The Rev Dr UCHE Dan Okafor, after many years of pastoring vibrant churches in Port-Harcourt, Lagos and ABA, was commissioned by God to devote his life unto Evangelistic Outreaches. To fulfill this call, he founded the UCHE DAN OKAFOR EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION; a Non-Denominational, Evangelistic, Outreach Ministry.
CRUSADES: The major arm of the ministry is Open Air, non-denominational crusades. Rev Okafor moves from city to city holding City-Wide Prophetic Crusades and Family Deliverance Assignments. He has always received the corporation of pastors, churches, ministers' fellowships and different Christian groups to host and successfully organize the crusades. Through the ministry of Rev Okafor, thousands of souls have been brought to Christ. Between January and June 2014, the ministry has hosted eight (8) large city wide crusades within and outside Nigeria with about 19,000 people in attendance and 4100 people giving becoming Born Again.
FAMILY DELIVERANCE ASSIGNMENTS: Rev Okafor has a special and unique deliverance ministry. The Lord anointed him to see beyond the physical and identify the powers or spirits responsible for every demonic attack on any individual or family. Many demonic powers can not give up until they are specifically identified and cast out. This is one major area God has used Rev Okafor to help thousands of people.
PROPHETIC CONFERENCES: The ministry also organizes non-denominational Prayer Conferences in different cities with different men and women of God as Guest Speakers alongside Rev Dr Okafor. These conferences break denominational barriers and create opportunities for children of God to be blessed by ministers outside their normal church environments.
CHURCH PROGRAMS: Rev Okafor, every month, ministers in different churches on invitations. There is no type of church denomination, orthodox or Pentecostal, that has not hosted the Rev Okafor
WIDOWS SUPPORT: In every Crusade or Conference organized by Rev Dr Okafor, the ministry extends financially or material support to hundreds of widows, especially in the rural areas. Between January and June 2014, the ministry has supported over 405 widows materially and financially.
SCHOLARSHIPS: Between January and June 2014, the ministry has supported about 46 students in 11 Higher Institutions financially.
TELEVISION OUTREACH: Rev Okafor is the host of the weekly Television Outreach program, "PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY TODAY." This program has aired weekly for over 10years on NTA ABA, NTA ABAKALIKI, NTA UMUAHIA, NTA 2 V/I LAGOS and AFRICAN BROADCASTING NETWORK (ABN) CABLE.
JESUS CLINIC: In order to be able to minister to the numerous number of people requesting prayers from Rev Okafor, God directed him 7years ago to start a weekly Healing, Deliverance and Prophetic Prayer meeting called, "JESUS CLINIC." Through this medium, children of God from different denominations and cities have received unusual miracles and testimonies from God every week.
COUNSELING: Rev Okafor also creates time for one-on-one counseling with individuals who need a personal touch from God. The one on one encounter is usually by appointment. One unique encounter during these one one one sessions is that Rev Okafor some times asks God to open the eyes of the one he's counseling to also see whatever he is seeing. It becomes easier to deal with whatever may be the issue
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facebook.comTESTIMONIES Beloved Partners and Friends, Glory be to God. We are back from OHAFIA CITY-WIDE CRUSADE. Over 650 Adults surrendered their lives to Jesus. About 2,000 people Rededicated themselves to Christ. We gave material gifts to 80 Old Widows indeed. We had 37 Instant Healings. Many were Dramatically delivered from Satanic forces. We also had a Family Deliverance Session. And so many other testimonies. Thank you for your support and Prayers. The Lord shall reward you immeasurably according to His Promises in Jesus Name. We give all the Glory and Praise to our Great God. Continue praying for us as we are already meeting for the next Crusade. Remain Blessed. Yours for Souls, Rev Dr Uche Dan Okafor.
Dear Friends and Lovers of Souls, our OHAFIA CITY-WIDE CRUSADE and FAMILY DELIVERANCE ASSIGNMENT begins today, Friday 18th to Sunday 20th at OHAFIA CENTRAL FIELD, ELU by 4pm. Brethren, please Spare your 15mins to pray morning and night for this Gospel/Kingdom Rally. Pray for God's Presence, Power, Souls, Miracles and Tangible Testimonies. God will Reward you abundantly in Jesus Name! Yours for Souls, Rev Dr Uche Dan Okafor
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Pray for this City-Wide Crusade. If you're around Ohafia, DON'T MISS IT. Inform your Family and Friends TO BE THERE. God Will Personally Touch You In Jesus Name!
