Pat-Izeogba World Outreach
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facebook.comLIVING INSIGHTS 15th September, 2017 Winning By The Spirit (series) PART ONE: The Dynamics of the Human Nature God created man a spirit being. Moses in Genesis 1: 26-28 tells us that God made man in His own image and likeness. And the Lord Jesus tells us in John 4: 24 that God is a spirit. Being a Spirit, God created man to be like Himself. So, essentially, the image of God in man is the spirit nature of God. Man is a spirit being. You are a spirit being! However, you are not just only a spirit being; you have a soul and you live in a body. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (1Thessalonians 5:23). But essentially, you a spirit being. You are created in the spirit image of God. Now when God created man, His goal was that through man He (God) would rule the earth. Man was to be God's co-regent of the earth. Man was not created to rule the earth independent of God. Man was to serve God's pleasure. Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created (Rev.4: 11). Heaven was to rule the earth through mankind. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven (Matt. 6: 10). This has always been God's plan and the plan has never change one bit. The Lord Jesus came as God perfect and only sacrifice for sin so as to bring us into divine sonship; a position in God from which we exercise mankind's complete rule and authority over the earth under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Being in Christ, we have been restored to the place and position mankind lost when Adam fell by disobedience. In Christ our ownership of the earth has been restored. We are now the heirs of the world as Abraham, and co-regents in Christ with God. God created you a spirit being so you could adequately relate and commune with Him at His own frequency. This spirit to spirit communication was necessary in order for you to effectively function as God's co-regents on the earth. So then, you were created a spirit being so you could related adequately with God and with the spirit world. But you were also given a soul and made to live in a body. Your soul includes your personhold, intellect, will and emotions. You were made to live in a body so you could relate with this physical world through the five physical senses in your body. Without a physical body you have no access to this earth. Also, without a physical body you have no authority on the earth. There are so many things we could say about this but not now. It is your physical body that gives you right on the earth. It gives you the right to reign and rule on earth. The earth God has given to the children of men (Psalms 115: 16). Our Lord Jesus could only exercise judgement on the earth because he was the Son of man and not because He was the Son of God (John 5: 27). So far, we have seen the divine purpose for the human spirit and human body. But what about the soul? You were given a soul for it to act as a bridge between your spirit and your body. Your soul is the tool your recreated human spirit uses to drive your physical body and your outward life. But this only is possible when your soul is in complete alignment with your born again spirit. The human soul is the driving force of the human body. Whatever you do with your physical body in your outward life on the earth is determined by the conditions your soul. For example, when someone feels the emotions of sadness in his soul, in his outward life he would display the disposition of sadness. His physical appearance, particularly, the face, will show to all seeing him that he is sad. The sadness is in the soul, but it will have physical expressions. This is because the soul will always drive the body to express itself. This is how the soul and the body relates. The soul is the driving force of the body. The wisdom, here, is for you to always ensure that the conditions of your soul is right. Right conditions in the soul will bring about proper and right outward behaviours. It is your soul that is the key here and not your body. Your body is only being driven by your soul. Work on the conditions of your soul and your body will respond appropriately. Some teach that the human body is bad and evil. This is biblically not correct. Your body is good. The only thing is that the Fall of Man has brought the human body to the state of mortality. Even then, as believers in Christ we have the life and power of God Himself vitalizing our mortal bodies in our earthly experiences (Rom. 8: 11). When Paul the apostle talks about the flesh in his letters, you would observe that he is not talking about to human body. Rather, he is referring to everything that man is as a result of the Fall of Adam. That is, all that mankind inherited from Adam. So, it is your soul that needs to be conditioned rightly in order for your body and your outward physical life to be right. And the condition of your soul is right when it is in complete alignment with your born again spirit. Note that your born again spirit, as a new creation in Christ (2 Cor. 5: 17), is perfect and complete (Col. 2: 10). It is in total union with Christ (1 Cor. 6: 17) and possesses the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2: 16). As such, your born again spirit ever knows the will and mind of God for you and ever seeks the accomplishment of God's will and mind in your life. But your soul needs to get into the know of this will and mind of God and than by the exercise of the will determines that that is the direction in life to go. Keeping such thoughts in the mind is what will lead to the right emotions necessary to get your outward responses and behaviour in line with the will and mind of God for you. Your soul, then needs to be enlightened in God's Word. God's Word reveals God's will and mind for man. As you meditate on God's Word, your soul is opened up to the light of God's Spirit from your born again spirit. The light received must be kept shining through continuous meditation to produce maximum impact on your life. Now, we have said before that it is your physical body that gives you authority to rule on earth (Genesis 1: 26-28). This authority is over the created earth and everything and anything on the earth that comes within your environment, no matter what it is; aminate or inanimate; physical or spiritual. Anything that comes within your environment is under your complete authority. The only exception here is your fellow human beings. You don't have the right to control, dominate or manipulate other people's life. To do that is witchcraft. There is something you have to see here. Your physical body grants you legal rights on the earth. Therefore, things and circumstances on earth only responds to you because of your physical body. If you were a spirit without a body, you would have no authority to control anything on the earth. You see, spirits have no authority on the earth. Evil spirits have no authority on the earth. They need human agents and vessels to express themselves on the earth. That's why the devil can do nothing against you without your permission. And he takes permission form you by feeding your thoughts and imaginations with lies about yourself. Once you believe and accept his lies, access is granted him into your environment and circumstance. But you have the option of resisting the devil's lies with God's Word in your heart and in your mouth. The point I am pushing at is this: To experience victory in this life, you MUST respond with your body and outward behaviour to the environment around you and to circumstances in accordance with that victory you desire. If you want to experience victory, your environment and circumstances will only respond to you acoordingly only as you act victorious. It doesn't matter what or who has been engineering your seeming lack of victory. What counts on this earth is not what people, things or spiritual forces do to you. It is your physical responses that determines the outcomes of your life. However, your physical responses must be back up with strong conviction in your heart (soul). They must be springing from faith in your heart (soul). James says that faith without works is dead (James 2: 17). James is talking about outward expressions and despositions of faith. The proof that one has faith is the exercise of that faith through outward behaviours and expressions that are in line with that faith. Until this happens faith is dead, and the environment and circumstances one finds himself/herself will prevail. But when faith is outwardly demonstrated with strong conviction in the heart (soul), one's environment and circumstances are brought under complete subjugation. The human nature is dynamic. You were created to have your whole nature, spirit, soul and body, functioning together. Your born again spirit is where the power of God in you flows from; that's where the divine revelation for your life's success is. You were designed by God to rule in this earth and to dominate anything that comes within your environment from your born again spirit. And to unleash your born again spirit on your outward physical experiences, you must get your soul into alignment with your spirit. Your soul then drives your body and outward life in line with the life of God in your born again spirit.
You were designed by God to always win in life by the unleashing of your born again spirit.
We TRAIN our Recreated Human Spirit by exercising it in all that Father God has accomplished for us in Christ Jesus.
Lay hold on God's purpose for your life.
Your Success Is Your Responsibility! #WinningLifeExperience
Break Bad Habits With God's Word #WinningLifeExperience.
You were created for dominion. #WininingLifeExperience