A Spiritual Morning and Evening Devotional Page which Improves every individual's Christian Lifestyle. It is controlled under the divine direction of the Holy Spirit from the totalty of the Holy Bible
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facebook.comSOCIAL NETWORKS' PASTORING CLASSES! Bible Disclaimer: Hebrew 13 v 7 & 8 "Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" And so I'm done! I have read and seen many new and strange doctrines, beliefs and division of the WORD. Looks like we are having more believers/christians now than before but on social networks. I mean people who were there when the bible was written and probably were part of the editorial crew. Social networks pastors who only have the right words to say here on all social networks but has nothing differentiating them from the ungodly ones in the real sense. Too many have been so soaked in the lies of how to liberally carry the old man's filthy rag and mix-match with the required NEW LIFE in Christ. The word of God has now suffered too many twists that Power as of old is now termed outdated and irrelevant in the hands of SOCIAL NETWORK PASTORS. I looked over and over God's WORD in the book of Ephesians and couldn't help but share this one, while the devil is having upper hand dealing with the faith of believers and causing the unbelievers to keep sinking so deep in their atrocities because there is no need for them to leave their sinful ways since our sin had been forever forgiven regardless, in a world of youths that have too much knowledge such that they are beyond correction. Any attempt to correct thereby becomes judging and the fastest, easiest and most fluent bible verse to their lips is "JUDGE NOT" even though 98% of them doesn't know where it is written in the bible, now every rebuke and corection seem to them as condemnation and judgement. The chapter 4 of Ephesians wouldn't let me rest unless i share. The verse 10 hammered this and i yarn "He who descended is the very one who ascended above all the heavens, in order to fill all things. And it was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for works of ministry, to build up the body of Christ, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God, as we mature to the full measure of the stature of Christ. Then we will no longer be infants, tossed about by the waves and carried around by every wind of teaching and by the clever cunning of men in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Christ Himself, who is the head. From Him the whole body is fitted and held together by every supporting ligament. And as each individual part does its work, the body grows and builds itself up in love." But we are wiser now than the bible and we spell out terms, mincing words like we wrote the Bible ourselves. Even devil knows that JESUS IS LORD, yet repentance is forbidding for him! No wonder verse 17 says "So I tell you this, and testify to it in the Lord: You must no longer walk as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardness of their hearts. Having lost all sense of shame, they have given themselves over to sensuality for the practice of every kind of impurity, with a craving for more. But this is not the way you came to know Christ. Surely you heard of Him and were taught in Him in keeping with the truth that is in Jesus. You were taught to put off your former way of life, your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be renewed in the spirit of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness" Oh! What a failing and dieing world, ignoring that old rugged cross and clinging on to decietful desires. Many believers have eased up their faith whereas the kindgom of God suffers the violent, but NO, my social network pastor says I am forever saved and no need taking anything by force since it is already given , my future sin forgiven so I'm at liberty to do and undo even till that future comes....that and many more, to the dieing and failing generations. Well, if no need putting off your former way of life and your old self according to Verse 22, so what is the essence of the renewal when there's nothing to change? Oh, after being shown the nakedness of truth, you still waiting on God to appear to you and tell you that is not good to do or maybe the Holy Ghost to whisper that still small voice like we claim to you and say, NO, DON'T DO THAT? Keep waiting. Galatians 5v23 the 9th fruit of the Spirit is SELF CONTROL....but social network doesnt relate with this, just believe, it will come naturally! Looks like DEVIL who was with God during his time thereon, despite that fact, he still didn't believe and that was why he made that mistake. Well, it is the end time as prophesied, many fake doctrines are already here, easy to see all over and that's what youth of today loves. One day, we all will give an account but one thing is constant that i know.... THIS JESUS, IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER! Make your choice on what to believe.