When you WORRY, you Hinder God's Power. When you TRUST God completely, you Attract God's Power and Miracles. Trust God completely this Week, no matter the Challenges you face; Even your Mistakes will turn to Blessings in Jesus Name. No matter the Negative News in the Country, God has already made a Way Out for you. Remain Blessed. Yours for Souls, Rev Dr Uche Dan Okafor
Beloved Friends, our next Open Air City-Wide Crusade for Month of March will be at OHAFIA. Today we are having our third meeting with all Pastors/Ministers from different Churches in Ohafia. This is going to be a very large Crusade. We are expecting over 6,000 people in attendance. Our target is that at least 2,000 Souls will give their life to Jesus. We hope to reach out to at least 300 Widows with material gifts. PLEASE PRAY SERIOUSLY FOR THIS CRUSADE. Yours for Souls, Rev Dr Uche Dan Okafor
Beloved, Keep thy way Upright. Pursue Righteousness. The Lord shall bless the Work of your Hands this Week and throughout the Month of March. The Lord will Favor you and your household. He will bless you with Provisions and Peace of Mind. The Lord will give unto you the Riches of the Gentiles. He will connect you to hidden Treasures, so that you will contribute to the work of His Kingdom here on earth. I pray for you that as your Soul prospers, you will also prosper in all things and have good success in Jesus Name. Remain Blessed. Yours for Souls, Rev Dr Uche Dan Okafor
Last Weekend was Harvest Time and Glorious at Kpaduma Town. Many people surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ with evident Joy of Salvation. Demons with loud cries left their Victims. The Dramatic Deliverance sessions shocked many in attendance. The Strongman against some families were exposed and cast out; they testified the following day. God also gave us Healing Testimonies. God's Presence and Power are real indeed. All Glory and Honor be to our Great God. Under this same Anointing, I pray for you. I command every Stronghold against you or your family to be terminated today in the Name of Jesus Christ. I pray that God will give you a New and Spectacular Testimony this week in Jesus Name. Remain Blessed. Yours for Souls, Rev Dr Uche Dan Okafor.
Salvage Someone. You are not the only person who is struggling today. Others around you are hurting too. Be extremely attentive to the silent cries of someone close to you who may be drowning in the Ocean of Helplessness. Permit God to make you their Life-Jacket...of Hope. In helping others, you shall receive help. In helping others heal, you shall be healed. In comforting others, you shall be comforted. In providing for others, you shall enjoy God's kind of Prosperity. Jesus said, "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy" (Matthew 5.7 KJV). Remain Blessed. Yours for Souls, Rev Dr Uche Dan Okafor
January was your Month of Prophetic Creation. This February is your Month of Supernatural Manifestations. Everything God has Promised you will begin to Manifest NOW in JESUS NAME! You will share New Testimonies this Month in Jesus Name! Remain Blessed. Yours for Souls, Rev Dr Uche Dan Okafor.
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TESTIMONY Haliluya! Brethren, our first Outreach in 2016, Calabar Prophetic Crusade last weekend was a great success. The Main Bowl of the Cultural Center was filled to the Galleries, people sat even on the steps. God's Presence and Power were visible through out the 5days. Many people are already sharing their Testimonies of Deliverance, Healings, etc. THANKS FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND SUPPORT. Please continue to Pray for us as we travel to UMUAHIA this Weekend. Your Reward as a Soul Winner shall be great here on earth and in Heaven. Yours for Souls, Rev Dr Uche Dan Okafor.
Hello Friend, Once again I welcome you to the year AD2016: Our Year Of LAUGHTER. May this year be the best you have ever lived up until now. Few days ago, God gave us an Assignment to write down our Goals for the year 2016. Have you started planning for the year? Remember, if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. I declare that success shall be your story this year, but it starts with planning. I discovered long ago that when you plan big things, big things happen and when you plan small things, small things happen. So beloveth, what are you planning towards in this year? Are they big things or small things? If you have not set your goals for the year, if you do not have a plan, I wonder how you want the year to turn out for you. You do know that nothing just happens right? There is no coincidence in life. Any desire you have for the year that is not written down is a mere wish. Wishes are like the smoke of cigarette. They evaporate and disappear. When you write down your Goals, they become printed in your subconscious person. They become measurable, reviewable and focused on. Do not join the people who believe in leaving things to chance. Start planning and setting your goals for this year, the earlier the better. You know before you realise it, the first week and the first Month of the year will run out fast. Do that which you must do now, start planning and setting your goals today. I urge that priority be given to a change of all negative habits you may have that limited you in the past. Whatever new things that must happen for you to achieve your Goals pursue them. You will succeed in Jesus Name. Yours for Souls, Rev Dr Uche Dan Okafor