Prayer Connect RCMI
Prayer Connect RCMI is the International and Interdenominational Prayer Arm of Royal Connecting Ministries International [RCMI], for the purposes of preaching the gospel of our Lord Jesus and embarking on charity causes.
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SENTENCING EVIL DRAGONS TO DEATH “Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet” (Psa 91:13). 1) You evil dragon that satan raised up to spill fire of hardship over the economy of our nation, I come against you today in the name of the Lord God of host and command you to fall down, be broken into an irreparable pieces and die after the order of Dagon in Ashdod (1 Sam 5:1-6). 2) You dragon of evil that opens wide your mouth to swallow my life and my glory, I command hailstones, fire and brimstone to enter into your belly and blow you off to pieces (Ezekiel 38:22). 3) You evil dragon that hides my blessing and benefits in your belly; hear ye the Word of God, it is written in Job 20:15 that you will spit out all my riches which you swallowed. Today is God making your stomach vomit them up for me (Job 20:15). 4) Finally, according to Psalm 91: 13, I therefore tread upon the lions and adder: the young lions and the dragons (who have evil control over my life) I permanently trample under my feet today, in Jesus name. 5) “From henceforth let no man (human dragon, sickness, demon, affliction, enemy, or anyone) trouble me (again): for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus” (Gal 6:17).
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ABBA FATHER, ROLL MY REAPROACHES AWAY 'GILGAL' means 'ROLL' in Hebrew. Joshua 5:9 recorded that at Gilgal, the Lord said to Joshua: "Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you". So the place has been called 'GILGAL' to this day. »»» Call the name of Jesus /7x and decree by fire, using the name 'GILGAL' as a reference point of contact: • Ask the Lord to roll away from you, every reproach of Egypt that has stigmatised your life since your birth. • Ask the Lord to roll away every reproach of pain, problem, difficulty, frustration, shame, sickness, barrenness, lack, or any unfavourable conditions of life that has retarded your fruitfulness and moving forward in life. • Ask the Lord to arise in His great strength and 'KICK OUT' of your life and family, every hidden reproach of Egypt that the enemies are using to drain or rob you of your joy, happiness, peace of mind, success, and liberation. PRAY THIS WAY: • God of Elijah, arise and roll this reproaches away today. • DESTROY and send Your holy fire to consume every garment and mark of Egypt's reproach that the enemies places on me to divert me from the fountain of my blessings. • DEAL WITH THEM NOW, O LORD GOD OF HOSTS. DEAL WITH THE REPROACHES THAT MAKES ME TO CRY ALL DAY LONG. I DON'T WANT IT ANYMORE. TAKE THEM AWAY AS YOU DID IN THE LIFE OF JABESH. (N.B) This is a firebrand radical prayer to deal with Any kind of situation (worst or mild). If you confess your sins to God, ask for forgiveness and pray it well under the atmosphere of righteous living, you can rest assure that you will be delivered today, today. Do not fail to send us your testimony).
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DESTROYING SPIRITUAL WITCHCRAFT COBWEBS “They hatch cockatrice' eggs, and weave the spider's web: he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper.” (Isa 59:5). 1) Break all the assignment of evil spiders that weave obstacles and hindrances against your life and projects. 2) Declare that the vacuum of the Lord will pull all demonic cobwebs back into the vortex of hell and that their webs will not become garments for you. 3) Shut the traffics controlled by demonic gatekeepers who stand in-between the boundary of your destiny to pull you backward and make you stagnant. 4) Command the legal arrows of the evil spiders to become boomerangs and return to their point of origination. 5) Ask the Lord to clean the cobwebs out of your life and loose you from their satanic entanglements and embargoes.
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HE'S NO LONGER IN THE GRAVE; SO IS MY LIFE “He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee” (Luke 24:6) • Whenever the power of darkness decide to come back and see if I am still where they left me; they shall not find me there again. • I declare myself free from any power of the grave that would attempt to keep me in bondage of stagnancy, limitation and backwardness. • I break loose today from the age-long yoke of unfruitfulness and sameness of ways of life which kept me stuck to the enemies wish and agenda for my life. • I break free the dungeon of captivity which the band of wickedness designed to keep me bound to enslavement and control. • I come in agreement with John 8:36 and believe that I am free indeed because the Son hath set me free. By this time around next year, the band of wickedness shall not find me in the same old condition that they used to see me, in Jesus name.
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THE LORD SAYS, 2016 IS OUR YEAR OF RESTORATION “And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.” (Joel 2:25-26). 1. Divine Restoration: Ezekiel 17:23; 37:1-14 2. Restore my Inheritance: Psalm 16:5-6; Isaiah 49:8-13 3. Restore Health and Heal Wounds: Psalm 103:3; Jeremiah 30:17; Isaiah 30:26; Isaiah 58:8 4. Restore Lost Fortunes: Psalm 126:4; Deuteronomy 30:3; Isaiah 35:6; 43:19 5. Restore Peace: 2Thessalonians 3:16; John 14:27; Isaiah 57:19; Isaiah 32:18; Isaiah 51:11. 6. Restore my Rest: Hebrew 4:9-10; Matthew 11:28-29; Isaiah 11:10; 30:15; 32:17; Jeremiah 6:16 7. Restore Wealth: 3 John 2; Ecclesiastes 5:19; Proverbs 13:22; Psalm 112:3; 2Chronicles 1:12. 8. Restore Lost Seeds: Joel 1:17-20; Joel 2:23-27 9. Restore Spiritual Refreshment and Wellbeing: Joel 2:28-32 10. Restore Lost Promotion: Psalm 75:6-7; Ezekiel 21:27 11. Restore Fruitfulness: Isaiah 54: 1-6; Exodus 23:26; Deuteronomy 7:14. 12. Lord Bless me to Overflow: Ephesians 3:20; Geneses 49:25-26.