There's no x in espresso. Coffee.Pastry.Lunch.Tea. Fresh (filter) coffees, homemade pastry & soup. Just around the corner of the UM library and other faculties. Feel free to hop in and take a look and try one of our great coffees or tea, we love to see you around.
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Feestje @crosscurrentsfestival @junglebynight @maastricht.city #party #coffeecrew #maastrichtisntboring #duhh #listentomusic #wijmakenkoffie
Don't miss it! This weekend @crosscurrentsfestival @maastricht #wijmakenkoffie #jazzmusic #andsomuchmore #gogogo #buytickets eat #tostis @tru_toast & #listentomusic #dontmissit #drinkcoffee ;)
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KAFFE • STCKHLM • @cafepascal #coffeebar #zijmakenkoffie #stockholm #filtercoffee #guracho #yummy #citytrippers #cafepascal #welike #inspiration #joost #berightback
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Come in and show us your new found, first hidden, recovered Kingsday gems. We are open as usual 👑 🍊 ( but first walking the dog) #openasusual #kingsdaymaastricht #triftshop #fleamarket #wijmakenkoffie #orangecake #carrotcake #barista #maastricht #koffietogo #walkthedog #puppy #coffeebar #coffeeplease #gems #happydays #sunisout #yeay
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Happy SUNday ☀️#happysunday #sunisshining #bestseatintown #maastricht #netherlands #coffeebar #koffiebar #koffiebijjoostenmaartje #joostheeftvrij #wijmakenkoffie #sunnysideup #windowshopping #coffeeslurping
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Easter survivalkit #setup #hario #homebarista @coffeecollectif @aartskoffie @workshopcoffee #fresh #filter #yummyinmytummy #easter #noeggs #avocadoshow #wakemeupbeforeyougogo #okdoei #seeyouontuesday
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CLOSED FOR EASTER 🐰🐣 #wijmakenkoffie #easter #todaystillopen #maastricht #barista #coffee #koffieleuten #sheep🐑 #bunny #letseatsomeeggs #mehhhh
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ice tea || #homemade #wijmakenkoffie #icetea #fresh #summerfeelings #wijmakenicetea #refreshing #coffeebar #maastricht #nosugaradded #goodjob
|| Natural Yirgacheffe|| #springinacup #wijmakenkoffie #aeropress #freshbrew #yummyinmytummy #spring #maastricht #wakemeupbeforeyougogo #coffeebar #barista
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Sunny side up ☀️ #albusthedachshund #albus #regular #sunbathıng #window #koffiejoostenmaartje #wijmakenkoffie #coffeebar #thirdwavecoffee #maastricht #spring #sunny #dachshund
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•Flatwhite• #wijmakenkoffie #flatwhite #latteart #rosetta #baristalife #beauty #koffiemaastricht #coffeebar #yummyinyourtummy #coffee #thenetherlands #barista ✌🏼
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CAKE my DAY! KOFFIE turns 3 today• cake on the house! Hip hip hooray 🎂