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Action Family Foundation

Flat 1, Block B, Rivers Court; Gaduwa Housing Estate; Durumi III, Abuja, FCT, Nigeria., Abuja, Nigeria
Non-profit organization



Action Family Foundation (AFF) is a charitable non-governmental organization registered in Nigeria. We focus on family, health, women empowerment, youth... Youth Sexuality Education;

Responsible sexual conduct prevents diseases, deaths and dislocations associated with sex outside of marriage. AFF promotes the sacredness of human life from conception to natural death, and adoption as ethical options against abortion in cases of “crisis” pregnancy (cf. Saint Mother Theresa of Calcutta).
•   AFF promotes premarital sexual abstinence, marriage between men and women and mutual fidelity between spouses.
•   AFF facilitates youth development clubs called True Love Cares applying the directive method to promote sound character and healthy choices for youths.

Family Life Education and Therapy
“The future of Humanity depends on the Family”. This profound wisdom of Saint John Paul II provides a motivation for AFF’s mission. Family life provides the optimal environment for personal growth and development on which the normal functioning of society hinges. We work with families to secure a better society.
•    Marriage preparation is offered for people to enter marriage with maturity and hope as authentic marriage bond is vital to family life and the children.
•   Professional and prayerful counselling are provided to marriages in distress.
•   AFF works to mainstream policies and programmes that will add quality to the elderly in our communities.

Women and Child Health Services
Action Family Foundation promotes health, prevents diseases and supports victims of diseases or disasters with needs-based support. AFF is eager to see that our mothers and children no longer die from preventable conditions: malaria, HIV/AIDS, pregnancy complications (maternal mortality), cancers, hypertension.
•   AFF helps communities design, implement and evaluate primary health care services, nutritional interventions, water, hygiene and sanitation as well as school health programmes.

Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is the science and art of fertility regulation based on the knowledge of a woman’s reproductive biology. AFF facilitates NFP because the methods can help couples achieve pregnancy, and spouses may use them to space childbirths in line with responsible parenthood.
•   NFP promotes the total health and psychological wellbeing of the woman, and provides the right domestic atmosphere to educate children on sexuality.
•   Fertility regulation by natural means is culture-sensitive, scientific, cost-effective and does not offend any religious tenet.

Youth Capacity & Economic Empowerment
AFF has confidence in the ability of Nigerian youths to help our country attain global respectability. We encourage youth innovation and entrepreneurship.  
•   Women, widows, single mothers, orphans and unemployed youths are helped with such options as vocational or post-qualification trainings.



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