LM Iseko Cancer Foundation
The LM Iseko foundation is a charity organization, setup in memory of Dr. L.M Iseko with the aim of leading and facilitating a comprehensive and holistic cancer control programme and thereby improving the quality of healthcare and life of Nigerians affec The LM Iseko foundation hopes to reduce the number of cancer cases & deaths and improve the quality of life of Nigerian cancer patients, through the systematic and equitable implementation of evidence-based strategies for prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, and palliation, making the best use of available resources. The goals of the foundation is to:
1.Provision of adequate current information for patients and their families. This it hopes would help:
i)Alleviate anxiety,
ii)Improve patient’s participation in their own care,
iii)Provide information on available treatment modalities and centers in the country and abroad.
2.Provide the structure for the formation and facilitation of social support groups. This it hopes would encourage:
i)Bringing people and their caregivers with similar conditions together and, provide social support for the patient and the caregivers, so they don’t feel alone.
ii)Tertiary disease prevention i.e. social, psychological and occupational rehabilitation of those living with such diseases.
iii)Under the guidance of trained facilitators, share practical experiences that may help in improving the quality of life.
3.Provide access to and promotion of screening for this group of diseases, especially those diseases where early diagnosis and treatment would give an opportunity for cure, by currently available medical treatment.
4.Help healthcare facilities caring for such people with information and, technical expertise for providing evidence based best practices that are patient-centered.
5.Provide subsidies and funding support where possible for:
i)Patients and their families,
ii)Other charities involved in similar scope of activity in Nigeria,
iii)Institutions and individuals that are involved in active cure-seeking research.
This it hopes to do through cooperation, collaboration and, in conjunction with hospitals, other charities, religious organizations, and existing healthcare authorities of government.
6.Provide counseling services.
7.Engage in advocacy for propagation and promulgation of policies and practices, by relevant agencies for the fight against cancer.
The funding for this organization shall be from:
i) Voluntary donations from individuals/families.
ii) Voluntary donations from corporate entities.
iii) Voluntary donations from charities/religious organizations.
iv) Voluntary donations from state and federal governments.
v) Fund-raising events such as charity diners, concerts.
vi) value added fund raising e.g. greeting cards, arm bands, gift items e.t.c.
"Little minds are subdued by misfortune, Great minds rise above them." -- Washington Irving.
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