Christ The Saviour Ministries Inc.
CTSM Incoporation was founded and established by Rev. Dr Bartholomew Asanya in 1994. CTSM Incoporation was founded and established by Rev. Dr Bartholomew Asanya in 1994, as an interdenominational house fellowship. It grew into a big assembly with apostolic signs and wonders, miracles, healing within 2 years. With the tremendous growth and grace upon the fellowship, it was registered as a full Pentecostal church in 1998, under the leadership of the General Overseer, Rev Dr Bartholomew Asanya.
Rev Dr Barth Asanya had this utmost burden that “All may come to the knowledge of the truth, be transformed within and without on Mount Zion” with an utmost goal to stand as an end time battle axe for the Lord.
Given this vision, CTSM Inc., has set on mission various mechanisms to preach the gospel of truth (salvation) in all parts of the country, administering deliverance to those that are oppressed, teaching and preaching Christ; his birth, his baptism, his works, his teachings, his crucifixion, his resurrection, his ascension, his second coming, his millennial reign, his white throne judgements, the new heaven and the new earth, when he shall put all his enemies under his feet and shall reign eternally, we shall abide with him forever and ever.
God has proven his faithfulness and mightiness in our midst, since 1998, confirming his works in our ministrations and services, with signs, wonders and testimonies of breakthrough to his glory.
One uniqueness in “Christ The Saviour Ministry” is that, it is a church where the holy spirit is the executive head, who directs, guides, teaches, leads and reveals all to us for the perfecting of the body of Christ at large.
In the year 1996, the church moved from the sitting room of the General Overseer to 98, Western Avenue, Ojuelegba, Surulere Lagos, and later moved to 91 of the same street.
Subsequently, the church again relocated to its present headquarters, 1 Christ The Saviour Crescent, Ijeshatedo, Surulere, while the church was registered in the year 1998 under the umbrella of Pentecostal churches in Nigeria, with tremendous growth from glory to glory and God’s grace on Rev Barth Asanya growing from strength to strength.
Today, to God be the glory, the church has given birth to 4 new branches in Nigeria;
Ikorodu branch, Ibusa Branch, Onitsha Branch and Ogwashukwu Branch.
We are also blessed with bible college called “Saviours Bible Institute”, which sent forth the maiden graduates in 2007. We also operate a Creche/Daycare called “Christ The Saviour Creche(Daycare), which commenced operation in 2009.
All arms of the ministry are waxing stronger and greater both nationally and internationally since it’s inception.
We are working tirelessly in his vine yard with the passion to win souls for Christ and to set the captives free through that great name of JESUS.
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