Foursquare Gospel Church, Oke-Ayo, Gaun (a.k.a Line Crosser) This is FB page of Foursquare Gospel Church, Oke-Ayo, Magboro. Ogun State (a.k.a. The Line Crosser).
2015 Diamond Jubilee “Our year of Jubilation”
You have come to a place of purpose and destiny fulfillment. Our God is alive and real. He is able to make all grace abound towards you.
Fellowship with us today and experience the Power in the Word. May the Lord meet you at the point of your need!
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” Hebrews 13:9
Pastor Olurotimi Adebanjo
Host Pastor
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This Life is so funny at times and one just wonders in disbelief the stories one hears and reads in the Newspapers. There was this story of a popular Chief who at age 79 went to court to get his 30-year old marriage to his Wife dissolved on the ground that there is no more love in their relationship. Alas, while the Woman was appealing to the Judge not to dissolve the marriage claiming she still loves her husband, the man insisted it must be dissolved. He got his desired judgement at the end of the whole proceedings. As I wondered, I asked myself some questions: How many years remains for the man himself before going to his grave? Where on earth would the love that has sustained a marriage for 30 solid years disappeared to? How would the fruits (Children) of that union feel? Wouldn't a little more of patients work the magic? Couple on this platform, please hear me out. Your Marriage is ordained by God. It is a Divine Project committed into your hands by God and His desire is that it should work. It should succeed! The major issue affecting your marriage is that of disobedience and non-adherence to the command of God in Eph. 5:22-28. That Wives should submit to their own Husbands, and the Husbands to love their Wives. However, you as the Husband have failed to love while you as the Wife have refused to submit. What a lacuna? God wants both of you to be one in everything: in thoughts, in words, in deeds, in agreement, in communication, in decision, in love, in faith, in everything! Any discordant tune will make the party flop. Is love missing in your marriage? Is it affection? Is is lack? Have you as a man been denied of your deserved respect? Are you as a woman not given the love and attention you cherish? Could it be the psychological stress of job loss, financial incapacity, what to eat or drink or wear? Is it barrenness, lack of children? What could it be? No matter the condition of your marriage today, I want you to ask GOD, the Author of marriage to breathe life afresh on it. He is the provider of every good thing: Money, Children, Good Health, Joy, Peace, Happiness etc. An adage says that if we are patient enough, we shall get a stone cooked until it is done. God is not slack concerning His promise. He wishes that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. He wishes that in the days of trouble you'd call upon Him for help and solution. Don't give up on that marriage relationship. You can both make it work. Your Wife is not the problem, neither is it your Husband. It can only be the enemy, the devil at work. You must shut out the devil from your marriage. Selfishness, Intolerance, Lusts, Impatience, Greed, Promiscuity, Nagging, Quarrelling, Strife, etc are manifestations of the devil at work in homes. You must be wise! The devil only comes to steal, kill and destroy. That's what he wants to do in your marriage for which you mustn't allow him. Humble yourself. Be patience. Be tolerant. Be sacrificial. Have a forgiving heart. Overlook the wrongs of others. Let go and let God. Remember your vows to each other. Don't forget that God witnessed it. Do not disappoint God. Learn to forgive your Spouse in advance even for the wrongs yet to be committed. Allow God in your relationship. Make Him the CEO of your marriage. May the Lord revive your marriage and give it a new lease of life in Jesus name! Here are some tips to help your marriage: *Marriage is ordained by God. *In marriage, the two becomes one. *Marriage is not a human invention, it is God's project, His ministry. *Marriage is not a date, it is forever: no graduation, no separation, no divorce. *Married Couples that pray together have their marriage last forever. *Learn to understand your Spouse. *Marriage is not 50/50. It is 100% from both Partners. Sometimes it could be 85% from the husband and 15% from the wive. Another time it could be 98% from the wife and 2% from the husband. Give your own best even if your partner best is not enough. *Never go to bed angry or hurt. *Never deny or punish your Spouse with Sex. It is his or her right and blessed of God. *Don't share your problems or challenges with friends, colleague, siblings, in-laws, parents etc. Resolve all issues between yourselves and where you both fail to agree, take them to God in prayer. *Trust and respect each other. *Resolve to love and cherish your spouse unconditionally no matter what. May you begin to experience bliss in your marriage! God bless you as I await your testimonies!
The path to greatness consists of having a strong and genuine desire, a good purpose, and a good company along the way. Believing in yourself (even when others don't) and in your abilities (say to yourself, "I can do all things through Christ...") is essential to make things happen for you and to be great in life. Greatness is from GOD. Whether you are born Great, or you achieve Greatness, or you have Greatness thrust upon you, one thing is certain; YOU ARE BORN TO BE GREAT! You must Believe it, Receive it, Activate it, Confess it, and Enjoy it. So, GO, and B-R-A-C-E yourself for GREATNESS. See You At The Top! Good morning.
Hurrah! FGC Oke Ayo Magboro will be 3 years old on 31st August 2017. To commemorate this landmark event, we have programs lined-up as in the attached Flyer. You are cordially invited as you pray along with us. God Bless You!