Coming on again soon
MONDAY 2ND JANUARY 2017 THE LORD'S SPEECH TODAY (TLST) TOPIC: ON YOUR WAY TO BECOMING MIGHTY TEXT: 2 CHRONICLES 27:6 "So Jotham became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the LORD his GOD" Good morning again, it's the second day of the year and the voice of the Lord Jesus to you says you should make up your mind because you're set to become mighty. THE BLESSING; 2017 as it's been tagged a year where we are meant to celebrate and be celebrated through every bit of lost virtue whatsoever that might have gone missing which we will be recovering this year has in it the assurance of becoming mighty having found that which had gone missing. The Lord's speech to us today says you are set to become mighty. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY; Our subject today whose name is Jotham found his own way to becoming mighty through a very important method. "Every sense of greatness answers to the level of every humans' preparation." Our God is one who looks into every heart, He therefore knows what you are capable of handling and what you can take care of so He wouldn't place a clean thing in a dirty hand neither will He place greatness in an unprepared life. Our level of enjoying God this year can therefore only be as high as we prepare our way. Preparing our way alone might not be enough but preparing our ways before the Lord. How? By spending quality time talking to God and walking upright before the LORD YOUR GOD through Fasting, praying and Holy living with a mindset of a mighty destination. THE END PRODUCT Becoming mighty is every man's aspiration, therefore, if you have enough time for God, He is ready to create enough time to turn you mighty beyond every limitations. >>>PRAYER:- THANK YOU JESUS for the assurance of greatness you have given us, please give us the grace to prepare well so that you shall make us great in all our endeavor in JESUS NAME<<<
SUNDAY 1ST JANUARY 2017 THE LORD'S SPEECH TODAY (TLST) TOPIC: RETRIEVING YOUR LOST SILVER TEXT: LUKE 15:8-9 "Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she find it? And when she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbours together, saying, Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost. " Good morning, HAPPY SUNDAY, HAPPY NEW YEAR AND WELCOME BACK TO THE LORD'S SPEECH FOR TODAY. NB: TLST remains alive at all times, it had only been absent online due to the inability to access the internet for a very long time. DISCLAIMER: TLST is not a copied broadcast neither is it a copyright of any Christian Devotional Booklet online or offline, it is a divinely inclined ministry with the fullness of God in everyday's topic and with the special intervention of the Holy Spirit who ministers to His vessel for write up on daily basis. THE BLESSING; 2017 is tagged a year of retrieving your lost silver. In our text this morning, Jesus through the parable was citing an instance of one who has ten silver and lost one. It really doesn't matter what you possessed already, whatever it is that you have lost amongst the uncountable things the Lord had given you, in 2017, the Lord God of heaven and earth says you will rejoice again over it for you shall find it again. Amen. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY; According to our text, that woman was not meant to just sit and cry over the single lost silver, therefore here is a responsibility for you and I, you are not to count your lost this year, you are going to get up, and light up your candle 'even though it's dark' (let no night go without you pray) then sweep your house 'no matter how rough' (purge yourself from every appearances of evil and sinful activities), finally you need to seek diligently until you have found back that which you lost (there is no room for being weary in prayers, you must pray until your joy is fully restored) THE END PRODUCT Who doesn't want joy? Who doesn't like to be celebrated? The Lord's Speech to You and I this year says we will call on friends and family to rejoice with us in Jesus Name. >>>PRAYER:- THANK YOU LOVELY AND FAITHFUL JESUS, You have seen us through the year 2016 and made us witness 2017, you were faithful to you promises made with us in 2016 and there is every assurance of your faithfulness in 2017, come and prove yourself once again this new year in JESUS NAME<<<
