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Erin-Ile Students' Association Udus Branch

Usmanu Danfodiyo University, , Sokoto, Nigeria



Welcome to the official page of Erin-ile Students' Association Usmanu Danfodiyo University Chapter {#ESAUdus}  


E S A wishes to inform the general public, most especially, the applicants of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto state, that the 2017/2018 *Second* admission list is out. To check your admission status, follow the details below; Visit the Udusok admission status checking portal via the link below; >> Enter your JAMB No or matric No. The registration continues. Congratulation to all successful candidates.

*WORDS FROM THE NEWS DIGEST TO THE NEW STUDENTS* It is a news that is already digested that UDUS has just released her admission lists. The news that one has been admitted into a University is the most cheering news that comes to an admission seeker. At that moment one begins to feel that one has been upgraded in level and can't wait to be lectured by the professors of ones's bound University. The thoughts of leaving home to a totally new world and meeting new friends are equally heart-warming. The News Digest would like to use this medium to say a big CONGRATULATIONS to all those who have been admitted to the most peaceful University in Nigeria: Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto. As you are set to join the world of Danfodites, accept these few words from the BEST PRESS BOARD ON CAMPUS:NEWS DIGEST to welcome you to the most peaceful University in Nigeria. Here in Sokoto, the sun is very much closer to the ground. So, your first major task is to acclimatise with the harsh weather condition we have here, for it is under this scotching sun you will do most of your activities. Also during harmattan, it is as cold as it was hot in the summers. This is one of the reasons we say: "If you think education is easy come to UDUS". You don't only have your academic activities to deal with but also the volatile weather. The University is a world on her own. Little wonder it was derived from the word universe. This is a world, where you will come in contact with people of different characteristics; the good, the bad and the ugly. To succeed in the University, one has to be very selective of the people one keeps associates with. If really you want to succeed in this world, your friends should be people that have positive influence on you, and those that are equally concerned about your success. For you that thinks gaining admission means you have been offered freedom to fly like a bird that had been caged for years, then "hallowed be your mistake". Gaining admission means your future has been placed in your hands and what will happen to it depends on your actions and inactions althrough your stay in the University. This is a rare opportunity, that you should grab with both hands, and go out for it whole-heartedly. Do not allow yourself to be discouraged by senior students. You will hear them saying: "Don't even think about scoring A, it is Impossible" because it is impossible for him or her does not make it entirely impossible. Believe in yourself and never settle for less, when you can get more. As the saying goes "Time is wealth" your time on campus is precious to you. It should not be misused. It should be spent on things that will bring about positive change. Engage yourself with activities that build capacity and will bring you up to the standard expected of undergraduate students. The university is a good avenue to carve a niche for yourself. Delay is dangerous. One thing you should avoid is procrastination. Some thing that should be done today should not be postponed till tomorrow. Don't be among those that would say; "I still have 10weeks before examination". The fire brigade approach is not the best. Do not allow yourself to be bewitched by the witch of procrastination and to bedeviled by the devil of laziness. Be actively active. Everyone wants to be loved and have his or her prince or princes charming as it is "body no be firewood" but, the truth is, it is just too early for a fresh student to jump into a relationship. Make your feet firm on the ground of UDUS before you think of jumping into a relationship. The rules and regulations that govern this University may be somewhat conservative , they will not bend for any individual, but are binding on any individual that falls under her authority. I urge you to be law abiding and stay away from trouble. Work hard, pray harder and sleep less.

To all aspirants of the most peaceful university in Nigeria Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto state, it is our privilege to announce that the 2017/2018 admission list has been released. To check, visit the page below Congratulations to those offered admission.

Another blessed and glorious Monday we pray for and other days of this week. Also, we hope and pray for the quick release of the school's admission list. Applicants should continue praying and hoping for the best. Additionally, returning students should also gear up for the new session as it is around the corner. We pray for God's blessings on our endeavors. Amen. Erin ile o ni baje o.

Let us not forget about Erin ile Students Association UDUS Chapter Meeting on the 15th of November by 4pm at Ibolo Area Court. Your presence is highly needed. Erin ile Ko Ni Baje o.

To all returning students, hope preparations are on going about resumption. While we are praying for students (Erin ile) indigenes who chose Uthman dan Fodiyo University for admission success and also should be all set as the release of admission list have commenced via JAMB website. Also, it is to our hearing that the school will also release their own list. Just praying and hoping for the best. May God bless us all. Erin Ile Ko Ni Baje O, Amin.

ESA DAY 2017

BREAKING...RESUMPTIONS NOW 24TH APRIL Greatest Danfodites!!! The University Management had extended the resumption date for 2016/2017 Session Second Semester to *24th Day of April, 2017.* Com Mutiu Lanre EffoeBell

NO EXTENSION TO EXAM DATE - DEAN The Dean of Student Affairs of the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto(UDUS) has cleared the air on the rumour being spread that there is an extension to the commencement date of first semester examination for the returning students. The Dean, in response to the question regarding the move to extend the examination date made by the Academic Staff Union of University UDUS chapter said: "The first semester examination commencement date for the returning students is still as it is in the calendar which is 20th February 2017". He further said that the time table for the examination will be out before the week runs out. He concluded by saying if anything contrary would happen it will be duly communicated. BY: HASSAN TEMITOPE SOURCE: PEN PRESS UDUS

NUC approves 4 engineering programmes for Usmanu Danfodiyo University,Sokoto- VC By . | Publish Date: Dec 7 2016 10:06AM NUC approves 4 engineering programmes for Usmanu Danfodiyo University,Sokoto- VC National Universities Commission (NUC), says it has given approval to the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto to commence four core engineering programmes. The Vice-Chancellor of the university, Prof. Abdullahi Zuru disclosed this to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Sokoto on Wednesday. Zuru named the programmes as Civil, Electrical/Electronics, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, adding that the programmes would take off in the 2016/2017 academic session. He said:” This feat was achieved sequel to series of accreditation visits conducted at the institution by various teams from the commission. ” The routine accreditations for other programmes at the university are also ongoing. ” This is to ensure that all the academic programmes of the institution are being done according to the set standards.” According to Zuru, the exercises focused on issues such as the provision of adequate and qualified lecturers, laboratories, classrooms and equipment, among others. ”The exercises are ongoing and so far, so good, we are not anticipating any problem.” On Treasury Single Account (TSA),Zuru said that, it had not hampered the activities of the university. He stated that, the university was getting all its requests approved, saying that the initial teething problems of the system had been overcome. ” Hitherto, the system affected the issues of research grants and funds meant for endowments. ” However, these problems are now history and all is well.” Zuru, however, advocated more funding of the education sector at all levels in the country. Meanwhile, Zuru has commended the Minister of Works, Power and Housing, Mr Raji Fashola, for ensuring the commencement of the rehabilitation work on the Sokoto city to the university’s main campus road. ” Major works are o
