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Aleatorix Agency

Jan Evertsenplaats 10A, Rotterdam, Netherlands



Founding members:
Stefanie Holzheu Lee
Sang Lee

Sang Lee received his M. Arch. degree from the University of Pennsylvania. He is a licensed architect in the New York State and registered in the Netherlands. Prior to his independent practice, he worked with Daniel Libeskind, William McDonough and Venturi Scott Brown, among others. From 1999 to 2003, Sang served as a visiting faculty at the Bauhaus Summer Academy in Rome, and since 2000 has lectured and served as a guest critic at numerous architecture schools in the US and the EU including Columbia University, Pratt Institute, Temple University, UCLA, Sci-ARC, IUAV and TU Delft. Sang’s design and research interests emphasize the relationship between architecture, urbanism, media and performing arts toward a means to assemble, reframe and project spatial and narrative qualities as an organization of experience. His professional and academic work has placed a special emphasis on reading and deciphering today’s urban dynamics towards the consideration of place-form. For his practice and research Sang has been awarded several grants including the EU Culture 2000, the German Federal Cultural Foundation and the Netherlands Architecture Fund for himself and on behalf of the institutions he was affiliated with. In 2007 Sang co-edited a book on architecture, globalization and cultural identity, “The Domestic and the Foreign in Architecture.” In 2011 he edited a volume “Aesthetics of Sustainable Architecture,” which explores aesthetics potentials in sustainability in architectural and urban design. Currently, Sang is also working on his Ph.D. dissertation, to be published as a sole-authored volume, entitled, “Contingency and Dissonance: Architecture in the Age of Apparatus-Centric Culture.”


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