WEDNESDAY 12TH OCTOBER THE LORD'S SPEECH TODAY (TLST) TOPIC: THE WILL OF GOD TEXT: 1 THESSALONIANS 5:18 "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." Good morning again, it's mid week and it's been GOD all through, we live to please GOD and today He's showing us one of the ways we can do that, blessed be the name of the LORD for the great insight. Indeed, one might look at how common this particular passage of the scripture is but I tell you, when it comes to the Words of GOD, they are never worn or aged, HIS Words strikes afresh every moment of checking it out. As hard as it is for many to identify the will of God, this is just simple and it really just got simpler, a thankful life is a God pleasing life, and the more we remain thankful to GOD, the more we live a life of fulfilling God's will. Today, my neighbors and I agreed during devotion that even GOD has feelings, He that created eyes, can He not see? therefore, no matter what you're faced with, no matter the difficulty you've had or experienced in the past, no matter the challenge you're faced with, only a person in his right senses will understand and acknowledge that there's something called challenges, therefore let's be thankful for everything in our lives knowing that GOD is aware of it all and by doing this, we are doing God's will to it's fullest. >>>PRAYER:- THANK YOU JESUS, for everything in my life and family, thank you for everything is good that you have done, thank you for grace to understand and discern, thank you Jesus for giving me the right thinking to understand what I need to do, help my life to always give you thanks in all I do in JESUS NAME<<<
TUESDAY 11TH OCTOBER THE LORD'S SPEECH TODAY (TLST) TOPIC: CONFESSION AND CONFUSION TEXT: PSALM 1:3 "And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." Good morning dear reader, of the LORD GOD whom we serve, one thing I'm sure is that he has never failed and will never fail, the NAME of JESUS be lifted high in our lives forever, AMEN. Today's uniqueness is in the understanding of the difference between confession and confusion. It is a good thing to stay positive, it is also a good thing to speak positively but it isn't enough to leave it there, there's also the need to take a positive step! Confession had become the confusion of many Christians today, the Spirit of the LORD took me through this portion scripture a couple of times before highlighting the raw fact needed, after series of blessing prophesied upon a man with that definition, the clause of 'whatsoever he do' remains a constant to living in prosperity. How is prosperity supposed to come if there is nothing to be done? as earlier defined, it is compulsory to fuel the effectiveness of our confession with our action so that good may come to us and materialise. >>>PRAYER:- LORD JESUS, I confess my love for you, thank you for everything said about me, help me to bring my confessions into action so that they may materialise to become what you have called them to be in JESUS NAME<<<
MONDAY 10TH OCTOBER THE LORD'S SPEECH TODAY (TLST) TOPIC: ACCESS TO KEYS OF HEAVEN TEXT: MATTHEW 16:19 "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Hello, good morning to every living soul, of our own we are and can do nothing but God's mighty hands in our lives has made us look like a Superman in the presence of all attackers, blessed be the name of JESUS. Glad tidings to every children of God who has been opportuned to establish a connection with the maker of the universe, yes, if you have established the connection. I was opportuned to host a set of people and each time they're on their way home from their work, they'll call to ask if I'm at home, yesterday i responded and said "you have a copy of my key, don't you? What is the need for asking if I'm at home?" Having the key means one can approach the door and enter at will. The same thing with the kingdom of heaven, when you've been saved, a connection is immediately established and when you have JESUS fully dwelling in you and completely in charge of your affairs, you can be so sure that you hold the keys to the kingdom of heaven, no wonder the Bible says "now let us therefore come bodly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in times of need" carrying the key of the kingdom realises you to a realm of supernatural thereby enhancing your chances of getting speedy answers to your requests from God. Brethren, I urge you this day, as you go about your activities this week, put every adversaries aside and submit yourself totally to the control of the Holy Spirit and this key shall work for you. >>>PRAYER:- HEAVENLY FATHER, thank you for your help in my life throughout last week and thank you for the entrance of your word which brings light, I am ready oh LORD JESUS come and be fully in charge of my life, that I may qualify to obtain the key of the kingdom of heaven and get instant answers to my requests in JESUS NAME<<<
