENT OF CHRISTIANITY IN NIGERIA . The result of the pressure on the Government, as mentioned above, was the 1841 expedition in which three ships were sent to the Niger, the mouth having been discovered by Richard Lander. Among the members of the Niger expedition were Rev. J.F. Scion, a German missionary of the CMS, & a young Catechist, the freed slave, Samuel AJAYI CROWTHER, among others. They introduced trade and model farms as well as Christianity. In Freetown, Sierra Leone there were former slaves who were familiar with the language of the Niger area. They were drafted to join the team. In 1857 Rev S. A. CROWTHER led the CMS team for the Niger Expedition. With him were Rev. J.C. Taylor, Catechist Simon Jonas, & Augustus armadillo, all of them of Igbo ex-slaves resident in Sierra Leone. The team landed in Onitsha on 26/27th July 1857 & were welcomed by the then Obi Akazua of Onitsha, his son Odili & the rest of the Onitsha people. The Niger mission was thus founded. They requested for land to establish their mission & were gladly given the area of land from around the former ABS (now Shoprite) Onitsha down to the River Niger. This is the root of our celebration of the CMS NIGER MISSION Anniversary every 27th July. Our sister denomination, The Roman Catholic Mission (RCM) arrived in Onitsha much later in 1885 (28yrs later) & requested for land from the Onitsha people. They were referred to the CMS people who gladly welcomed & accommodated them, & released to them as much land as they requested. (May the accommodating spirit of our fathers continue to guide us). The actual work of evangelism & planting of Christianity in IGBOLAND was spear-headed by Rev. j. C. Taylor. CROWTHER only played a supervisory role. For mission in Onitsha, & indeed Igboland, to succeed they insisted on the study of the language of the people & the coining of the Igbo alphabet, as this would enhance the relationship between the missionaries and the people of the land. Again it will enable Taylor to teach, reach out through visit and conversation. The first achievement of the CMS missionaries was the coining of the Igbo alphabet. They tried to formulate it alongside the English alphabet but some Igbo accent could not be found in the English alphabet. This led to having such compound letters as gb, gh, kp, sh,ch, gw, kw, nw, & ny. There are also the letters n, with a dash or dot on the top & o with a dash or dot at the bottom to give ñ & 'or' respectively. Likewise such letters as c, j, q, & x in the English alphabet did not find a place in the Igbo alphabet. In the end what we have below formed the foundation of the Igbo language in prints. A a B b GB gb D d E e F f G g GH gh H h I i J j K k L l M m N n N n Oo OR or P p KP kp R r S s SH sh T t U u V v W w Y y Z z CH ch GW gw KW kw NW nw NY ny . From this foundation the CMS started to build the Igbo grammar by merging each consonant with each of the 6 vowels to give ba be bi bo bor bu, up to za ze zi zo zor zu. This done, they went further to three-letter words & came up with Gi na ya. O bu mu. Chia Ochi. Jee ubi. Kee Ji. Kpoo ya. Unu bia, etc. From this stage again they went on to short stories and full page stories. This eventually gave birth to the first ever printed book in IGBOLAND known as "Azu Ndu." It was so called in the belief that the seed of the gospel (the Word of God) has been planted in IGBOLAND and, like every plant with green leaves, it has germinated & will continue to grow, hence the name: "AZU NDU" meaning "Green Back Cover." Is is not "Azu Ndu" as in "Fresh Fish" as many have grossly and ignorantly misinterpreted it to mean. After successfully printing the "Azu Ndu" the missionaries and the early graduates such as George Nicholas Anyaegbunam, the 1st Igbo clergyman, and many others, went ahead to work on translating the Bible into Igbo language which has now been rooted in the land. Their efforts gave birth to a complete Igbo version of the Bible in 1913. Archdeacon Dennis of the famous DMGS played a very distinguished role in the translation work and its printing. There were many other people who rendered help one way or the other in this noble task to bring the Word of God in our native language to our door steps, & to lay the foundation of education in this part of the country. In their bid to stop slavering & cannibalism in IGBOLAND the missionaries travelled to different parts of the world in search of food items suitable for the West African climate, which will equally be good for African trade. The search yielded positive results in that almost all the staple food items we enjoy today were brought into the country b the CMS. The following are some of the food items & the country from where they came. Yam: West Indies Maize: USA, West Indies, India, & China Cassava: Brazil, S.America, & the Amazons Plantain/Bananas: India, Cameroon, Germany Pepper, Pineapple: India Coconut: Honolulu Guava: Cameroon, by the Germans Sheep & Goat: Australia, Tasmania, Argentine, & New Zealand Fowl: Rhode Island, & Asia Minor Rice: America, Japan, China, & Ceylon Cocoa, Pear, cocoa Yam: India & Ceylon Beans: Egypt, Sudan, & Americas. Etc, Etc. With the above startling revelation one wonders what our ancestors had for food. No wonder they ate other human beings for food. We cannot really thank the missionaries of the CMS enough for the sacrifice they made to give us the light of the Gospel we enjoy today. NOTE: This is only a tip of the ice berg. MAY GOD IN ALL THINGS BE GLORIFIED!!!!!!!! Hail! The anniversary Dayyy! Happy Dayyyyy!!! Join us children as we march along the wayyyy To sing the anniversary song Happy dayyyy!!! Happy A[truncated by WhatsApp]
Girls guild sunday
Daddy on facebook!
Unusual Digest “On the first day of the seventh month you shall have a holy convocation. You shall not do any ordinary work. It is a day for you to blow the trumpets, Num 29:1 I prophecy into ur life, in dis seventh month u shall blow a trumpet of joy. Pple wil gather to celebrate wit u. U shall nt labor in vain and every of ur little effort shall be rewarded wit a loud testimony. In d remaining half of d yr ur horn shall b exhalted above ur enemies in Jesus name, Amen. Graceful new month to u dear!
I saw ladies of different sizes, shapes, colour, height, and even walk step. It's yesterday I new Dat it's posiible to do matching wit cat walk. Even to match ladies still form. Odiegwu! But all the same I saw passion and d spirit of positive competition at work in dem. It was really a tough one, everybody gave deir best but someone must be d first. One thing I no and I am sure of is Dat yesterday while I watched I saw obosi ladies (Girls Guild) match out of Egypt into Canaan, out of sorrow into success, out of rong relationships and the decit of the devil into the truth and assurance of Godly marriage. My judgement wasn't against any of the group but against the devil and his schemes. He has lost the battle over the youths of dis land. It was a triumphant entry match past. To God be Al d Glory. Amen
It was so interesting and mind blowing last nit at St Andrews Obosi as we sought for a virtuous lady to bear the name "Miss Obosi Archedeaconry 2016" at the just concluded Obosi Archdeaconry Girls Guild competition.
Champions are breeds of preparation and hardwork. D only way to achieve d Extra ordinary is be ready to go the Extra mile. Winners (Leaders) are Workers (servants)
The Winning team! The matched at their best yesterday at d Obosi Archdeaconry Girls Guild competition. It was a tough one though but God gave dem victory.
Best synod Ever! Filled wit joy in His presence. Indeed peace has come to Obosi and must remain. The peace of the Lord be wit us all. Amen