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Anunsa OAU

Block 2, Floor 2, Adekunle Fajuyi Hall, OAU, ILE-IFE., Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Non-governmental organization (ngo)



The All Nigeria United Nations Students and Youth Association (ANUNSA) is the Nigerian Branch of the International Students and Youth Movement of the United Nations (ISMUN) which is an International Non Governmental Organization (NGO) composed of National The All Nigeria United Nations Students and Youth Association (ANUNSA) is the Nigerian Branch of the International Students and Youth Movement of the United Nations (ISMUN) which is an International Non Governmental Organization (NGO) composed of National Students and Youth Associations from over one hundred and fifty countries all over the world including Nigeria.

ISMUN has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. ANUNSA was founded in October 1958 at the University of Ibadan and is the first registered and recognized United Nations Students and Youth Association in Nigeria.

ANUNSA has chapters in over 30 tertiary institutions of Higher learning comprising of Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Education and Technology, Schools of Nursing and Hygiene etc. ANUNSA's activities cut across educational, social, cultural, political and professional backgrounds. The thematic issues cuts across health, environment, poverty eradication, education, sustainable development, democracy, governance, human-rights, peace and conflict resolution, population, international affairs etc.

These issues are considered from the youth perspective as their contribution to the aims and objectives of the United Nations in general. ANUNSA is a member of the National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN), an associate member of the UN Department of Public Information (DPI), ANUNSA also enjoys general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). ANUNSA maintains two designated representatives at the UN headquarters in New York (DPI office). ANUNSA is also a member of the Nigeria Poverty Alleviation Forum and a member of the Youth Coalition for Social Development.

ANUNSA has excellent working relationships with the UN agencies, government parastatals and ministries of the Federal Government.

1. Propagate the ideals and principles of the United Nations as a basis for the achievement of     peace for mankind.

2. To interest the Nigerian students and youths in particular and the Nigerian public in general on     the activities of the United Nations and her specialized agencies.

3. Work with young people and students to strive for national, economic, social and cultural     liberation and against any form of neo-colonialism.

4. Promote sustainable environmental development in Nigeria and the world at large. To cultivate     as a matter of duty, amongst Nigerian students and youths, an objective outlook on both     national and international issues.

5. Serve as a useful mechanism for youths to express their views for action in contributing      towards social reconstruction and national development.

6. To create a pool of youth leaders trained in multi-lateral diplomacy and negotiation.

7. To have an arm of Volunteer Corps which will serve as a service outlet for the association as     a means for the promotion of a united, strong and self reliant nation.

8. Affiliate with any national or international body whose ideals are in line with those of ANUNSA.