SUNDAY 9TH OCTOBER THE LORD'S SPEECH TODAY (TLST) TOPIC: TELL A FRIEND, TELL SOMEBODY TEXT:- 2 KINGS 7:9 "Then they said one to another, We do not well: this day is a day of good tidings, and we hold our peace: if we tarry till the morning light, some mischief will come upon us: now therefore come, that we may go and tell the king's household." Good morning again and happy Sunday, despite the fact that only a living can acknowledge God's grace yet living isn't a right, for it has please the LORD our GOD, that is why we can be addressed a living today. The NAME of our LORD JESUS CHRIST be praised now and forever. This morning on TLST, there is a purpose for you knowing what you know, there is a reason for your salvation, there is a reason GOD of heaven has chosen to show you the way, truth and the life, therefore, you are doing yourself no good if you keep it to yourself. According to our text, the reference in this Bible passage said to one another that they haven't done well if they choose to keep the good news to themselves, the day was considered a day of good tidings and my believe is that, whatever you choose a day to be is what it will be till the end of it, therefore, I call this day also a day of good tidings unto you and your household in JESUS name. Amen. But it's not enough for you to still keep this great news to yourself, in fact these people consider it a mischief if they decided to wait before telling the King's household, although it's no mischief on our own side but it's profitable if you won't go to the house of the LORD alone today, talk to a friend about JESUS and His wonderful deeds, tell somebody to come and experience an encounter today, tell somebody about (TLST) THE LORD'S SPEECH FOR TODAY and the glory of God shall be seen in your lives in JESUS NAME. >>>PRAYER:- THANK YOU JESUS for the entrance your Word that brings light, from this day dear LORD, I receive the grace to tell others of your love, help me to announce you beyond the borders of this Nation and give me a resounding testimony that will draw people into you in JESUS NAME<<<
SATURDAY 8TH OCTOBER THE LORD'S SPEECH TODAY (TLST) TOPIC: GOD IS CONCERNED TEXT:- EXODUS 3:7 "The LORD said, "I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering." Good morning again dear reader, faithful is He who has promised for He shall surely do it, 1 Thessalonians 5:24, we give glory to the LORD GOD of heaven and earth, He who owns all power in heaven and earth And even beneath, may his righteous name be praised forever. This morning is a morning with glad tidings, if one wouldn't believe anything, I'll always implore that you believe every portion of the scripture that says "THE LORD SAID" There is no such difficulty that any man can be going through on earth without the consent of the living GOD, oh, in case you still don't know, the good news is that God knows and the solution for that situation is approaching you already. God delights so much in the well-being of his people who stay under His Grace. No matter how messed you are, remember the Bible said if my people called by my name..... Therefore, I'm so happy to announce to you that you're coming out of that situation in JESUS NAME. >>>PRAYER:- THANK YOU JESUS for always being there for me, only you understand my plight and you've brought me this far through your grace, please hearken to my heart and rescue me from every enemies tormenting my life, destiny, career, job, business and all that concerns me in JESUS NAME<<<
FRIDAY 7TH OCTOBER THE LORD'S SPEECH TODAY (TLST) TOPIC: LET THE NAME OF THE LORD BE GLORIFIED IN YOU TEXT:- 2 THESSALONIANS 1:12 "That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ" Good morning again, our GOD is so good and that happens all the time, our voices today says thank God it's Friday. Living is no man's right, grace is what we are all enjoying, there's actually no limit to how much GOD can lift them that delightfully do His will, it also take grace to do His will. This morning according to our text, a child can only glorify his/her parents if he/she has made a meaningful life out of what the parents have given them. That's how the parents become so proud of them, that's how the parents boast about them. The same applies to Christianity, God will only rejoice over you if you have made Him proud with the salvation He has given your soul. If you are wondering how in life can God be glorified in a life like yours, the simple answer to this is by following His instructions laid down in the scripture, one of which Matthew 6:33 is a headlamp. A life that the Name of our LORD GOD cannot be glorified in is as good as not saved yet, if you aren't executing God's own interest, then the love of Christ isn't in you. And there isn't a way God can be glorified in you nor you in Him As we enter this weekend, I implore you to give all it takes to completely let GOD rejoice over you and allow the NAME of the LORD be glorified in you life just so He may decorate you too with His glory. >>>PRAYER:- GLORIOUS GOD, thank you for your grace throughout this week, help me to live a life that glorify you alone, that You may decorate my life also with your Glory throughout the days of my life in JESUS NAME<<<
