Hi! We are the Foundation for a Sustainable Development in Papua Barat (SDSP). Want to know more: or get connected on Twitter: The Foundation for a Sustainable Development in Papua Barat (SDSP) was founded from private initiative in 1995 in the Netherlands.
SDSP is a Dutch NGO without political or religious backgrounds and is run completely by volunteers.
SDSP helps the original people of West Papua - whilst preserving their own identity and culture - to build up a sustainable society in which health care, education, agriculture, housing and nature conservation are organized in a efficient and effective manner.
SDSP raises awareness for West Papua with governments, development organizations, social organizations, private persons and corporations.
SDSP supports projects sprung from local initiatives.
SDSP' is dependent on fundings and donations for the execution of ts projects..
SDSP's working method is characterized by:
- with a small investment,
- from the start of a project,
- with relevant partners,
- based on topical 'field knowledge',
- develop and execute a coherent policy in which training and education play the most important part and where the result of projects are determined by the cohesian of economical, ecological and social factors
Tell your friends
Great pictures, a 'must see'!
Grim message on how we mis-use our only vessel in space. The SDSP tries to help and to take care of our planet, in particular West Papua, one of the last 'green lungs' of our earth.
Trots op onze vrijwilliger!
Wolfert Papua Indonesië
Great how the students of Wolfert have been working in West Papua. See this great movie!
Global Heartbeats - fotografie
Great blog!
Sefa International Development Project 2017
Check out the video.... good explanation on why this group is so motivated to start their study project in West Papua in collaboration with SDSP.
Poker Tournament II - Play for Papua
Sefa students (UvA) doing good work for West Papua!
Photos from SDSP's post
Wally en Coby hebben vandaag voor de SDSP en de waterprojecten een prachtige dag gehad op de Pasar Malam in Wageningen. Mooie stand, heel veel bezoek en opnieuw een goede basis voor de schoon water projecten van de SDSP in West Papoea!
Global Heartbeats - fotografie
Onze vrijwilligster gaf ons vandaag een prachtig cadeau: Heel veel mooi fotomateriaal van haar reis naar West Papoea. Yeah!!
Sefa International Development Project 2017
Great to see these students organising fun events... all for a very good project in West Papua!!
Wolfert Papua Indonesië
Prachtig project, prachtige actie!