Last Sunday, we (myself, my wife and two Leaders from our Church) paid a visit to the house of one of our worshipers. I later asked the two elders to pray one after the other so I can then round up the prayer. While they were praying, the Lord dropped the portion in Isaiah 49:24-25 into my heart. It says "But thus says the LORD: Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, Or the captives of the righteous be delivered? Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, And the prey of the terrible be delivered; For I will contend with him who contends with you, And I will save your children". I then used the passages to pray for that family. Permit me to also use the passage to enlighten you and pray for you. Who is a Prey? Who is a Captive? Who can be termed as Mighty or the Terrible? A Prey is a victim of an enemy probably trapped to be demonized, killed or destroyed. A Captive is someone who is held a prisoner either in the spirit or in the physical against his or her wish. The Mighty or Terrible is someone, forces or power who has the power to make someone, even a righteous person a Prey and hold in Captivity and they have no power of their own to subdue him or her in order to deliver themselves. Are you a Prey? Do you see yourself as a Captive? Is there a mighty man, woman, power or forces somewhere that boasted you can not be delivered or freed? Is your spirit man, glory, destiny in bondage? Are things not moving forward for you despite your toiling and labour? That passage above is referring to you and your plight. Glory be to God that we have someone GREATER than the greatest, HIGHER than the highest, more Terrible than the terror, the Most Powerful Liberator of mankind. He is the nemesis of Pharaoh, the Destroyer of Goliath, the Humbler of Nebuchadnezzar, the Transformer of Saul. His name is the ALMIGHTY, i.e. He has power than the mighty. They call Him Erujeje, a consuming Fire! Hear me well and good: 1. Your days of being a prey and a captive is over in Jesus name. 2. In every way you have been held in captivity, you are delivered now in Jesus name. 3. That power that caused a shaking and broke loose the chains and shackles in the hand and feet of Silas and Paul sets you free now in Jesus name. 4. May your terror be terrified by the most terrible God Himself in Jesus name. 5. I command the mighty wind of God to blow and part your Red Sea in Jesus name. 6. May they terrible men, women, power, forces sitting on your glory be unseated by the consuming fire of the Almighty in Jesus name. 7. May any strange voice speaking negative into your destiny be silenced by thunder in Jesus name. 8. I command the whirlwind of heaven to blow away every opposition to your promotion and upliftment in Jesus name. 9. I release the blood of Jesus to erase and blot out all your error and mistake that might have open the door for the enemy to attack you in Jesus name. 10. I ask the hands of the Almighty God to shut forever every door to your financial leakages and loss, matrimonial chaos, decayed family values, health failures, spiritual meltdowns, moral incapacity and inadequacies to your upliftment and promotion in Jesus name. And so shall it be in Jesus name, amen. Good morning and God bless you!
When we are faced with difficult circumstances; sickness, family crisis, financial trouble, we need only to place our faith and trust in God. He is with us in everything we face. We pray, Dear God, I thank You that I can always turn to You. When I am faced with the difficulties of life, I can put my trust in You. Thank you that You are my “refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1. When faced with difficult circumstances we can trust God to be our strength.
And in this fast-food, egoistic and egotistic age, there is so much pressure on the Disciple to compromise even from within the body of Christ, the family, and the society at large. Zac Poonen offered a good empirical guide on what to do when confronted by any issues, ask: Did Jesus command it? Did Jesus practice it? Did the Apostles say it? Did the Apostle practice it? If it does not fall in with these four principles, he said God will not be offended if the issue is thrown into the garbage bin.
In Grace Lies the Salvation of the World-Titus 2:11-12. It is through grace that anyone can be saved. Self-righteousness cannot save anybody. Grace is the spiritual awakening that is essential for the survival of each person's soul. Have you accepted the grace of God by faith? Have you fallen from grace to grass? The grace of God is always available and sufficient for us in any circumstances. Let us not despise the Grace of God.
The experience of grace is available to the benefit of all people, whether religious, spiritual, or atheist. Grace is the unmerited favour of God. Grace is a state of awakening to the gifts of existence, life and love. Because of this awakening, when you are in a state of grace, your mind is liberated from mental slavery and you enjoy happiness, a relaxed mind, and boundless energy.
Our Hymn for today`s Worship Service 1. My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' name. Refrain: On Christ, the solid rock, I stand; all other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand. 2. When darkness veils his lovely face, I rest on his unchanging grace; In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the veil. [Refrain] 3. His oath, his covenant, his blood Support me in the whelming flood; When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay. [Refrain] 4. When he shall come with trumpet sound, O may I then in him be found, Dressed in his righteousness alone, Faultless to stand before the throne. [Refrain] Words & Music: Edward Mote (1834)
Good morning beloved, I welcome you into a brand new month August 2017. I appreciate God for your lives and the privilege to be among the living. This is your month of "Amazing Grace". In this month, the Lord shall grant you grace beyond your ability. It shall be your month of Open Doors, Fresh Unction, Divine Speed and Heavenly Visitation. This month, your lost Axe shall be recovered. You shall recover from all losses, health challenges, financial burden, spiritual intimidations. Your song shall change in this new month. Your battles shall come to an end as victory is yours. Peace shall reign in your lives and homes. You shall be remembered for favour and lifting in Jesus name. God bless you. Have a blessed day. Amen!
Sunday School Classes will now be as follows: 1. Children Sunday School Classes Cradle Roll Class 0 -1 year Nursery Class 2 - 3 years Kindergarten Class 4 -5 years years Kindergarten Class 4 -5 years Primary Class 6 - 9 years Junior Class 10 - 12 years 2. Teens Sunday School Classes Junior Teens 13 - 15 years Senior Teens 16 - 19 years 3. Adult Sunday School Classes Young Adult 20 - 30 years Middle Adult 31 - 50 years Older Adult 51 years and above 4. Discipleship Class Basic Course A Basic Course B 5. CDC 1 6. CDC 2 7. CDC 3 8. CDC 4