WEDNESDAY 5TH OCTOBER THE LORD'S SPEECH TODAY (TLST) TOPIC: BE MINDFUL OF YOUR DEEDS TEXT:- ECCLESIASTES 11:9 "Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment." Hello, good morning, blessed are the readers and practitioners of the Words of the LORD for the Glory of the LORD shall be made manifested in their lives in JESUS NAME. I sincerely apologize for my inability to forward TLST yesterday. The LORD speaks everyday, i was only unable to manage my time to type and broadcast for yesterday. EVERY youth today dwell in the exorbitance of their youthfulness, I made every a capital letter just so you know that I'm not exempted, but the difference is that not every youths are influenced by the youthful exorbitance! Nothing is wrong with anyone aspiring for a greater height but what do we do to get their is what God is concerned with. Above all, we prefer enjoyment to working hard, therefore, we do every undue acts to accrue whatever to ourselves so we rejoice!. Please note that the Bible in our text see nothing wrong with rejoicing, as a matter of fact, we are encouraged to let our heart cheer and walk in the ways of our heart. Like everybody today, we barely seek the face of the LORD on anything, we consult the internet than GOD, we approach things with our knowledge, a reader told of his dream to me and wanted an instant meaning so I asked him to spare just a night and he said why? I said I'm not the one who revealed that to you so i have to consult GOD the giver of dreams, visions and trans so He'll tell us what to do about it! But many, as said by our text, we prefer to walk in the sight of our own eyes as suggested by our text. Here is the LORD'S SPEECH for TODAY, brethren, BUT KNOW THIS, THAT FOR ALL THESE THINGS YOU'RE DOING NOW, these killings, disobedience, succumbing to youthful exorbitance, stealing, cheating deceits and all other atrocities you spent your youthfulness doing, one day, GOD will bring you to judgement for them, so brethren, be mindful of your deeds. NB: Don't ever believe that a forgiving GOD can never punish a wicked sinner. >>>PRAYER:- MERCIFUL GOD, I cry for your mercy over my life and my youthful age, I ask for grace to abstain from the influence of youthful exorbitance, that you overlook my past errors and potential mistakes, that I may spend my youth and the rest of my life rejoicing and pleasing you always in JESUS NAME<<<
MONDAY 3RD OCTOBER THE LORD'S SPEECH TODAY (TLST) TOPIC: YOU ARE CHOSEN AND APPOINTED TEXT:- JOHN 15:16 "You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you." Good morning blessed people, God's unlimited Grace has helped us overcome the weekend that ended a month and started another, throughout this month, we will rejoice always in JESUS NAME. This morning, according to what God have said concerning this beautiful month, coupled with the mandate for this year as a year of speedy answers to our prayers, we shall quickly acknowledge what the God of heaven and earth have appointed us to manifest in this month and henceforth. 1. That you should go and bear fruit: if you can believe without doubt that, if you will walk in the way of righteousness and obedience to God, this month, you shall be fruitful in JESUS NAME. 2. That your fruit should remain: physically and spiritually, God is giving you souls when you evangelise, souls that will remain in Christ as giants and world evangelists, in case you've been a victim of miscarriage and the likes, GOD is giving you your own child that will remain and not die anymore. 3. That whatever you ask the GOD of heaven in JESUS NAME, He shall release unto you!: I can see your heaven open and releasing all your hanged, stopped, blocked and hooked long time prayers requests in JESUS NAME. AMEN. >>>PRAYER:- DEAR JESUS, let there be manifestation of everything said by your mouth in my life, let me be a living testimony of appointment to be fruitful, let all my Words of prayer attract your attention and let their be performances of it all in JESUS NAME<<<